Christianity got there storys from their myths there have been many messiahs and virgin births before jesus.
JoinedPosts by jaguarbass
Ever question why Roman and Greek myth, had similarities to Christianity?
by free2beme inthe virgin birth, the strong men, animals being used to tempt mankind, the war between gods, etc.
these are all things from greek and roman myth, yet every single one of these could be pulled out as examples from the christian bible.
i asked elders and they would say that the greeks borrowed christianity to make their myths.
Last Night A Young Elder Got Announced As Being---- Deleted!
by minimus inmy mom told me that the new elder that just got appointed 6 months ago was now deleted.
this young man is in his early 30's, unmarried, and now history.
what could've happened??
How could a man have a problem with masturbation? He wasnt doing it often enough? And why tell someone in church about your sexual inabilitys. He should have just gone to his doctor and gotten some viagra and kept his buisiness to himself. But hes young so he has learned a valuable lifes lesson.
JW dramas on tape
by DesertRat injust curious as to how many others besides me might recall some of the old bible dramas released on cassette tape (longtime jwd posters would undoubtedly know).
the earliest one i remember was 'jehovah's name declared in all the earth' (convention of 1981, i think), which dealt with the israelites' exodus from egypt and the beginning of their long sojourn in the wilderness.
but it was the sequel 'beware of losing faith by drawing away from jehovah' that unfortunately really stands out in my memory (perhaps because of the nightmares it gave me..).
I dont think a god of love resides in the bible. Where does the concept a god of love come from? Religion is about creating a need and filling it. Religion creates a need of salvation or answers about an uncertain future and fills the need by offering salvation thru works for the organization who is the intermediary between god and man.The oldest con known to man.
Video of Kingdom Hall building in developing lands doesn't mention Jesus
by truthseeker inyou could be forgiven for thinking that jehovah's witnesses acknowledge jesus christ as a central figure in the society.. last week, we had the co's visit and he showed us the video.
i forget the title, but it was about building halls in developing lands and the work that goes into them.. a number of brothers, and sisters!
were interviewed.. there didn't seem to be much begging for money in the video itself, however, the 5 minute co talk afterwards made it quite clear that "if we are moved by what we saw, we will do everything we can to support the kingdom hall building work, either by volunteering our time and skills or by contributing to the world wide work.".
So have you went from being a jw to a jesus worshiper? Good luck on your quest for truth.
Could you or would you ever....
by beautifulisfree ingo back to the kingdumb hall??
even for someones wedding or a loved ones funeral?
No. No. No!
Do you believe the Ark of the Covenant still exists (or ever existed)?
by gaiagirl inwhile thinking about more bible related legends depicted in films, a rather obvious one came to mind...the ark of the covenant.
do you think it still exists, hidden somewhere?
or do you think it was captured and destroyed following one of the defeats of israel?
I really dont know what to think anymore. But if you want to experience another perspective to whats going on in the world check out some of the writings of David Icke. I would start with "children of the matrix". Its no more bizzare than the watchtower literature. He has a different twist to demon possession.
by Dansk inmy older son, karl, is leaving home.
it could be this coming sunday but, if not, definitely sometime during next week.. karl has been a wonderful son and friend.
leaving watchtower was made so much easier because of him - and his decision to exit undoubtedly prompted my wife, claire, to take a look at the damning evidence herself!
Best wishes, I bet you are proud of your son.
I am in agony...................
by vitty in......................ive just been stung for the first time by a wasp.
my goodness its so painful, it feels as though ive been burned.
i dont know what to put on it for some relief.
The lump is as big as a orange with red wheels going up and down my armI think if you have a lump as big as an orange your having an alergic reaction and need medical attention.
when ever I have gotten bit by a wasp there was nothing more than itching
Do you rather an automatic or manual transmission?
by JH in.
my first cars were all "manual" and they were small cars, cheap on gas.. then later on in life, i spoiled myself and bought automatic cars.. last week, i tried a manual yaris, and wasn't that comfortable with the manual transmission.
maybe it's the fact that i didn't drive a manual car in 6 years.. just wondering if anyone here after driving automatic transmission cars since many years, if you would come back to manual..
We have one of each. It seems like the manual is faster off the line. You save some money about $1,000. on a Toyota buying a manual.
August In Photos (OFG Is Still Alive)
by OpenFireGlass inbonus pictures.... bear scratching post.... .
some of the mess i have to clean up..... .
my dog waiting for me in cab of the truck.... .
Beautiful, now I know where I want to live.