Topics Started by Pahpa
Greek scriptures and early Christians
by Pahpa inthe writings of the new testament were written primarily for the.
ordinary christian believer.
a few were to specific people.
Translations and Translators
by Pahpa intranslation has come under a lot of criticism for its biased and incorrect renderings.
it is a fair evaluation.
but it is not peculiar to that translation alone.
Jehovah's Witnesses and morality
by Pahpa ini am always puzzled by the contradictory morality of jehovah's witnesses.
a person is formally disfellowshipped or disassociated in a congregation, that.
person is usually castigated and shunned by all other members.
Queen Esther?
by Pahpa ini just had an amusing e-mail from a friend who said that some evangelicals are comparing sarah palin to queen esther.
i wonder if this makes mccain king ahasuerus (xerxes) or, perhaps mordecai?
Study required for baptism?
by Pahpa inspeaking of baptism, paul and silas baptized the jailer and his family the same night that the earthquake opened the doors of the jail.
no mention was made of weeks of doctrinal study or even an elder's examination of the potential believers.
all that was required is summed up in paul and silas's words "believe in the lord jesus and you will be save - you and your household.
"Faithful and Wise Servant" Intrepretation?
by Pahpa inmost commentaries say that the "faithful and wise servant" of matthew 24:45-31 is general admonition to christian members or christian leaders to remain faithful until the "return of the master.
" but bible students and the watchtower have given it specific prophetic fulfillment in the person of charles russell or in the annointed of the watchtower organization.
is anyone aware of other religious groups that have given it this significance?
What happened to the simplicity of the early church?
by Pahpa inearly christians were drawn together by their love of christ and each other.
most were just hard working average people who had little education and no understanding of the philosophies of the world.
the gospel message of the kingdom and the future hope of life everlasting were the basis of their simple faith.
Watchtower Hierarchy
by Pahpa infor years, the catholic church was the focus of the vitriol of the watchtower society.
but it is amazing how much the organization has become like the catholic church in certain aspects.. in the bonham, texas trial the society's lawyers argued that the society was a "hierarchy.".
in the sexual abuse cases, they argued for "clergy privilege of confidentiality.".
Pharasaical thinking....
by Pahpa ini know a number of parents who have left the organization and whose children refuse to have anything to do with them because of the disfellowshipping policy of the watchtower society.
these children justify their position declaring that loyalty to jehovah/organization has priority over "honoring" one's parents.
the striking similarity of this position to that of the pharisees of jesus' day can not be ignored.