WhooooooHooooooo.....I am so happy for you both! That is great news and I hope she continue's to progress....maybe we will see her here someday!
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
My wife is thinking AT LAST!!!!!
by tooktheredpill inhey guys!.
i can't wait to tell you something that happened last night.
in order to understarnd it, let me give you some details about me first: i'm still an elder, with my wife and the whole family and friends inside the borg.
by Vinny instill not sure the jw's are wrong on blood?.
still not sure the jw's are wrong on blood?
still not sure the jw's are wrong on blood?
I am marking this research....GREAT JOB!!
by BurnTheShips inwomen may not not appreciate this, but i have a hunch a few of you men will.
feel free to discuss: .
the lord and the harley rider .
LOL....I wish we (as wemon) could understand all that too......
Hello from finland
by Raised2BeDead inhi, just here to share my life with others.. .
i was born into the cult, raised within the cottonballs all around, as a little 4 year old with nothing but angels and god in mind and how beautiful everything he has created is.
i was the sixth kid, fourth that lived.
Hi, just wanted to welcome you and hope the rest of your life is much easier and happier. (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
Bible Study Student With A Ton of Questions
by AddaGirl ini am both new to this forum and new to the jehovah's witness organization.
i am currently about half way through the 'what does the bible really teach?
" and have been attending both sunday services and ministerial school for 3 months.. my biggest problem is that, being a researcher by nature, "verifying that all things are true," i have also been researching the organization which has stumbled me greatly.
As you yourself have seen....they are not what they seem...or claim to be. Most members do not feel free to research the things they are taught useing any information outside of what the Watchtower society provides. This leaves many in the dark as to things that are going on behind closed doors. Some may even say the research you have done and things you have found are just lies...even with proof that they are true.
That is why a majority of people here are no longer JW's...and many of us are not to be talked to by our own families.
And you thought YOU had it bad!
by JK666 injohn just made me take a bath, just because i was muddy and smelled like a dog.
he can be such an @$$hole!.
Awwwwww, poor Simba!! But, half the fun is when you are all done and get to run around the house like a MAD DOG to dry off!!
LOL.....what a cute dog!
How old were you when baptized as a JW?
by Serg ini was 16 and not a clue in the world what i was getting into..... how about you?
how old were you?.
Ripe old age of 14! i did it for the "Chucky Cheese" party after ward...and so I could appear "spiritual enough" to my 14 yr old crush.....Great reasons to commit, huh!?
Daily Text comment's you will never here. Jan 1-7
by 5go ini am starting this in hopes other will help out too.
yes it is just a rip off of blondie's idea.. my plan write what should of been in the daily text for today, and others will add their comments too.
you a kind this is really how bethel should start their morning thing with a real open discussion on the text.
Thanks for doing these....it shows how the "daily text" is part of the daily "mind control"......of course the one for saturday is about preaching...in case the JW reading it was not going in service today...this could make them feel the guilt.
How do people continue to buy into the Watchtower???
by integ infolks,.
with all the information out there, available for all to see; exposing the lies,hypocrisy, and outright ridiculousness (is that a word?..if not it should be) of this whole witness religion, how in the world are people still buying into this?.
is it because i don't have jehovah's spirit anymore?
I guess that is why I believe the Watchtower uses mind control techniques...because most who are not caught up in it don't buy into it. That is why there is no "excuse" to not go to the "braiwashing" sessions every week...they have to keep their hold on people.
ten pounds in ten weeks
by Hortensia inso it's january 1 and i want to lose ten pounds in ten weeks.
i've been on a diet for a year and a half and have lost 130 pounds.
weight loss has slowed down, so i need more focus and more exercise.
Well...I am doing a "check in" today. I went to the gym (for the first REAL workout) and I am happy to say I did good. I did the upper body workout a gym trainer showed me and then I SuFFERED through 30 min on a treadmill....I kept wanting to quit! I ate some pasta and a salad for lunch and some melba toast and lunch meat (for a weird b-fast) Now...I am contemplating what to do for dinner.....hmmmmmm, subway?