Why do you guys spend so much time discussing and researching a book you believe to be fiction? Wouldn't it make more sense to devote your time to discussing things you believe in rather than a fairy tale?
The study of literature and history are rewarding pursuits for most. For most college students a study of western civilization is required. Atheist or not, the bible has had a profound influence on the world in which we live. Refusing to spend time studying the bible would limit ones understanding of humanity. The confluence of spirituality, the arts and sciences is where it is at, in my humble opinion.
Fading and ex-Witnesses hang around because we have been through a unique experience. Most have had the very foundations of our belief and social systems torn to pieces. That trauma is tough enough without some sort of support or at least shared experiences. For some, the experience of leaving the Witnesses may cause them to experience self-doubt and a reticence to trust any authority. Realizing that others have gone through the transition can make the healing and rebuilding processes go more smoothly.
An finally, there are many intelligent people on the board. And for me, my education with regard to religious history and the history of the Witnesses has been greatly enhanced from being a part.