in answer to your yes or no question, my simple answer is no. but thats just me, and i completely understand others that would want them removed for the reasons youve implied. im sure it would anger many. personally, ive already dealt with posters saying those exact things, and i didnt expect their posts to be edited or removed.
This has already been covered if you would take the time to read through this topic.
i thought i had already said that i took the time to read the topic? i realize others had made similar points, but i felt like voicing my opinion, and frankly i didnt fully buy your explanations when you "covered" this.
Most people equate "support the troops" to "support the war" (as demonstrated by the unwillingness to accept that people who oppose the war can support the troops)
just because you found a website that believes this, i dont think it means "most people". ask tom dachle if he thinks a yellow ribbon is offensive, and maybe youd be surprised by his answer. like i said, the way email worded his first post was sufficient to quell any offensive feelings of posters on this board to the "yellow ribbon", and it wasnt until after you posted your feelings on the war of symbols that any antiwar poster even spoke up and implied such things. it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, imo.
If pro-war logos are allowed then so must anti-war logos. I personally can't comprehend how people can be insulted by an American flag with a peace sign on it. It just shows the danger of judging everyone else frmo our own, narrow viewpoint.well, i suppose if youre sticking to the yellow ribbon = prowar, then all of your points are valid. to be honest, im not offended personally by the american flag with a pecace sign on it either, and i dont fully understand the outrage with that particular symbol, but i do see your points on judgement.
In reality, putting a little yellow gif on some JW related forum provides no support to the the troops whatsoever just as anti-war logo's are not going to convince anyone to withdraw.
i honestly believe that you are confused about showing support. if i show support it doesnt mean i think im giving direct aid to the soldiers, and helping save their lives. to me, this logic is completely off base. as you said, perhaps the troops abroad are viewing this site, and perhaps they appreciate seeing a yellow ribbon, and knowing that poster truly cares about whether they live or die. or maybe they think its just a worthless token of appreciation as you imply it is. who knows.
If, as some are suggesting, I was dead against it because I was anti-war then I would lock / edit / delete the pro-war topics and any logo's that pop up on unrelated topics. The fact that I have treated both sides fairly show that this is not the case.
i dont think your motives are bad whatsoever, i just think it was an issue that didnt have to be made an issue. again, just my opinion. as i said, ill respect the request, and i have no intention of carrying out a long argument on it, as im sure youre tired of fielding these comments, and i dont care to be labeled a trouble-maker as many are at times. as l.b. has said, its great to have a place where we can disagree with the moderator publicly.......your site and work are appreciated.