Thanks for your input:To,Heathen.maybe not forever but a longer than 100 years or so.TO.WTWizard I like you point of view.
Xavier1,see WT:QFR-Oct1,94,June1,90,June 1,94 and June 15,04.Oct15,2000 Nov06KM.Aug2006 Awake.Tipical WTBS circular reasoning.
Philippus79-Satan's challenge.Just a question, was it a challenge to rulership or a statement?For example if I say to you jump off a 50 story bldg it won't kill you.What would your reply be or would you believe me and go ahead and jump.Is it my fault that you are dead or was it your poor judgement.Now is it my fault that that those who jump off tall bldging and kill themselves.Did not God create humans with intelligence.Please help me see how a question by Satan turns into rulership,sovereighty,vindication of a name,etc,etc,