Hee Hee ! I hope that knocks the smile off that Satanists face ! Still I'm sure the congregation will stick by him - sigh.
Posts by LanDi
by Mary ini can't remember if it was discussed here, but michael porter, a witness in good standing in london, england, pled guilty to being a pedophile and was originally given a conditional sentence which outraged many.. anyway, his leniant sentence was just overturned, and it looks like he better not drop the soap in the communial shower for the next 18 months: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7094591.stm.
The NWT has been severely tampered with to comply with the " revealed truths "
A few examples to show are Changes to the probable immortality of the soul :
KJV " according to the will of God, commit eh keeping of their souls to him" & the ORIGINAL " commit the keeping fo their souls " vs the NWT conveniently saying " keep on commending their souls . ". Ecclesiatstes 12:7 (or 11:7 can't read my own handwriting!) " the Spirit returns to God [ at Death]" is altered to in the NWT " the spirit itself returns". BIG changes I'm sure you will agree.
HEBREWS 1:6-8 reference to the son ORIGINAL " 6 > all the angels of God worship him " & 8 " The throne of you O God " & the KJB " 6> let all the angels of God worship him " & 8 " Thy throne O God " vs the NWT " 6> bow down, do Obeisence" & 8 " God is your throne forever.". Again a substantial difference. Matthew 2:11 " bowed down and worshipped him "[ sheppards Jesus Birth] changed to " Did obeisance to him."
Jesus relation to Jehovah is also interesting check in various Bibles ( try 4 translations for a rounder view) John 1:1 " The word was God" changed in the NWT to " The word was a God ". Also Acts 10:36 changed from " The Lord of all" to in the NWT " the lord of all other ". John 14:14 changed significantly.Revelation 1L:8, Rev 22:13-20 and Isaiah 9:6. Matthew 5:19 is also significant as is Matthew 25:46, Luke 12:9, the list is huge. PLUS, Exodus 3:4 [ God to Moses on the Mountain] " I AM WHO I AM" changed to " I SHALL PROVE TO BE " to blur simularity with Jesus words " I am "(John 8:58) changed in the wonderful NWT to " I have been" [ relation to the age of Jesus in Abrahams time]
One worthy of Note is Luke 23:43 " Today you will be with me " changed to in the NWT" I tell you today, you with be with me." [ Robber at Crucifixtion]
In Genesis 1:2 the " Spirit of God " has been changed in the NWT to " God's active force".
The ministry is also a huge significance. John 1:12 Believe changed to exercises faith (ministry significance) John 3:16,Roman 4:4 10:4,9,10. The witnesses in Revelation 6:9 slain because of " the message the were receiving "NCV " The testimony that they held " KJV "the testimony which they were keeping " ORIGINAL is conveniently changed to " The Witness work they used to have " NWT - Significantly different! Also Romans 10:10 " with the heart one believes resulting in righteousness & witht eh hearth one confesses resulting in salvation " ORIGINAL & " confession is made unto salvation" JKJV changed conveniently once again to " one makes public declaration for salvation " NWT. Sell them Watchtowers!!
Let us not forget that the JW bible NWT contradicts itself Hosea 13:4 " I am Jehovah - there was no saviour but I " and Isaiah 43:11 " I am Jehovah and beside me there is no savior " NWT yet Act 4:10-12 " That is the name of Jesus Christ there is no salvation in anyone else " and Romans 10:13 " everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah " NWT quotes bear in mind Kurio means Lord! Also check John 5:22
The Scolar William Barclay states that the NWT is " intellectually dishonest.". YOU CANNOT DISAGREE.
The Bible states that if anyone adds to the word of God or takes anything away, they will be condemned. Shay I translate Shakespere from the originals or into French/German and fiddle with the words, subtleties are so easily lost in a words meaning, as we have seen. The NWT is a bag of *&& %*&^$£*&$ period. John 17:3 " This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you the One true God and of the one you sent forth Jesus Christ.".
Let's not fiddle with that message.................
It's difficult to comment on a program I haven't seen so I will try not to go there, but every culture as the Jws bang their drum, has a legend about a giant flood that nearly wiped out humankind - and were it not true, then many cultures would have legends about volcanic activity or elsewise instead which is a valid point. Plus, the lack of human genetic variability shows that we were almost wiped out as a race - as also was the Cheetah (which Scientists say was down to one pair ! )but no mention is made by scientists that this happened to all species, which you would expect - unless they are afraid to invigorate the Christian Community who have made things very difficult for the Dinosaur (unfossilized remains) findings making Scientists unwilling to tell the full story - but then, why shouldn't they jump up and down when something supports their beliefs.
But, the story gets more interesting - the south Americans at the time knew that a catastrophic flood was imminent and buried artifacts - which to me seems a slight descrepancy with the Bible account. One thing is likely - maybe the Bible account of Genesis is not entirelty based on facts itself ? The Egyptian pyramids are built to the almost exact circumference of the Earth (out by about 5 yards or something) and are placed in the exact postition where one of the main constelations would have been 28,000 years ago - man does not acquire such genius to construct these things over night - society needs to evolve to this level of greatness - and Incan structure, alledged Chinese Pyramids share a startling simularity - surely leading us to conclude that they all are remnants, migrants of an older civilization, more advanced ? But then, that could all be Satan trying to mislead us.
How open minded are we really ?
How to fluster a JW at your door
by arker inmy dad put up with a lot of crap from the jw's when my mom divorced him and took us kids away.
so when he got the chance he would mess with them at the door.
my favorite question he asked 2 sisters when they came.. "if the bible says a wife is to give her husband his due, then do you have relations with your husband because you love him or because the bible says to?".
Well, in the words of the Great James Whale " Invite them in for sex " ( I would like to point out I do not recommend this sort of immorality)
He had two women JWs come to his door, he asked them in " Im very interested" as soon as they were inside he stripped off completely naked - and reports they couldn't get out of there fast enough - and they haven't been back since.
One could demand to know about their child abuse policy, their support of the UN as an NGO, their subtle mistranslation of the Bible, their blood policies - modern day worshippers of Molech Jer. 32:35 and that, I can tell you is a personal favourite.
God bless !
by DannyHaszard inman escapes jail for sex attacksbbc news - 1 hour, 42 minutes agoa jehovah's witnesss gets a community sentence for a series of sex assaults on children and adults.man escapes jail for sex attacks porter was put on the sex offenders registera jehovah's witness has escaped a jail term after admitting a series of sexual assaults on children and adults in clevedon.
michael porter, an elder in the religion, pleaded guilty to 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on 13 victims aged 18 months and older.
among the individuals were others involved in the faith.
I walked into my local refence library today - and I am sickened beyond Belief at what I found on the side in the entrance. For copyright reasons I won't scan it in and add it to this post, but check October 2007 Awake entitled " Keep your Children Safe! " and just inside it says " with so many sexual predators on the prowl , parents want to know how to protect their children. These articles may help" I've had a brief read , it talks about Jesus and Jehovahs protection like a lioness and all that nonsense , thankfully I have not noticed any mention of the love of the brothers as a safe haven and upon closer inspection ( that would really rub salt in the wound ) but interestingly, there is no caution to watch your children in the congregation it simply uses these last days ( 2 Tim) as proof we are living in the end.
Maybe I'm being reactionary ? But I really find this offensive. Is there nowhere lower for these clowns to stoop ?
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black
How the WT Study is Used by the Governing Body
by AllTimeJeff innow that i have been out of the borg for a while, it has occurred to me that one of the biggest weapons they use to keep everyone indoctrinated is the watchtower study.. elders are told that the wt study is the primary way that the faithful and discreet slave feeds the flock of god today.
it is easily the most formulatic.. consider, the content is 100% controlled.
(i would also add, made up fiction.
You kidding ?? The Watchtower study rocks. Where else can we have Jehovah dispensing through his faithful and discreetful slave the truths from the bible ?
Seriously though. The WTS is pretty lousy, usless unintellectual nonsense - it doesn't scrape on the depths of the Bible. You have Witnesses who boast they have read the bible all the way through and I think, then why you still a Witness ? You got Prince (artist formely known as Prince) who is to almost cease touring to devote more time to study of the Bible. There are some great Bible reference books at our local library yet you are forbidden to read them by the Society because they are Apostate ( not written by their wise hands ) and not in agreement with revealed truths. I can tell you, they rock. However, you are prevented from studying the Bible without their aides, in case you are misled and fall into apostacy. No matter how well backed by scripture our arguments, they are not from Gods Channel of communication.
But, on the discussion of Gods Kingdom, they [ the refence books I adhered to earlier] got a little stuck where Jehovahs Witnesses give a full detailed description. Jobos do however struggle explaining Jesus words to the Pharisees " the kingdom is within you " which they can't explain away with any convincing arguments. If you read the Gnostic gospels, the Kingdom is in our hearts.
THE PLOT THICKENS............... ( or does it?)
by DannyHaszard inman escapes jail for sex attacksbbc news - 1 hour, 42 minutes agoa jehovah's witnesss gets a community sentence for a series of sex assaults on children and adults.man escapes jail for sex attacks porter was put on the sex offenders registera jehovah's witness has escaped a jail term after admitting a series of sexual assaults on children and adults in clevedon.
michael porter, an elder in the religion, pleaded guilty to 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on 13 victims aged 18 months and older.
among the individuals were others involved in the faith.
A haven for scum. We could as I have previously said, rename Kingdom Halls ' Support group for Paedophiles'. But I guess he repented so that's alright. As one of the Watchtower letters says, if a child molester repents of his actions ' What a blessing that would be !' and then they go on about the lost shheep with the sheperd rehjoicing more over that one than over the 99 and all that bs.
Yet, a woman who doesn't scream when being raped (sometimes a little inconvenient plus all the terror ) is guilty of " being as good as dead anyway " ( Awake life story quote ) "ruining her relationship with God and the Congregation ", never receiving a resurrection , you couldn't make it up. I won't say more on this because it is wicked. I can't see a religion that boasts it is " the truth " denounces every other non Watchtower sales religion as false religion can be so cruel and brutal. How can you possibly have a four letter word like this thing ( he's not a man) giving advice on spiritual matters (what a joke ) counselling young teens on romance, courtship, appropriate behaviour and then answering at the meetings and giving talks ? Come on people !
I would almost as far as to say anyone who attends his hall is guilty as being almost complicit. As human beings we must take a stand against this Abhorent EVIL and boycott this wiocked religion. By attending, certainly at this particular hall, you may as well be saying such wickedness doesn't matter. A predator loose among our children, that's ok - Oh, you can't judge come the cries from the brainwashed witnesses, despite them judging all us non Jobos and rare meeting attenders as ungodly.
Yet, if you or I were to have sex with an adult consent woman who was not my/our/husband wife or even to have oral sex with my/our marriage mate we would really be in trouble with the elders and the Org and feeling Gods wrath.
They are sickening beyond words.
If you were the GB, what would you do to prevent to coming demise of JWs?
by jwfacts inthe current growth of jws no longer exceed the population growth, and in many educated countries it is now stagnant.
http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/statistics.htm in 50 years the whole 1914 thing will simply be an embarrasing irrelevance, so for the religion to even exist in 2057 will take some major doctrinal changes.. decrease is quite common for christian religions, except pentecostals, who are experiencing tremendous growth.
maybe they have jesus' blessing.
First of all, define demise. Yes, it's true that the Governing Body has been very Wicked - programming its followers to be judgemental towards the attitudes of others regaring their commitment to " the truth" rather than show love and has sculpted the thoughts (often to their detriment) of its members - but then - the bible is incredibly Sexist (so they obserb its teachings well) the God of Old Testament is rather judgemental and fiery so their JEhovah is a the same and Jesus isn't all love (Jesus loves you) like the churches always sprout you only have to read his comments and Paul(Saul) had a definate air of superiority so top marks there. My point is - they are fairly close to the bible in parts but saying that:
1 ) Spiritual adultery - with the UN and their attendance and interference in many other government events.
2) Their well publicised kiddie protection (paedos protection really) policies
3) Their business policies
4) Their lack of love for their followers and failure to observe Christs rule of the Sheep and the Goats (feed and clothe me)
5 ) Their blood transfusion policy - unscriptural child sacrifice to a modern day molech and bringing great shame upon the name of Jehovah.
Although how many religions refuse to go to war? As for the previously mentioned Fornication policy - it MUST stand. The Bible specifically forbids sex outside the marrital arrangement - no getting out of that. But, it doesn't work. Maybe their constant detriment of females begins the path of women are dirty leading to perversions.............................
Are You Imitating Jehovah in Caring for Others? 6-15-07 WT p18-20
by blondie insometimes the side articles in the wt are more "interesting" than the study article.
here are some highlights (if you have the scan feel free to add to this).
first question, where is jesus in this article?
Great research. I think that, before I care for others - as in the spirit of Jehovahs direction - I will first judge their commitment to the truth before I show any personal interest - as they may be bad , apostates who don't care for the love of Jehovahs and his governing body (our mother) It's modelled judgemental behaviour intended to keep each other knitted into the fabric of the cult , since you are strictly informed from beginning your association with the cult - " Bad associations spoil useful habits " and thoroughly discouraged form outside interests and associations.
I don't think false caring does any good. But Jesus did say his brothers are those " doing the will of my father " ......................
UN + Watchtower as an NGO + conspiracy theory?
by cyberguy inhas anyone reviewed this material?
i think the writer is mistaken on a number of issues!.
It's laughable how they live in a world of make believe. They even try to say, as posted on here some time back, that it was Jehovah (who ? ) that was simply keeping an eye on his enemy to keep abreast of fullfilment of bible prophecy - excuse me, has God become severely short sighted or something ? He sees all and can relate all through his holyspirit , what is , what was, and what has not yet come to pass.
Yet, we find the WTS secretly in bed with Satans agent, who according to them - has led billions to their destruction by misleading them with false promises from Gods Kingdom. And this is supposed to be irrelevant - despite their constant criticism of "false religion " for far less crimes alot of the time. Who else fits the Harlot so well - as described in their book of Revelation - have they not exposed themselves?
They are everything they have spoken out against - it's almost as if they are taking the p*ss. Yet they can denounce every other religion as false - that doesn't seem right to me. What's more false that a multi billion dollar tax free publishing firm, does God want to be rich or something ? We read in the bible of how Jesus sometimes had nowhere to lay his head. Yet it is for our own protection that we peddle the Watchtower . I can't figure this one out, as a previous thread asked - " Where's the money go " - I mean who seems to be profiting from this ??
It's a mystery of note.