Awesome Topic!!
Over the years I have read many books about various diets. The first place I started was Vegetarian, then I moved on to Vegan. I felt that eating Vegan was a healthier way of eating at least compared to SAD (Standard American Diet). However I really struggled to stick with it. I would go a week or two and than "cheat" (eat some dairy or meat) and I would repeat the cycle until I was back to eating SAD. The cravings were horrible!! Even when I would stick with it for months at a time I still felt really tired and still had a host of health problems. The symptoms would diminish some, but would not go away. Not only would I change my diet I would also do cleansings, fasts, etc. I did feel better but not the best that I knew I could.
So I did some more search and stumbled upon Natural Hygienic's which lead me to the Raw Vegan Diet. There are many froms of this way of eating out there and I have tried many of them but the 80/10/10 approach works the best! I really feel this is how we are supposed to eat and all I can say is that I have never felt this good in all my life. I have energy like never before, the mental fog is lifting, depression is gone! Many people who have done this long term have said that they have not had a single sick day since they went raw.
It took over a year of reading to finally decide to try it. I have been raw of and on over the past couple of months I went off raw on my anniversary to "reward" myself. That was a big mistake. All I did was reintroduce the taste of cooked food back into system and it was down hill from there. But I am now back on track and feeling wonderful!! I am not saying that it is easy to go 100% Raw Vegan. At first it is a little difficult as some "detox" is experienced by most who make the switch. However after a few days things balance out and after a few weeks the results are simply amazing.