Topics Started by duped
Which major country of JW"s will fall first?
by sleepy inthere has been major declines in european countries.. will one of these be the first to have a catastrophic decline.. i predict britian and france falling quickly maybe under 100,000 in a year or two.. when one country fall significantly say britian going under 100,000 will this set off bigger falls here and else where when people start to jump the sinking ship?
WT on its knees in Czech Rep....Answer from Norm!
by ISP inhere's the figures the from the other thread.. czech republic.
1992 service year report.
by termite 35 inplease, anyone broken their children's heart over the wtbts?
i've been away from meetings for quite a wwhile now and have finally had to face the fact that i am responsible for my childrens 'lost' looks lately.
i've tried to sow a few little gentle doubts to ease them into the thought that were not going to meetings as 'the org may have got some things muddled up'.but its so strange to find yourself in this position; the worst is seeing their little faces as you struggle to find the right words that won't upset them.
RU British? No! I'm English!
by Englishman ingambler brought up an interesting point earlier re an english couple getting snotty because someone asked them if they were from australia.. it's a fact that guessing at someones accent is a risky business, especially if you get it wrong.
i had a canadian friend who was always being mistaken for an american, and boy did he ever get pissy about it.. same with new zealanders, i don't mix 'em up with aussie's because i have kiwi pals and am tuned into to the softer intonations.
my wife has a swiss friend who hates being mistaken for being from germany or austria and makes no bones about letting you know it.. i used to laugh at what i considered to be over-sensitivity, until someone suggested that i came from yorkshire.
About stumbling
by crownboy inhow many of you were ever "stumbled" as a jw?
i always thought that claiming you were "stumbled" was just an excuse to stop going to meetings etc.
(should have thought of it myself .
OK, OK, 10 reasons Why..You Know The Rest..
by Englishman in1. we got pubs.
1000's and 1000's of pubs.. 2. liz hurley.. 3. manchester united.. 4. the harrier / concorde / a380xxx.
5. we got more overseas territories than is still true, even now.. 6. the s.a.s.. 7. lots and lots of steam railways!.
fruitcake - yes!
by lauralisa infruitcake for the holidays!
sample the whiskey to check for quality.
check the whiskey again and go to bed.. rum may be subsdtitutied for the whieskey, althouth, it doens't make much of a difference where you throw the bowl!.
Preconceived Ideas
by Frenchy infrom the article: acquire a heart agreeable to jehovah w10/15/01.
7. a key requirement for acquiring a pure heart is that of gaining accurate knowledge of gods will and purposes.
there is only one source of that knowledge, the inspired word of god.
And the survey says . . .
by patio34 ingreetings and felicitations to all of you great people!.
please answer some survey questions, if you're interested.
then i'll write the rationale.
Beards its OK guys wear them, goodness sake
by Shane inrjputman writes:.
hi shane,.
just read your post of 30 august regarding beards.