Burka today.Political control tomorrow,with more Muslims coming into western countries it is only a matter of time when they seize power.What will happen is religious intolerance.The Qur'an will prevail over all religions,cultures,countries.
Do you want
Muslims wivies(you)-sexual property of husbands,totally dependent and obedient to their husbands even if they are evil-Husbands are taught to beat their wivies into submission.
How about honour killings,pre-arranged marriages.THESE are just the tip of the iceburg.
Do you know what is req'd to design a restroom for muslim users.Do you see any point of taking a picture of a muslim woman in a black burka,total waste of time.
Remember the 1st step when you became a -------------.Now it's is total control of where you work,who you can marry,how much school you can have,type of dress,etc..........TOTAL control of the upper powers.
Sorry for the long BS.There is a whole lot more of how evil this religion is,don't let the burka fool you,they just want to prove a point about freedom of religion my ass.Remember the Danish cartoon,freedom of speech for who.global muslim furar with death threats.