What never "beg" or 'petition" than why do they past resolution every 3 months to donate,give take,steal a certain amount each month.Liar,liar your pants are on fire(wbts).
next week's service meeting is gonna be a doozy.
after the local announcements there is going to be a 15-minute talk by an elder based on the november 1, 2007, watchtower, pages 17-21. .
somebody with the resources to do it really ought to scan the article and post it as a pdf, it's hilarious, frightening and nauseating all at once.
What never "beg" or 'petition" than why do they past resolution every 3 months to donate,give take,steal a certain amount each month.Liar,liar your pants are on fire(wbts).
"if you are currently going to college, why don't you currently meditate in prayer on the possibility of dropping out and doing something better?".
"what decisions will you make?
will you refuse or not?
What a BIG hypocrite.Why do they sent people to university to get a law degree.Oh,he wouldn't qualify to go to court and defend WBTS money.Look at past KM when they want and need qualified people to work at Bethel,ie Doctors.Lawyers,Engineers,Computer programmers,etc,etc.ALL HIGHLY EDUCATED.
The illustration about the OCD attempted suicide.That illustration was given at a CA and the sickos burst out in laughter.I said to myself, how sad you people to laugh at someones handicap.So sad,so sad.
i just watched reign over me.
adam sandler has come a long way as an actor, and i thought he did very well portraying the feelings someone has who keeps the pain of emotional tragedy inside.
i'll never feel ok about all the damage caused by me when i was at my worst.. the movie also made me think about me and my relationships and us as a group of people affected by something so tragic in some cases.
Very good post wonderlustguy.Also everyone that replied.Being on this forum is like being in a big room everyone visiting and talking to one another.We all have the same thing in common.It's nice that we can vent our true feeling with each other and not get knocked down and kicked like a poor dog by a mad man(wbts).
jehovah's witnesses office of public information .
for immediate release .
november 1, 2007 .
I can trust the Bible,but NOT the NWT.Look at the WBTS "the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures" and the changes they made ie LORD/Jehovah in the NT.
In the Nov. 2007 Awake page 5 "It would be hard to trust a book that is found to contain inaccuracies.Image reading a modern history book that dated the second world war to the 1800's or that called the presidents of the United States a king. Would such inaccuracies not raise questions in your mind about the overall reliablity of the book?Try reading some past WBTS publications(books) and look at ALL the inaccuracies.For example the book "Revelation-Its Grand Climax At Hand" It was printed and copyright in 1988.They printed a 1988 copyright edition in 2006.However the do not, again they do not say anything about all the changes in the 2006 printing of the same copyright book of 1988.Now if I was to place this 2006 printing of this book with the public they would not see all the inaccuracies and changes from the 1988 original book.YOU CANNOT TRUST THE WBTS.Let alone their inaccurate translation of the Bible that they call NWT.
Why a news release,isn't the policy of the WBTS,to go from door to door the best way of informing the people,besides it's the most effective.Also it creates a lot of jobs for the Gas/tire/car mtce etc.You get 4 people to a car times 250,000 cars driving 50miles a day for 10 days in Nov=125,000,000 miles or 6,500,000 gals of gasx$3.00=19,500,000 dollars.Use that money and advertise on T.V./Oprah save the environment.This in just in the U.S.A.
OK enough bullshit bob
my dad was raised a jw and though he isn't a jw (because he hasn't passed all of their tests) he insists on "converting" me.
we constantly debate over my beliefs and his beliefs.
the jw have so many strange beliefs in blows my mind.
Run run as fast as you can away from this dangerours cult.As has been said they will control you, they want your money.Yes maybe they give the rags away but they pass resolution at their meeting for donations to the WBTS.And if you don't do as the gestapo says they give you the boot.Goodbye family, friends, business, your house, kids, dog boy you are totally f#@@#.
soliciting your comments as well!
please take a moment to post a comment, even if brief.
share your experience and keep the topic active.. .
Very good review.Q12/13 If a JW confesses to something or questions FDS/GB?And the gestapo,the 3 elders j.c.take him into the torture chamber and beat a confession out of him.The JW repents,why don't they show him mercy.Instead they kick him out and disfellowship him.
Disaster.I believe they have a AAKF the WBTS inhouse insurance.They get bang for their buck.
Q17 Its like 2k years people have been waiting for a new system.
so after the revelation study last night where the paragraph was talking about how russell's interpertation of revelation basically didn't work and got discarded, my wife comments with the same old,"the light gets brigther, that's why i respect fds because at least they will change when they figure out something is wrong.
" (insert vomit here) afterwards, me and the book study conductor(i have to at least give him credit, he is someone i can talk to freely about my questions and he has not,as of yet, turned me in) got into a discussion of what 'the light gets brighter' really means.
he basically says so the brothers have made changes, so what?
Yeah,JW are quick to stick up for the mistakes of the FDS/GB.When the FDS/GB said the 1914 greneration would not past away before the end and told the R&F to preach this this message to the people as truth.In the 70's and 80's I said they were full of shit because the end would not come.Of course I was the one totally wrong for not following the direction of the warped FDS/GB.The R&F followed and done exactly what FDS said.Who was right not me according to the FDS and R&F because the FDS is GOD spirit anointed ORG.Did the light get brighter in 1995 because of the Bible truth or the 1995 generation died.TOTAL BULLSHIT.Only 12 years later the light really got bright because they are about to change it again.Yeah wait a few more years for a new change and you will be looking in God face and die.
i remember being a pioneer and telling people how stupid they were for believing in a "burning hell.".
the analogy they told us to use was..... "if you had a small child and they were bad could you take that child and put it's hand over a flame and burn it's flesh and hold his hand there....dispite his screams and his pain?".
of course the answer was always...."no".
marmot. Ask him why didn't JW help kill Nazi Hilter.This maniac killed JW that is their brother/sisters.
the one mistake we all made.
and the january 15, 2008 watchtower.
page 24 the governing body makes the following statement: .
oompa you are good.Why inspect the SLAVE only in 1919 and make the appointments only than.
bro jackson.
indicates total destruction of the wicked system and its spirit.. we (the anointed) are prepared for that day.
they didnt see the whole picture and only had a limited perspective so they lost confidence in jehovah and moses.
Thanks for the info,Randy."We( WBTS) aren't always right" You got that right GB's."It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to find the correct understanding"You morons,your Holy Spirit is full of crap.The Bible has the correct understanding Ex. on BLOOD.That is just one area and there are so many areas that you and your Holy Spirit are wrong.The Generation,how many times are you dip sticks gone to change it.Do you really know what you are talking about.L#@$T^*>