I have to fly in January and February and again in April.
I really really hope it gets better than this. <sigh>
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
you probably heard about the guy breaking into the cockpit of a flight earlier this week.
edward coburn was charged tuesday with interfering with a flight crew, a federal felony.
he is being held without bond.. even with all the preparations the crew had made in advance, the situation became critical within a split second, according to dean weber, the pilot of the airliner.
I have to fly in January and February and again in April.
I really really hope it gets better than this. <sigh>
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
i just wanted to post something peaceful.
there is so much horror and anger on this site (rightfully so), i just wanted to make a kind contribution.. .
my heart is no longer heavy,.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
can some one tell me why people can get so invloved in religions, like jw, that come so close to being a cult.
that now on is alowed to be themself's.
from what i understand as an out side witness to this particular religion, is that no-one is really happy here.
People raised a certain way --for example, in homes where there is substance, physical, and emotional abuse--are predisposed to a cult-like atmosphere and oftentimes don't realize they are in one untill way past the "oops stage".
A cult could vary from an abusive parent to an abusive spouse to an abusive religious organization to an abusive government organization. It's just the size that's different. The effect is the same...learned helplessness.
The cure is the same too....education. I really believe cult education should be conducted at a much earlier age than is done now, since just like any other awareness, the earlier the age the better it sinks in.
just my 1/2 cent worth.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
check out this paragraph from the article "serve jehovah without distraction" in the april 1994 kingdom ministry:.
time-consuming side issues: some have got caught up in efforts to resolve common problems in modern society.
christians need to avoid becoming involved in the worlds endless debates over social issues or its futile struggles to correct injustices.
<"Time-Consuming Side Issues: Some have got caught up in efforts to resolve common problems in modern society. Christians need to avoid becoming involved in the world’s endless debates over social issues or its futile struggles to correct injustices. (John 17:16) All of this is part of Satan’s design to divert attention from the Bible’s counsel and the fundamental fact that there is only one long-term solution—the Kingdom of God.">
Is that anything like the TIME-WASTING efforts when we 'got involved' and wrote buckets of letters to Malawi on behalf of the Witnesses there? Oh, wait----that was different!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
i have started an "article" about the wtbts and the un in the true wtbts format (i hope) before i go into anymore work and investigation i wanted your opinions as to whether i am on the mark as to their way of speaking or not.
"think for a moment, and reflect.........would you want to be part of a "society" of people who have pulled the wool over your eyes...........in effect lied to you?
let's take it to a more personal level.
Love the format.
The questions are too close together I think.....a question, then a expansion, a conclusion. a question, then an expansion, then a conclusion.
And where are the pretty paradise pictures....LOL
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
several issues, such as the un matter and others requiring comments to the press could possibly be better served if there were a small body of qualified individuals, including lawyers and other professionals and others that were former witnesses extremely well versed in jw issues.. comments to media, governments and various organizations on matters such as blood, child custody, child abuse etc would carry more weight coming from an "offical" organization.. in the former jw community there are many with good intentions but often find themselves making inaccurate or unrestrained, poorly worded or overly sensational comments.. these sorts of comments set the former witness community back and sometimes give credence to the labels placed upon us.
on the other hand, well worded, accurate statements made with a knowlege of how the wt pr machine works can effectively tie their hands and force the wt to make changes.. with this in mind, what is the viability of such an association to represent former witnesses?
it need not matter whether one is a christian or athiest or whatever, as the purpose would simply be to comment and investigate and expose wt policy.. i am sure this has been tossed around before.
Can you imagine an 'organization' trying to TELL Farkel or AlanF or Dungbeetle or such to DO or not to DO anything?
Rolling on the floor laughing my f-----g --s off....
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
several issues, such as the un matter and others requiring comments to the press could possibly be better served if there were a small body of qualified individuals, including lawyers and other professionals and others that were former witnesses extremely well versed in jw issues.. comments to media, governments and various organizations on matters such as blood, child custody, child abuse etc would carry more weight coming from an "offical" organization.. in the former jw community there are many with good intentions but often find themselves making inaccurate or unrestrained, poorly worded or overly sensational comments.. these sorts of comments set the former witness community back and sometimes give credence to the labels placed upon us.
on the other hand, well worded, accurate statements made with a knowlege of how the wt pr machine works can effectively tie their hands and force the wt to make changes.. with this in mind, what is the viability of such an association to represent former witnesses?
it need not matter whether one is a christian or athiest or whatever, as the purpose would simply be to comment and investigate and expose wt policy.. i am sure this has been tossed around before.
Just my humble opinion, but i think we're fine just the way we are.
We have our 'older ones' taking the lead among us and that's all we need.
They can't come after us, they can't attack us, they can't catch us, they can't find us,they can't sue us, the can't stop us. There is no 'organized us.'
Develop any kind of 'organization' and we lose that edge, that advantage, that benefit.
No more Watchtower!!!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
so, why dont we all just shut up and leave the wtbts alone to its work?
this question comes up frequently from those still inside the organization.
i want to address this question from my humble pov.
Just a thought for you Bridgette....
If 'apostates' were everything JW's say we were, there would be no Kingdom Halls left standing in the U.S.
If 'the world' were everything the Jw's say it was, there would be no JW's left ALIVE.
Good posts Bridgette. Always glad to read your stuff.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
well i finally got the guts to tell my mother that i had enlisted in the army.
she didn't say a whole lot to me, but she did tell my sister she was calling the elders and that when i was df'd she would have nothing to do with me.
i can't say that it suprises me too much, but i was hoping for more of an adult reaction.
I second all the best wishes of the other posters on the board, and I too recomend reading AGuest's post and filing it away for future use. Shelby really can do her homework.
And I would add that you, Moridin have my deepest gratitude for what you and your family are doing. If you or your wife feels the need, send her over to this board to post or to click on some of our open emails.
All my best wishes,
i would like to know which country experience are they speaking about please?.
Well it says on page 2
Acts of Jehovah's Witness in Modern Times:
French Guiana..225
If that's what you mean.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...