My step-dad (who wasn't a JW) would make me go, even after my pet had just died, or I would be "going nowhere" for the rest of the week. I try not be be bitter about the JW's...but reading the posts show that we have a right to feel that way!
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
Your going to the meetings whether you like it or not!
by Atlantis inyour going to the meetings whether you like it or not!
thousands of jehovah's witness children have heard those threatening words backed-up with spankings, whippings, or even severe beatings.
but what if they are too small to understand?
How Do YOU Diet To Lose Weight?
by minimus intypically, by the end of the summer, i usually take off some weight due to good exercise and better eating.
then, in late fall and in the winter, it gets tough again.....what do you do to keep the weight off or if you've put a few pounds on how do you keep them off??
I try to eat more fruit....and less of the "bad" stuff. Also, in Texas it is just now getting to the point where I can go for walks outside, so I am trying to do that a few times a week. Another thing is not drinking much....which is hard, because I love having a few beers with my hubby on the back porch after the baby is in bed!
I wish every witness would seek the truth
by megsmomma inas i have been reading different posts here, i can see that it is a huge factor that the jw's are just so in the dark as to what the org.
actually does and teaches.
i had thought my experience was unique....but i can tell that it is not so.
As I have been reading different posts here, I can see that it is a huge factor that the JW's are just so in the dark as to what the org. actually does and teaches. I had thought my experience was unique....but I can tell that it is not so. I was in the org for 12 years. I had lots of Bible studies and felt like I had "made the truth my own". I always had felt guilty for leaving, and was still in that mind set untill a few months ago. I had just had my daughter and my mom (who is still a JW and hadn't talked to me for several years) came to visit me. (well...came to see my daughter) She was laying it on thick, telling me how I know the truth and my family was going to die at Armegeddon if I did not do something about it. I believed her too....and I told my husband that it was bothering me that I felt like I knew that we were all going to die, and I felt guilty since I wasn't doing anything about knowing this. He realized and told me..."You're STILL a JW!!" I was like...."no way....I am disfellowshipped! How can I be a JW?" But...I realized I still thought the JWs were telling the "truth", so I decieded I would REALLY make the truth my own and started my search. I spent MANY hours a day looking at things on the "official JW web site" and comparing it to the Bible....and then I started looking at various sites that uncovered a-lot of things I never knew about the org. I was shocked as I saw more and more proof that there was no way the JW's were the "one true religion", like I had been told. It was about a week into my researching when I actually recieved Holy Spirit........and knew that the Bible was right...If you seek, you will find. Now I just pray that all JW's who have the right heart actually start seeking. I know it is only God that can help them....but I try to be his tool and plant little seeds in all the people I can.(including my 8 yr old daughter being raised as a JW) When I had done all the research....I told my mom....who you would think would be happy since I did make the truth my own....but of course she was actually FURIOS....because I did not come to THEIR I am officially dis-owned again....and probably labled as apostate now.
As a side note....I looked up the meaning of apostate and was actually surprised at the meanoing of the word. I though it meant you were against God...or something horrible like that...But all it means is you are no longer for a religion, or a political party, or any group any longer, and you will speak out against it. Hey...I can do that! I am proud to be an APOSTATE of JW's!
Does anyone miss the food?
by megsmomma ini am talking about when there would be a get together and everyone would bring lots of food?!?
i guess being a glutton is not as bad as being a drinker, or fornicator...ect!
i remember going to a get together after leaving the cult....and i brought a huge vat of homemade potatoe- salad....and that was about all there was to eat!
We are near Denton......we don't have family living near here. My hubby's family is in NC, and we are possibly moving there next year...It would be nice to have sitters!
Does anyone miss the food?
by megsmomma ini am talking about when there would be a get together and everyone would bring lots of food?!?
i guess being a glutton is not as bad as being a drinker, or fornicator...ect!
i remember going to a get together after leaving the cult....and i brought a huge vat of homemade potatoe- salad....and that was about all there was to eat!
I am talking about when there would be a get together and everyone would bring lots of food?!? I guess being a glutton is not as bad as being a drinker, or fornicator...ect! I remember going to a get together after leaving the cult....and I brought a HUGE vat of homemade potatoe- salad....and that was about all there was to eat! LOL! When I was pregnant I kept wishing I could find a park with JW's having a pic-nic get together and crash it for the goodies!
In which ways do you still think or act like one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by The wanderer inuntitled document <!-- .style1 {font-family: verdana} --> in what ways do you still think or act like one of jehovah's witnesses?
last night, some co-workers invited me to watch monday night football at a .
local area bar.
I sometimes feel like I am priveledged to know the things I know about the Bible...however wrong the original ideas I had were. (make sense?)
I am new here!HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
by megsmomma ini have been a lurker here for a few months and feel like i know you all already.
my story is (of course) similar to everyone else's.
basically my mom became a jw when i was 10. my sister and i had to be in it with her, and i wanted to go along because i wanted to please jah...and have lots of furry animals in the new system.
megsmomma therapy! I did go to therapy I paid I will admitt it helped me to get over some things. It took 7 years to feel free to discover myself, and my husband was a great source of healing too. Nice to have a man that is attracted to wemon! I have no problem sharing my all have shared with me and I appreciate it!
I am new here!HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
by megsmomma ini have been a lurker here for a few months and feel like i know you all already.
my story is (of course) similar to everyone else's.
basically my mom became a jw when i was 10. my sister and i had to be in it with her, and i wanted to go along because i wanted to please jah...and have lots of furry animals in the new system.
The whole gay thing went like this...
We were both virgins when we got married. My worldly aunt gave me a "joy of sex" book that he made me throw away...the drawings were too! Any ways...we had a miserable sex life and he said he just didn't feel attracted to wemon. He never admitted he was gay, but he did admitt he had a porn problem, and with him not being attracted to wemon, I put 2&2 together. That was the last straw, because it was 5 years into the marriage when he told me these things, along with the news that he was "abused" by a worldly male cousin at age 12...and cousin was 13. I was in the throws of the PP depression at that time and I just couldn't take it, so I left. Wish I knew what I knew now. I would have gotten my baby....but I had been home schooled and had no additional I was set up or failure. family all took his side. No one really knew the extent of it, but said we needed to stay together even if we have seperate bed rooms. UGH!
I am new here!HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
by megsmomma ini have been a lurker here for a few months and feel like i know you all already.
my story is (of course) similar to everyone else's.
basically my mom became a jw when i was 10. my sister and i had to be in it with her, and i wanted to go along because i wanted to please jah...and have lots of furry animals in the new system.
My ex was 28 when he married her. He is now 31 and she is 20. I feel that he should have known better, due to the fact that we were so young when we got married...and there is NOWAY you are ready at that age. However, I think for her, it seemed like a "fun" have a child to distract you at the meetings, and an excuse to not go in service, ect. Now, it is really sad because my daughter says she and her "mommy Rhonda" cuddle on the couch and watch TV a-lot together because her dad is gone all the time....elders crap, ect. I am glad, however that Rhonda is so good to her, and she is loved there.
I am new here!HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
by megsmomma ini have been a lurker here for a few months and feel like i know you all already.
my story is (of course) similar to everyone else's.
basically my mom became a jw when i was 10. my sister and i had to be in it with her, and i wanted to go along because i wanted to please jah...and have lots of furry animals in the new system.
I have been a lurker here for a few months and feel like I know you all already. My story is (of course) similar to everyone else's. Basically my mom became a JW when I was 10. My sister and I had to be in it with her, and I wanted to go along because I wanted to please Jah...and have lots of furry animals in the New system. I was married when I just turned 18 to a "little Jesus"...who ended up actually being gay...(but never acted on it....) So, we had a baby when we were 24 and I had BAD postpatum depression and my life fell apart. So, I ended up leaving the borg, my hubby and child....I disassociated myself.. ( I knew I had no chance of having her with me, since I was going to die at armegedon) My life was a real mess....just like they said it would be (since Jah hated me ) Well.....7 years later I am re-married to a real Christian, have a 5 month old...and found the "real" Jesus....and finally have been set free from the borg! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! I am disowned by my mom....and I have to deal with my mistakes from being so messed up nefore and leaving my first daughter. She is 8 now, and I am always worried about her disowning me....but since she has a sissy now, I think my ex will let her be around me in hopes she can save her sister. My ex is an elder now, and remarried a 17 yr old.....Poor girl. I am so glad that I now know what to tell my daughter to explain that the religion is false, when the time comes. I just recently foud the courage to find out what the "truth" is fop myself..and have a real relationship with God now. This is it in a nutshell....but thank you all for posting great things here that has really helped me discover truths.
Your true sister,