Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on your newest addition! Time to start working on that Boy!!! LOL....JK JK JK!!
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
Mama is a Mama...Again!!!!!
by mama1119 ini can stop my complaining now because she is finally here!!!!
after 26 hours of labor followed by a c-section.
but it was worth all the pain, she is absolutely perfect.
A NEW thread for ALL Atheistic ex-dubs---
by gordon d inmy first post since being reinstated (not jw but on the board) .
i think that mean people are not very nice... .
that hypocrites should consider that they might be behaving foolishly... .
Hi Gord,
When you get reinstated we are all supposed to hurry up to talk to you to show how loving we all are, right??
My hubby tells me all the time that I still have the JW mentality....and I feel that I need to let everyone know what the truth about the troof is....and then go on to "preach" what I now believe....cause it brought me happiness. However, life is each persons journey and I am being like you and letting everyone believe whatever they want to.
Glad you are back!
To: JWs who are dating non-JWs. What are you thinking?
by Lady Lee inwe have a few ubm (unbelieving mates) here on jwd.
new ones join up and post here hoping to find out what is going on, what are all these crazy rules?
why has my mate gone back to the wts?..
Wow....what a big mess your mom made in the name of the "truth". You make a good point though. It is cruel to marry someone "worldly" to turn around and try to change them or make their life h*ll. I hope the afterlife rewards him for his patience.
Just popping in to say "Hi".........
by whyamihere inlove you all - by the way, i am doing fantastic!
nothing too new on this end....although i did color my hair - i have a boring life..lol.
yes, i am bored today.............. .
Hi back at'cha! I have a boring life myself.....and therefore was thinking of "spiceing up" by adding hair color also.....did you do it yourself? If so, what color is it? It looks gorgeous!
I am a bit p**sed off!
by hambeak ini have posted here before about my shop being burglarized.
a couple days ago 2 men broke into a business around the corner from mine.
after gaining access they broke through a wall getting into an electronics shop burglarizing them, not being satisfied they then climbed into an attic and attempted to rob a mr. gattis pizza they fell through the roof onto the kitchen floor.
Ham....with all the media coverage in this area about that break-in, do you think you could go to the news with your story and mabe get some results?
Little children deserve to die at Armageddon
by jambon1 infor the life of me, i cannot work this one out.
it disturbed me when i was a jw and it now just makes me plain angry.. here are some comments from ministerial servants & elders on this subject, which i heard when i was in:.
"you know, a while ago, people used to object to the idea of children dying at armageddon but nowadays there is a spirit in kids (massive generalisation), which just seems to make them fit for destruction.
This scare tactic is a clever thing though. It made it so I would give up my 1st daughter to my ex....(still a JW) so she wouldn't die...and it made me almost "go back" so my new baby wouldn't die. I started to really research things at that point though...and found the REAL TRUTH.
I can't be proud of my kids!
by WANTMOMBACK intoday i went to my daughter's school and they sang "america the beautiful" and i videoed her.
i do have a question though!!
how do most people explain to their children about why grandma and grandpa never come to their birthday party or any holiday function?
What I am going to do with my daughter is tell her there are many beliefs, and gramma has her own that we don't agree with. Then, since kids do seem open to religion and God, I would get your kids a non-denominational type of Bible story book....and let your mom read stories from it if she is so inclined. Their Bible story book is full of scary pictures, so I would not allow them to be scared by that. (BTW, my mom has disowned me, so she will probably never see my daughter, so I will be telling her gramma doesn't talk to us because a group of people in the society tells her she can't...and she doesn't believe the Bible like we do)
Also, try to learn as much as you can about what JW's teach, cause your kids will probably ask you some questions. Or if it comes up, ask here and someone can explain to you how to show that the doctrine is false.
Good luck with it all....I know how it feels to not really have a mom....and it is so sad.
For what purpose did Brooklyn Bethel keep records of accussed pedophiles?
by Gill ini was wondering this, as i remember that leo greenlees was just moved to another congregation and that was all.. so why keep records if they weren't going to use them?.
I wish I could see my records.....It is all a haze for me since at the time i DA'd I was severley depressed with post partum. I don't even know what I wrote to the elders. I suppose we are not allowed to request them, huh....so much secrecy!
The Memorial...
by Justice-One indoes anyone still go to the memorial?
i was just thinking that although i made it quite clear to my wife that i was not going to go to anymore meetings or conventions (i made a comment about not wanting to be there when the kool-aid came out) that i caught myself thinking the other day that i might go to the memorial just to keep her happy.
but then i thought why?
I went to the memorial a couple years ago and for me, it was so good to go and see all the hypocricy. I would read around the scrips they were reading and see how it is so twisted. I will never go again....it was my last harah!
What name would like to see for the "2007 District Convention"?
by new boy inthere many to choose from --------------how about .
" millions now living will soon be dead" (with no hope of a resurrection)--------------that means your unbaptized freinds and family members.
"how we have created god in our image" (jealous, hatedful, petty).
2007 "We clean your Brain" district convention