what about Betty Swallocks and Mary Hinge - have they been bothering you?
Posts by solo
Ben Dover... Ben Dover... Ben Dover...
by Elsewhere indamn it!
i hate it when i get a stupid word or phrase stuck in my head.
all frigg'in morning it's been stuck in my head.... ben dover... ben dover... ben dover.... .
how many atheist and agnostics on this site
by dannygwalsh inhi everyone just a question to satisfy my curiosity , and if you are a non believer are you happier for being so
Try to make a list of 100 phone numbers of people who will be glad to take your call and who want to visit with you. Call them all once a week. Just say "Hi, How are you doing?". Do that for one month. At the end of the month look at the happy meter.
yeah then look at the phone bill and watch the happy meter start spinning the other way!!! Ha ha ha, nice idea but I don't know 100 people let alone 100 who would be happy to hear from me unless I was buying something
how many atheist and agnostics on this site
by dannygwalsh inhi everyone just a question to satisfy my curiosity , and if you are a non believer are you happier for being so
I'm a dyslexic devil worshipper - I sold my soul to santa!
I'm an atheist in progress, you could call me athecurious
MOve on!???
by Core88 inok so i am a ex-witness,(disfellowshiped) i have posted here before...but i must say why have'nt we moved on?
come on i mean if we all really thought that the jw sect was just that then why are we not trying to forget it and let life go on as it has; and try to be true to ourselves and our neighbor and read jesus words as recorded in the bible?
i have been reading my bible on lunch breaks at my work, as well as reading in the dhammapada.
I wish this place had been available to me when I left nearly 20 years ago, I had no one for support, no one I could talk to who would understand I was totally isolated. It did not even occur to me that there were others who felt like I did.
For those who are leaving the org now this is a wonderful place to come.
Everyone's situation is different and I agree you can move on to some extent but some situations are desperate or hopeless.
I must admit I do wonder about the addictiveness of this site, I wonder if some spend too much time here instead of persuing other interests or making friends locally. If I had just left the org and had just found this site, it would be so easy be here every evening instead of forcing myself to go out and meet people . . . just a thought
Do you have any phobias?
by greendawn indo you have any phobias jw related or not?
i personally don't have much except having to go through very narrow spaces where i can barely fit in that freaks me out and i also fear very hot weather like over 38 degrees celsius as if it will give me a heat stroke.
I have a ridiculous fear of spiders and it irritates the hell out of me because I'm not really pathetic in other ways
When you are as terriefied as I am of these things I am afraid death is the only thing for it. I cannot get close to them so usually they get hoovered up.
Does anyone live in a spider house? I have lived in a couple - they attract big black spiders. Whilst dressing in the half dark one morning I spotted an enormous spider sitting on my shoulder - I just lost the plot, ripped off my top and started hyper ventilating. My boyfriend reaced very slowly and did not understand so shortly afterwards he was dumped.
Have you every seen a spider in a room then lost sight of it? What do you do? You obviously have to leave the house don't you.
I spend time every day checking my clothes and towels - I call it spider sweeping. What I really worry about is a spider appearing in the car, I think I would crash and die.
My boyfriend is very good at spotting them and catching them
My other fear is demons although I've never seen one so I think they might be a myth
Was Being A Witness, All THAT Bad???
by minimus ini mean, you could've been made to be an islamic fundamentalist or something, right?
well let me just remember:
no christmas celebrations or presents, no birthdays parties or presents, no easter eggs, halloween, fire works night, not allowed to discos, cinema or joining in with school events
set apart at school, not allowed to join in with anything related to christmas or anything mentioned above or religious lesson, not allowed into assembly all of which led to bullying by both children and teachers. Left isolated.
little association with our grandparents and cousins because they were wordly
constant studying, setting through hours and hours of boring meetings, being dragged out of bed on a saturday morning to go on field service. Giving up our summer holiday to aux pioneer
forced to dress up in formal unfashionable clothes then made to troup to the KH in front of our friends who were out playing on a sunny Sunday afternoon
knocking on doors in our local neighbourhood in fear of a peer answering, being jeered by children whilst on FS.
The fear of demons being instilled into our minds
hmm, no it wasn't all that bad really, the more i think about it, it was WORSE!
My Mini Van was stolen last night!! (long)
by ButtLight inmy son takes my van to school everyday.
so yesterday, after school, he decides to leave the van there, ride with his buddy to work, and pick it up later!
he comes home about 8:00 pm wild!
I think you should persue this with the school without sueing
As the vehicle's owner the crime was committed against you not your son. Your vehicle was taken without conscent and driven without insurance. What if this person had crashed your vehicle? This issue should be addressed with the Principal.
As for the police raking up your son's past, this is irrelvent, as I said the crime was commited against you, not your son.
with regard to your son parking in a space that was allocated for others then he should have been issued a ticket, this is after all a parking offence.
the matter of your son leaving the vehicle open and the keys inside - well that is between you and him
A previous writer is right, the teachers and staff should be setting the student an outstanding example, the behaviour of the phantom driver is discraceful and in no way justified
The Internet: A greater threat to the WTS than we ever dreamed
by Elsewhere inchange "politician" to "watchtower leadership" and "voter" to "jehover's witness".
google boss warns politicians about internet power.
well I found this site by accident, I googled JWs as I was actually looking for the Society's official site and look what I got!!!
(I was only looking for info about the Prague Assembly to see when the parents would be returning)so this is really good news for:
1. JWs looking for all things Jehovah and finding all things apostate. Yes they may burn their laptop because they suddendly saw the big apostate, but then curiousity and the dead cat thing . .
2. People studying and interested in joining surfing for some info. then finding out the truth
3. Children of jws who are more likely to use the internet
Dirty Little Tricks...
by Justice-One indirty little tricks...that i might add help keep me sane.
one of the things i like to do when my "true-believing" wife leaves her new "study aids" and stuff on the kitchen table, is to take a few of them and burn them in the stove.
funny, she never seems to miss them.
One of the things I like to do when my "true-believing" wife leaves her new "study aids" and stuff on the kitchen table, is to take a few of them and burn them in the stove.
I find that the Society material always burns well, unlike apostate material - always goods for getting the fire going. Nothing like a good WT and Awake to start the fire off, must be the good quality printing! Although when I don't have an open fire I tend to use the shredder. I pull a few copies of the WT and A from my parents home so they don't have so many to place, I don't think they've noticed
Campfire Ghost Stories and Jehovah's Witnesses
by The wanderer in<!-- .style2 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style4 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #993300; } .style5 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000; } .style6 {color: #ff0000} .style7 {color: #000000} .style8 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #000000; } --> campfire ghost stories and jehovah's witnesses being in the organization there were always stories, rumors, and gossip.
that ran rampant throughout the congregations.
from time to time you.
there was so much - everything was demonised unless it was produced by the society wasn't it?
I think our house was demonised although I never saw a thing. My brother has loads of experiences, seeing figures, not being able to go downstairs due to the invisible force ? wtf? My mum was always banging on about this and that happening, probably to scare the sh*t out of us.
Anything that was given to us kids had to be confiscated and destroyed in case it was demonised and that included sweets. Well I suppose if they are going to ban Christmas and birthdays there's no point in stopping there.
I think there was also some book that was demonic so that had to be burned but it took two elders and a lot of petrol (then they had to pray) - is it not the case that books don't burn easily anyway. something to do with no oxygen between the pages, they are basically like a lump of wood.
My parents ofter bought things at auctions and second hand shops and then start going on about how they are demonised, but just to make sure and terrify us kids they leave them in the house for a couple of weeks, building up the evidence before destroying said item