Sorry I can't help with your situation, I'm afraid this will have to do...
(((((((((ranchette and sister)))))))))
ediated for speeling as usual
this plea for help goes out to anyone in the st louis mo area.. okay this is the situation, my father and sister are both disfellowshipped and have been sharing an apt.
since my mom and dad have been separated.. my dad was being kind to my sister who was in need after her divorce.. she was the typical jw just, high school education then depending on a man.
dad agreed to let her live rent free till jan when she graduates from dental school.
Sorry I can't help with your situation, I'm afraid this will have to do...
(((((((((ranchette and sister)))))))))
ediated for speeling as usual
i've been mulling over this and i'm finding that its common with several of my extended family who were raised in the org.
- seems that the feeling of never doing enough for the org.
( to obtain a place in the "new system" ) has spilled over into other areas of our lives.
This is my third attempt to get this post up. Grrrrrrrrr....
I haven't done any personal research in this field, but I have come across a couple of intereseting tidbits...
1)Clinical depression and cognitive dissonance (like Bethel locking its doors and keeping them locked) are a hallmark of ANY any dysfunctional 'family' they maintain their existance at the expense of its members.
2) For reasons I can't fathom, social psychologists have been studying JW's since the early 60's. Their collective results show that it is clinically depressed and cognitively dissonanced people that stay in the org the longest, or are attracted to the org in the first place. Which is why so many of us are working so hard for intraorganizational change rather than just walking away for our own sakes.
As can be expected. people like us are labeled 'apostates' and 'evil' and I don't know what else, and the positive changes that are reached inside this org are credited to holy spirit directed leaders rather than the people who devoted 10, 15, or 20 years of their life to accomplishing change. <sigh>
Such is life.
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
today a pedophile got more than 10 years behind bars.. i'll let silentlambs elaborate on the proceedings when he's ready.
i just wanted to say how much i appreciated meeting with everyone in ritzville today.
many testified in behalf of the victim today at the sentencing hearing of one emmanuel beliz, including the victim, friends and family, including silentlambs.
I am sorry I couldn't be there this time; but my heart goes out to those of you who made it.
This is a part of life the WT doesn't want their people to see...JW, ex-jw and the community working togeher to save and rebuild lives. My visit to Ritzville for the trial changed my life forever--I will never be the same person I was before. At least, I hope not...
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
i hadn't seen any recent posts about this event.
tonight i spoke to paul thomason, the organizer of the event.
he said that last year they had about 18 in attendance.
i will be dere!!!!
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
this week the had .
as a subject of talk n3 the following:.
*** rs 132 false prophets *** (reasonings book published in 1985).
Oh I can do you one better. At my meeting...
Remember when David, now the king, came to the prophet Nathan, and asked if he should build the Temple? Nathan said to the king 'to do what is in your heart because Jehovah is with you." But later, Jehovah came to Nathan and said "David is not to build the temple" So then Nathan toddles in to David and tells him..."Don't build the temple" So see...being wrong doesn't make Nathan a false prophet. Translation...just because something you said doesn't come true doesn't make you a false prophet.
1) According to The Harp of God, 1921 Rutherford had this to say: history is the chronicling of events after they have occurred. prophesy is the chronicling of events before they have occurred. By this definition, Nathan made no prophecy at all. He said..."do what is in your heart..." This doesn't fit the definition of prophecy, so there is no relevance here.
2)The WT said on at least 7 occasions the end of the 'world' would come no later than a certain date. This is the chronicling of events before they have occured, which is prophecy by the WT standards, but because it didn't come true it is false prophecy.
Wow them at a cocktail party with THAT one!!!
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
edited: The Watchtower being the org it is did some backpedaling and said in the 'Inspired' publication in 1988:
An inspired message; a revelation of divine will and purpose or the proclamation thereof. Prophecy may be an inspired moral teaching, an expression of a divine command or judgment, or a declaration of something to come. As shown under PROPHET, prediction, or foretelling, is not the basic thought conveyed by the root verbs in the original languages (Heb., na·va´'; Gr., pro·phe·teu'o); yet it forms an outstanding feature of Bible prophecy.
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
WT 5/1/99
“Let the Reader Use Discernment”
“When you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation . . . standing in a holy place, . . . then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.”—MATTHEW 24:15, 16.
2 In a prophecy with implications for us today, Jesus outlined a composite sign that included wars, food shortages, earthquakes, pestilences, and persecution of Christians preaching about God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:4-14; Luke 21:10-19) Jesus also offered a clue that would help his disciples to know that the end was close—a ‘disgusting thing that causes desolation standing in a holy place.’ (Matthew 24:15) Let us reexamine those meaningful words to see how they can affect our lives now and in the future.
8 Demonstrating the confidence of Jehovah’s servants that this prophecy would be fulfilled, The Watchtower of January 1, 1921, focused on it in connection with developments in the Middle East. Subsequently, in its December 15, 1929, issue, on page 374, The Watchtower definitively said: “The whole tendency of the League of Nations is to turn the people away from God and from Christ, and it is therefore a desolating thing, the product of Satan, and an abomination in the sight of God.” So in 1919 “the disgusting thing” appeared. In time, the League gave way to the United Nations. Jehovah’s Witnesses have long exposed these human peace organizations as disgusting in God’s sight.
13….This beast is supported by world rulers. Details supplied in the prophecy help us to identify this symbolic beast as a peace organization that came into existence in 1919 as the League of Nations (a “disgusting thing”) and that is now the United Nations. Revelation 17:16, 17 shows that God will yet put it into the hearts of certain human rulers who are prominent in this “beast” to desolate the world empire of false religion. That attack marks the outbreak of the great tribulation.
16…While “the disgusting thing” made its appearance early in this century and has, thus, existed for decades, it will take a position in a unique way “in a holy place” in the near future…. Admittedly, we will have to wait for the actual fulfillment to know all the details….Some political elements, in league with former Christians who have deviated from the true faith, are promoting hostility against religion in general and true Christians in particular.
24 …After all, obedient Christians will not be punished when destruction comes on false religion and the rest of this wicked system. They will be discerning and heed the warning about ‘the disgusting thing standing in a holy place.’ And they will act decisively on their unshakable faith. May we never forget what Jesus promised: “He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.”
I did find this on the ngo page Please note: Association of NGOs with DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status.
So let me get this straight….
1) The WT has been prophesying as recently as 1999, that the United Nations is a ‘disgusting thing’ that, in cahoots with JW apostates, will someday turn first on false religion, then eventually God’s true people, to the point where Jesus/God has to step in to save them.
2) The WT now has pledged to
Share in the ideals of the UN Charter;
Have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and proven ability to reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives, policy makers and the business community
Have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins, and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting the cooperation of the media.
Translation: The WT has now climbed into bed with an organization that it has, as recently as 1999, claimed will someday turn on its members and try to kill them.
Exageration? I don’t THINK so. But if someone thinks it is, let’s try an experiment.
1) Find a way to get this info to Joe Bloe JW and see what he thinks.
2) Get this info to the UN and see what they think.
As an interesting note: a requirement of recognition as an NGO is:
An NGO that meets the established criteria should send an official letter from its headquarters to the Chief of the NGO Section, Department of Public Information, expressing interest in association with DPI. The letter should state the reasons why the organization seeks such association and should briefly describe its information programmes. This letter should be accompanied by at least six samples of recent information materials produced by the applying organization.
Wonder what those six samples were?
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
how far down the path is it before the changes take place.
im pretty sure its different for everyone.
the time taken to recognise that things have changed permanently...depends on factors like acceptance, circumstances and willingness to deal with it.. im talking about the realisation regarding the wtbt society.
I believe it is Maximus that likes to say...
It's not the's the JOURNEY that's imortant.
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
a jw on another board has called me a lunatic.
i've always kinda suspected it, but since a witness told me, it must be the truth.
But ARE a lunatic!!
Love and hugs...(((((siegswife))))
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
farkel when you said that a picture of a watchtower portrayal.
of d&d existed in one of their publications... just the other day.... of actor will smith (or someone looking exactly like him) existed,.
and to let you know if i found it.... well, a compatriot in denmark scanned it and put it on his website.. look at lower right corner.. striking resemblance!.
So let's just say that could be Will Smith and John Lithgow...who would the other characters in the pic represent. I say the woman with bangs and headscarf is Sally Fields.
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
hello brothers and sisters.
i'm a circuitoverseer.
i recieved this upbuilding experience to share with fellow witnesses.. -----------------------------------------------------------.
1) "whack"!!!!
2) always a pleasure darling!!! keep up the great work. Hope to see you in chat again soon.
Dungbeetle...thankful for the help from Carlos in cleaning up the crap!!!