As to children leaving with their parents, I think it largely depends upon the age of the children. If they are married to mates that are "gung ho" Witnesses, the chances are that they will stay in the organization and shun their parents. On the other hand, younger children will have no choice. They will follow their parents and probably be relieved that they no longer have to follow the strict regimen of meetings and service. But we are told that 2/3rds raised in the organization leave once they make their own decisions. (PEW report) Whatever the circumstances, the loss of so many young JWs belies the claim of the Watchtower that children who are "trained in the truth" become faithful members. But, of course, the leaders of the organization put the blame on the parents anyway and thereby add to the guilt of an already overburden membership.
To many of the young in the congregation, the dates are "ancient history." But any significant change will still cause some to re-evaluate the whole Watchtower belief system. For example, the change in "this generation" teaching was the "last straw" for some even though the majority accepted it as "new light." The fact is that there has been an constant erosion in the membership in the last few years that is hidden because of increase of new converts.