I am not really sure it was a point of no return, but I wrote the Congregation I attended a disassociation letter explaining to them the disgust I felt towards them and their actions. I didn't DA my self from the Org. Just from that rotten Congretation I attended.........
JoinedPosts by agapa37
What was the "point of no return" for you?
by B_Deserter inwas there a point in leaving the organization where you did something that demonstrated that you had officially made your decision to leave?
for me, i think it's going to be when i vote in the general election this year.
it will be my first action in public against jw doctrine.
Would You Really Want To Live Forever With Dubs?
by shamus100 inhere is the hypothetical question of the day - would you, or more appropriately, could you live forever in paradise on earth with jw's?
with the hypocrosy, silly elders, silly people... feeding lions and cleaning up after animals... everyone living by waterfalls, like the jw's always portray in they're psychotic pamphlets..... or would you rather be dead.
i, personally, would much rather be dead.
Actually I look forward to living forever on a paradise earth still. Not with the Brothers and Sisters I had to deal with but most I knew would probably not be there, but then again im no judge......
The NWT actually teaches about the Trinity?
by bite me indoes the nwt teach about the trinity and they do not even realize it because they are either not reading it, or reading around it?
this is an observation that i came across.
i'd love to hear what you think.
Now there are varieties of gifts, but there is the same spirit; 5 and there are varieties of ministries, and yet there is the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of operations, and yet it is the same Godwho performs all the operations in all persons.
I actually don't see where it is talking about the trinity here. It is refering to gifts, ministries and a variety of operations that God performs through all persons with his spirit.......However, it is good that you are thinking while reading the scriptures. We are encouraged to use our thinking ability and the power of reason while studying his word.
by agapa37 inthis question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation.
think back to the days of the bible kings for the nation of israel.
there were bad kings who took israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track.
I'd fire all the top brass at bethel. Get in some fresh honest researches and start changing the doctrine - no for my own beliefs but put everything out there and they can discuss it propertly / have healthy debates and such. I couldn't agree with you more. A good "house cleaning" is needed. I also agree with JGnat, humble acknowledgement of mistakes and errors and apologies are in order, after all, that is part of being a christian. There have been alot of great ideas and suggestions. For the christians on this site maybe while in prayer, mention to God that there is a group that needs his help, after all I don't think ALL the JWS are bad, somewhat lost maybe!
by agapa37 inthis question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation.
think back to the days of the bible kings for the nation of israel.
there were bad kings who took israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track.
exactlly yknot! So are you saying you would start with the Leaders? After all Jesus did say where the shepard goes the flock follows.Working your way from the top up?
by agapa37 inthis question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation.
think back to the days of the bible kings for the nation of israel.
there were bad kings who took israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track.
The door to door Ministry is one of the many things I would change. I wouldn't abolish it altogether but would tweak it in the eyes of the publishers. You are right, I worked with many who just thought about time or how many magazines they would place. A change in attitude needs to take place within the people concerning their ministry. I would create NEW outlines for the ministry and its purpose. Highlight the real reason why one should go out. The hearts of the people need to be changed, therefore, talks about the ministry need to be changed, as well as the writings in the WT, seeing that is how the JWS are taught. A good hard look and study of how Jesus and his disciples carried out their ministry in the public, synagoges and from house to house is greatly needed.
by agapa37 inthis question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation.
think back to the days of the bible kings for the nation of israel.
there were bad kings who took israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track.
Sacolton what great repsonces, I especially agree with # 6. People have gone way overboard with the shunning. But I must say if they abolish the door to door ministry I think they would be going against Jesus example and command to go therefore and preach, teach and make disciples. I would keep that one. However, I would incorporate your idea of not making people feel guilty for not going out enough. Thanks for your thoughts.
by agapa37 inthis question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation.
think back to the days of the bible kings for the nation of israel.
there were bad kings who took israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track.
This question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation. Think back to the days of the bible kings for the Nation of Israel. There were bad kings who took Israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track. If you were given the authority to institute and inforce changes to bring the Organization on track what would they be? Would you allow women to be Elders? Would you start building Kingdom Halls with windows? Would you start with doctrinal changes or would you clean up the administration first? Your honest opinions would be appreciated.
I always wondered ...
by sacolton inif someone were to accidently take a live microphone into the bathroom - would the congregation be treated to some.
toilet humor?
i could imagine listening to a talk and suddenly hear a thunderous *ppffft* over the speakers.. that would have been great!.
That would be humerous ANYWHERE not just at the Kingdom Hall.
Do you ever miss it? Ever?
by AK - Jeff infor me - rarely would be the correct word.
i don't miss the indoctrination.
i don't miss the wasted time in service.
Actually I have those thoughts alot, but like you, I don't miss the people. What I do miss is the feeling I had while I was there. I had a genuine feeling of happiness while I was out in service or at a bible study. I felt that way because I KNEW I was making Jehovah and Jesus happy and that made me happy. I too have DA'd myself and admittedly have been happier in a way since. Without rambling on too much------Yes in some ways I do miss it.