Posts by dubla

  • email

    YELLOW RIBBON : Show your support!

    by email in
    1. social
    2. current

    a lot of us can have different opinions about going war... some can support it... other can protest it... and thats what freedom of speech is all about.

    but there's a threshold and we're past that threshold... we're at war.

    so no matter what your opinions were before or even now no one can change the fact that we are at war and that won't change no matter how much those that oppose it try.

    1. Pleasuredome
    2. LB
    3. Simon
  • dubla


    ive just finished reviewing both threads, and i have to say on this topic i disagree with your/simons stance. i can understand you not wanting antiwar and prowar symbols displayed.....completely understandable. but.....the yellow ribbon is protroops, not is NOT the opposite of antiwar, as you and simon make it sound. i would be very surprised if there arent antiwar americans who indeed display their own support for the troops, probably even yellow ribbons. now, simon started by saying it takes up too much space, and if thats indeed the case (im not knowledgable in that area), then i can understand not wanting them posted. imo, it wouldve never even been an issue had simon not implied that it was one on this thread. in fact, the way email worded his first post, i cant see how any antiwar poster wouldve read it and been offended in any way, shape, or form. again, just my opinions, and ill respect the request to avoid displaying the ribbon, even though i think its a great idea. im sure ill just be accused of trying to make trouble, and make an issue out of nothing........but i do believe an issue was made out of nothing here.


  • email

    YELLOW RIBBON : Show your support!

    by email in
    1. social
    2. current

    a lot of us can have different opinions about going war... some can support it... other can protest it... and thats what freedom of speech is all about.

    but there's a threshold and we're past that threshold... we're at war.

    so no matter what your opinions were before or even now no one can change the fact that we are at war and that won't change no matter how much those that oppose it try.

    1. Pleasuredome
    2. LB
    3. Simon
  • dubla
    This is proving my point though that allowing people on either side to post logo's and symbols in every post is just another way to insult each other.

    i cant understand how posting a symbol that says "i support our troops" is insulting anyone. hell, even alot of the antiwar protestors being interviewed are vowing their support for our troops....even tom dachle is saying the nation needs to unite and support the troops...and he was the most outspoken opposer to the war this entire time! is he "insulting" the antiwar movement by showing explicit support for our troops? i dont see how. i havent read the other thread to which ang is directing attention yet, so ill go check it out now. maybe there is proof in that thread that this support is insulting.


  • dolphman

    UN FINDS WMD...OK saddam lovers, what now?

    by dolphman in
    1. social
    2. current

    ok lets hear your pathetic excuses.

    c'mon now don't be shy.

    let's hear what you have to say.

    1. Realist
    2. dubla
    3. Realist
  • dubla

    the world is not quite as simple as you imagine it to be.

    hussein is telling his people exactly what they are supposed to hear. bush is telling his people exxactly what they are supposed to hear.

    thats obvious, and true of all wars. there will always be propaganda on both sides telling us what we need to hear, and nothing that would be too damaging to public opinion. i dont imagine it to be any simpler than that. the problem is that the war opposers have this blanket opinion of the prowar posters, thinking that we blindly believe all u.s. media reports, and blindly follow all of bushs words, which is just categorically incorrect.

    your points only reinforce mine, which is that hussein would never want his side believing that he negotiated surrender/exile, and our side would love for this type of news to break publicly. it never happened, or we wouldve made damn sure the world knew about it, plain and simple.


  • chachasmum

    Helicopter just reported down

    by chachasmum in
    1. jw
    2. friends


    it has just been reported that a helicopter has crashed all 16 people killed, near kuwait border.

    1. Realist
    2. dubla
    3. Realist
  • dubla
    there are situations sometimes that make it necessary to protect ones country...

    and this is the reason our soldiers join up to begin with. again, you are making this about choices and agendas, which have nothing to do with the reasons for being a soldier. once you join the armed forces, you dont choose which battles to take part in, thats where youre confused. the soldiers dont have to agree with why we are there, and some of them probably dont. obviously its a tough concept for you to grasp, so you choose to just believe the soldiers are "brainwashed" into believing bushs "bs".


  • dolphman

    UN FINDS WMD...OK saddam lovers, what now?

    by dolphman in
    1. social
    2. current

    ok lets hear your pathetic excuses.

    c'mon now don't be shy.

    let's hear what you have to say.

    1. Realist
    2. dubla
    3. Realist
  • dubla

    so realist, let me get this is your opinion that hussein may have indeed tried to privately negotiate, and it was kept so top secret from any media sources that these talks never were made public. um, okay.....if it makes you feel better, then by all means stick to it. the rest of the world will continue to know that hussein would never, ever accept defeat by leaving before the war even started..............hell, he hasnt even accepted that he lost the first gulf war yet!


  • JH

    Are you tired of War

    by JH in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    since months they are talking about war, and now it is happening.

    ever since 9/11, we are flooded with news of war.

    are you sick and tired of hearing about war?

    1. DakotaRed
    2. jelly
    3. Realist
  • dubla
    I am sick of hearing anti-war protesters who think they can infringe on my rights by stopping traffic, and causing public disturbances.

    not to mention dragging innocent people from their cars and beating them, rioting, vanadalizing various buildings, attempting to burn down the u.s. embassy in cairo, etc, etc, etc.....all in the name of "peace".


  • DakotaRed

    Post A Message To The Troops

    by DakotaRed in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    regardless of where any stand on the upcoming war, all have said they support the troops.

    here is a chance to show that support.

    this site is a board strictly for messages to the troops.

    1. ozziepost
    2. ISP
    3. dubla
  • dubla

    t h-

    i finally found the letter you were have been begging someone to respond to after digging through your post history (thanks for not just giving me the link btw). upon reading it, im not sure what you think is so significant about it? what is so hard for anyone to respond to? heres an excerpt:

    Perhaps we can pull this off, but here's a far worse scenario that's at least as likely. Within hours of our attack, Saddam launches Scuds on Israel. Israel's right-wing government launches a full-scale attack on Iraq, creating a holy war nightmare. Saddam, threatened with his own survival, uses chemical and biological weapons and human shields just as he has in the past.

    looks like his worse case scenario isnt even going to come close to materializing. again, what was the big deal about this letter anyhow?


  • 3acrewood

    Movies You Watch Over & Over & Over

    by 3acrewood in
    1. social
    2. entertainment

    have you noticed there are certain movies you just never get tired of watching?

    what's does your list include?

    here are some of mine (in no particular order as to favorites):.

    1. grumblecakes
    2. Vidiot
    3. LouBelle
  • dubla

    -fight club

    -jay and silent bob strike back

    -star wars (along with everyone else)

    -ferris buelers day off

    -meet the parents

    -die hard trilogy


    off the top of my sure there are more.


  • ThiChi

    Iraq's Tortured Children

    by ThiChi in
    1. social
    2. current

    iraq's tortured children .

    some witnesses had direct experience of child torture .

    by john sweeney .

    1. Simon
    2. ThiChi
    3. ThiChi
  • dubla
    However, more people than just Saddam do things like this

    one at a time.
