Go to CVS or Wallgrens and tell the nurse practitioner your depressed and you want Bupropion.
It cost about 5$ a month. Most likely they will give it to you because you asked for it.
After you take it for a month you wont be depressed any more.
Thats the easy and effective way to deal with depression.
If you cant bring yourself to take a pill every day for 5$ a month.
Put a rubber band on your wrist and every time you think a bad thought that leads you to be depressed
snap the rubber band.
When you snap the rubber band, and it stings, the sting is to remind you to think a happy, non depressing
Thats called rubber band therapy it works if you work it. It takes more effort than Bupropion.
If you dont know what thoughts lead you to be depressed than your going to have to pay a therapist.
He wont tell what thoughts make you depressed, you will have to pay him and tell him.
When you tell him what those thoughts are
remember them,
then put a rubber band on your wrist
and every time you think one of those depressing thoughts, snap the rubber band and then think about something else.
Something good and happy.
It works if you work it.