"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"
- William Shakespeare
hello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"
- William Shakespeare
his 1914 predictions failed...but did he succumb to depression as a result?.
Vanderhoven7 : Apparently he died at 64 and a person close to him on his final train ride home described him as looking older than his 88 year old father.
His father died in 1897 (at 84), nineteen years before Russell's death in 1916 (at 64), so perhaps the "person close to him" wasn't quite that close.
Vanderhoven7 : I wonder why he died wearing a Roman toga.
The December 1, 1916 Watchtower gives an account of his death by Menta Sturgeon, his traveling secretary, who was with him on the train. He writes (Reprints, p.365):
Toward morning he had me make a robe for convenience sake by pinning a sheet inside of a blanket, wrapping him in it like a robe and fastening it under his chin. He stood up on the floor for this purpose, and then lay down on the couch instead of returning to his berth. I therefore sat on his bed while he lay before me. After several hours his robe proved to be rather inconvenient, because the sheet and blanket could not be kept together. It was then that he stood again and said, "Please make me a Roman toga."
Menta Sturgeon writes later that he didn't know what Russell meant by wearing the sheets as a toga. He suggests that at a time when he was too weak to talk clearly, he wore the toga to indicate he had remained faithful to death. That may be so. It might simply be that he used two sheets as the sheet and blanket could not be kept together. But whatever the case, there doesn't seem to be any indication that he was depressed.
had lunch with a friend, whose a lecturer in the accounting dept.
of one of australia's best universities.
he told me he expects to lose his job at some point in the next 5 years, as the accounting dept, will disappear, as all accounting will be done by ai programs, so why teach it.. if his fears are correct, that means that any profession that involves the mind, may one day face the same future.
when i browse jw org, the following years of watchtower magazines are missing from the drop-down menu:.
1987 - 1990.
1997-1998.. i dont want to install any libraries from jw org because of spyware concerns.. are these years included in the downloadable libraries?.
how many remember when the wts changed their policy on alternative service; changed it to alternative civilian service so jw men could choose it because it was not supervised by the military.
shows how the wts quibbles with words to advance a "new teaching.
" flag salute, voting, civilian service p. 212. civilian service.
I believe that any criminal records due to refusing military service in South Africa have been annulled. This is in the context of the time when the military was used to support the apartheid state and the annulment was authorised by Nelson Mandela.
dr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljrfvytjhve&ab_channel=kenjohnson%28biblefacts%29 .
aqwsed12345 : "THEOS" when applied to Jesus is always 'nomen sacrum' in the ancient MSS, so it should be translated with a capital letter.
"THEOS" (singular) when applied to anyone including Paul (Acts 28:6) and Satan (2 Cor.4:4) is always 'nomen sacrum' in the ancient MSS. Should these also be translated with a captal letter?
TTWSYF : Irenaeus ... was 100% Catholic
Of course Irenaeus was neither JW nor Catholic, in the sense of belonging to a religion. He lived in the late second century when the Council of Nicaea was still 150 years in the future. His books Against Heresies are predominantly against gnosticism, with the original title being On the Detection and Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis. The gnostics believed that resurrection was purely spiritual so in Book V (from which I've quoted two excerpts but is worth reading in its entirety) Irenaeus defends the scriptural support for a physical resurrection.
I am not claiming Irenaeus was right about everything, or that JWs are right about everything. Only that JWs are not the first to believe in a physical resurrection.
NotFormer : prove ... that anyone before the 19th century believed that they were going to a paradise earth to the exclusion of heaven.
Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Chaper XXXII:
Thus, then, the promise of God, which He gave to Abraham, remains stedfast...Thus, then, they who are of faith shall be blessed with faithful Abraham, and these are the children of Abraham. Now God made promise of the earth to Abraham and his seed; yet neither Abraham nor his seed, that is, those who are justified by faith, do now receive any inheritance in it; but they shall receive it at the resurrection of the just. For God is true and faithful; and on this account He said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Chaper XXXIII:
Thus, then, He will Himself renew the inheritance of the earth, and will re-organize the mystery of the glory of [His] sons; as David says, “He who hath renewed the face of the earth.” He promised to drink of the fruit of the vine with His disciples, thus indicating both these points: the inheritance of the earth in which the new fruit of the vine is drunk, and the resurrection of His disciples in the flesh. For the new flesh which rises again is the same which also received the new cup. And He cannot by any means be understood as drinking of the fruit of the vine when settled down with his [disciples] above in a super-celestial place; nor, again, are they who drink it devoid of flesh, for to drink of that which flows from the vine pertains to flesh, and not spirit.
now that they no longer have to report hours do they still need a territory guy?
blondie : What is the reasoning about elders and MS not being required to report time.
Reference is made to the Nazirites who had to meet certain requirements that were not expected of Israelites in general. The principle applies to pioneers etc who have volunteered to devote a certain number of hours in the ministry, which general publishers (including elders and MS) have not, as explained by Samuel Herd at the Annual Meeting @ 2:52:20.
it's been a while since i've been online here so, forgive me if i seem clueless.
i found a doc with a link newchapter posted several years ago.
she was writing about violence and abortion and gave quite a few stats.
Etude : I looked in the membership and could not find her.