"What took you so long!!" "We need chew."
Famous first words. hahahah
for all those who have been following the rescue attempts of those trapped miners in pa, cnn is currently reporting that all 9 have been rescued alive .
lew w .
edited to add: they haven't been brought up, but all 9 are reported to be alive .
"What took you so long!!" "We need chew."
Famous first words. hahahah
hello, i am new to this site, and i am dating a jw.
however, my experience has been quite different from that of others doing the same thing.
unlike other posts that i have read, her parents (we are both 18) are supportive of her relationship with me, she is quite open minded when it comes to social activities, she has both jw and non-jw friends, and is a totally "normal" 18 year old girl.
<the JWs doctrinal interpretation of the Bible (which i dont believe to be any more or less strange than any other religeon) >
which of their doctines is it that are you not uncomfortable with? Are you sure you are familiar with them all?
for all those who have been following the rescue attempts of those trapped miners in pa, cnn is currently reporting that all 9 have been rescued alive .
lew w .
edited to add: they haven't been brought up, but all 9 are reported to be alive .
I posted this yesterday:
But you know how this board can be.
thanks for the update DR
hello, i am new to this site, and i am dating a jw.
however, my experience has been quite different from that of others doing the same thing.
unlike other posts that i have read, her parents (we are both 18) are supportive of her relationship with me, she is quite open minded when it comes to social activities, she has both jw and non-jw friends, and is a totally "normal" 18 year old girl.
I am very happy things are going well for you.
What JW things do they DO?
after i have read a lot of this here, and evrything bill say, i must say this is a very delicat and difficult issu.
almost unbelevebel difficult.. i dont want to defend abusers, fare from that, i hate them,and think the best is to take ther balls away, but i think it is important that this not turns out to be a witchunt on men, like it was inn in sweden in the some time ago, some swedeish famus writer say this is the moderm times witchunt.. in 1600 children was turnig inn ther mothers and say they was witch, and they was burnd , who can go against children.. here some social educated peopel find when they ask children, that if they think wery carefull, they must remeber that some have abuse them when they was littel children, we have also some case where fadher was realesd from prison after the children confesd that they was lying.. so this writer say that men is modern times witch, if you understan what i meen.. intresting thaught on a very difficult issu, but i think it is easy that this thing can turn out to be a hunt .. wher even some innocent is condemd.
this was only my thaughts late inn the swedish summer .
< I have explained this several times on this board, but it does not seem to sink in. >
Oh My God, do I know what you mean, JM.
Anyway, could some of you toddle over here and give some feedback please?
Many thanks!!!
in response to happytwit's inane ramblings...(are you ever sober anyway?
yes...watchtower is exactly like the salem witch hunts.. salem:.
In response to HappyTwit's inane ramblings...(are you EVER sober anyway?)
YES...Watchtower is EXACTLY like the Salem Witch Hunts.
Back then, Governor Phipps was the highest law enforcement officer over the two towns named Salem (Salem and Salem Village). For years, witchcraft trials had been going on, I am only aware of one hanging, those details are shady and in any case the woman who was supposedly 'bewitched' and did the accusing only continued to get worse after he so-called 'witch' was executed.. Witchcraft allegations continued to abound, but no more deaths occurred that I know of.
Untill, that is, Governor Phipps had business elsewhere and couldn't or wouldn't deal with the two Salems. In his absense, an ILLEGAL court was formed, the members mostly made up of A CERTAIN RELIGIOUS GROUP that seized control from the LAWFUL COURT AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. Trial after trial was held; a four-year-old witness child was even locked in a jail cell becasue she would NOT name a responsible party. Deaths continued untill the death toll reached 20 or 22....
Horrified at what had happened IN HIS ABSENCE, he IMMEDIATELY TOOK CONTROL of the town, DISSOLVED the illegal courts, RELEASED the prisoners including the four-year-old little girl, and when some more back-room trials were had, Governor Phipps got rid of those, halted the executions and released the prisoners. No more deaths occurred.
Since 1967, IN WRITING, and in the ABSENSE of LAW ENFORCEMENT and MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, Watchtower has been holding back room trials and judging sexual offenders innocent and victims guilty. Some of the victims have even died.
These professionals having become aware of what has been going on for thirty years, horrified have finally begun to intervene. They are dissolving the outcomes of these mock 'back room' trials, holding their own judicial proceedings, and placing the REAL guilty parties in jail and vindicating the survivors. This process is still ongoing.
In both cases, the damage was because the proceedings were held by religious groups, in the absense of law enforcement and mental health professionals, and violated the law of the land. People died. Many others never lived a normal life (especially the four-year-old jailed for NOT giving a name). Many of the TRUE guilty parties went free, and the victims and their families were never compensated. (They got pardons and really nice gravestones tho).
Watchtower WILL be held financially accountable, and compensation WILL be provided to at least SOME of the victims and their families. At least SOME of the names of the guilty parties are recorded forever in history. SOME perpetrators have even been sent to jail already, and likely many more will follow.
In Conclusion
No, happytwit, no Watchtower witch trials here. WE won't allow it. Governor 'PHIPPS' IS BACK IN TOWN!!!
first, i'm not a witness so bare with me because i just need some answers.. i recently bought a book called 'the worlds greatest cults' by nigel cawthorne (an excellent read) an article on jw's was featured in it giving some basic facts-who founded it etc.. it stated that the 144,000 people were going to go to heaven-this number was selected as the gentleman who founded the religion never thought it would grow larger than that-nothing to do with anything mentioned in the bible.
when the number of members began to reach this number, the founder said that all other members would stay on earth.
As far as I know, the 144,000 is an important number to the early Christian Church; the early Catholic church; the Mormons, and the Seceond and Seventh Adventists.
Like everything else, Russell STOLE this teaching from other groups.
when individuals leave the organization for conscience reasons, it is evidence that god is shepherding and protecting the flock by doing a sifting work.
when people leave another christian religion it is evidence that the religion is morally corrupt and unable or unwilling to provide spiritually for their members.
when a christian from another denomination lies, he is acting according to his own disposition being from the father of the lie.
Perry: wow...fabulous..terrific..a real keeper of an essay.
Remember, everyone, Barbara and Joe Anderson and Bill and Sheila Bowen and the Pandellos and Ray and Cynthia Franz were all Jehovah's witnesses too.
Jw's are voting with their wallets and their feet; they are calling for change and they ARE MAKING a DIFFERENCE. Just watch!!!
child molesters
on file at the home office in .. .
if these figures are wrong, will the one who has the accurate count please step forward!.
This is my response to all those Jehovah's Witnesses (and there must be many of them) who have personal knowlege of these numbers.
1) That means that there are 50,000 or more survivors out there walking around who are trying to get an education, raise a family, in general make their way through life with this incredible emotional baggage they are forced to carry. 50,000 or more survivors who deserve to see justice, closure and deserve to know that their abusers aren't adding more victims to their long long lists.
2) That means there are over 20,000 wounded persons walking around, in need of mental health care for a disabling disease process. They will never be healed, they will never find peace, they will never be free unless and untill they are entered into some kind of treatment program for sexual offenders.
These JW"s with this info have to ask themselves if they can live with the fact that they can perpetuate this kind of misery. I guess the answer so far is 'YES'...<sigh>.
rodney stark was featured briefly in the short watchtower video exposing the benificial nature of "disfellowshipping" (which is a made up word that does not appear in the bible!).
i found a 1997 paper that he wrote with larry iannaccone entitled, "why the jehovah's witnesses grow so rapidly.
a theoretical application" and which was published in the journal of contemporary religion.
1) Is it true, Dr. Stark, that Jehovah's Witnesses, since 1967 IN WRITING have conspired to KEEP Sexual Offenders within THEIR ranks FROM law enforcement and mental health practicioners; and is it also true that since 1967 IN WRITING that JW's have also conspired to send these same sexual offenders TO THE FRONT DOORS OF AN UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC?
Show him the 'Lamp' the 'Organization' the 'Organized' books and also the two unsubltle Watchtowers.
2) Is it true, Dr. Stark, that some of the reason JW's have been increasing (not phenomonally, not even keeping up with population growth, but increasing nontheless) is:
a) The attract to themselves individuals with diagnosable mental illnesses, very little self esteem, very poor self image
b) They attract to themselves mysogynists, who can sit through ONE JW meeting and see no women on the stage, handling microphones, not even redaing the BIBLE or a Watchtower or a bookstudy reading and not feel 'something is wrong here'
c) They lie about their past whenever and wherever they can (tho they admit to changing doctirnes, they still deny TO THIS day ever 'returning to old light')
d) They are increasing only in countries where there is, at present, little or no internet access to the general public and when that interrnet access is available, the 'increase' will become zero or negative in record time.
e) Expulsion/shunning. While it may have worked in the past, the results now are the opposite. Expulsion and shunning of children, rape/molestation survivors and dissidents is CONTRIBUTING to zero and negative growth, and will continue to do so.
hey trauma-hound, Rodney Stark gonna either ignore your backside, or he gonna throw your backside out ont he street.
Please tell him that 'dungbeetle' his greatest fam says hello!!!