>"Thus to expect the participants here to play nice as Simon often says is kinda wishful thinking. "<
I respectfully disagree. Look at the number of registered users here on Simon's board. (almost 4000) Now count the number of 'outspoken, disagreeing' posters (20 or less..?)...only a very tiny comparative handful, and then the same ones over and over and over again.
This discussion board amazes me. Jehovah's Witnesses, ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, non-jehovah's Witnesses; men and women (and 'others') straights adn gays (and 'others') old ones, young ones, new ones, expereinced ones---------we get along on this board.
This is a part of the world that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society DOES NOT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE.
great thread, mindchild.