I have been to 7 branches but never the NY Bethel. it's too bad I was disillusioned before I could make it there. :)
Czech Republic
i have been to 7 branches but never the ny bethel.
it's too bad i was disillusioned before i could make it there.
czech republic.
I have been to 7 branches but never the NY Bethel. it's too bad I was disillusioned before I could make it there. :)
Czech Republic
i put 'frighten' in quote marks because i'm not sure that's exactly the word i'm looking for.
i've been away from the borg for 10 years now, and it doesn't bother me these days when i'm called on by jws - most of whom i know as i'm living in the same area still.
i can quite happily stand up for myself to them - although i have to be a little careful what i say as i was a fader and never df'd.
they make me sick how arrogant and judgemental they are. with no formal training, they think they can be councelors and judges. disgusting, but they are victims too. how many elders are here that feel ill when you think back to how you treated people? their actions which are dictated by mind control is what makes me sick. i think i would like most of them if they snapped out of it.
just checked the www.watchtower.org and there is an frontpage article which surely is a ncessary read for all those you eagerly following the slave class in an effort to gain everlasting life.. it's life-saving title is "pets - how do you view them?".
urgent information needed to survive the impending strike of armageddon!!.
and here is how the article starts:.
the WT promises the unatainable. i've never wanted a lion now...but it just sounds so mysterious...a pet lion? this world won't give me one? but Jehovah will?! AWESOME! i'm in, where do i sign up? OH! i'm already signed up, i just have to start turning in time again. then will i get my lion back?....
i wonder what kind of kool-aid they'll serve when they finally realize the lie can't continue before it just gets too unbelievable/unteachable ~ then it will be time for the final transendence. :)
check this out (hope you have a strong stomach .
from the ex:.
also, how are the kids handleing the holiday thing....for real....and do you really feel that is what you believe in, it just worries me......i havent said anything cuz its your choice, it is just that i wish you would come back.....move to omaha, and get into a diff congre, they would embrace you, they really would, .........heck, they embraced me after all the crap i did and fell and got back up.......i do see the good in you........ .
i would tell him that if he wants to know how the kids are doing, then ask them. and OF COURSE his congregation "embraced" him. i don't know what he did, but i imagine if he did whatever he did, then made corrections to his life to get on "the right track", and became an amazing person BUT decided to leave the WT, then the said "embracing" would turn to "judging". i've learned it doesnt matter what kind of person you are, as long as you are an "active" witness. it sounds like you are a nice person, and a good mom. but JESUS CHRIST you've left the church....i'm worried about you...
it was a waste wasting 15 years of my life on this false religion.
i've cried when i find out that this religion is bull shit and are false prophets.
i'm a pioneer still and supposed to meet up in service with this brotha tomorr but i'm not going.
hi fly,
i feel so much empathy for you, i'm sorry you had to find out, but so glad you did. there is something that has helped me, and i hope it helps you. Remind yourself that YOU ARE A VICTIM. for every type of victim, there is a recovery process. that process if full of pain, confusion, and emotions you have never experienced. try to seperate emotion from logic when making decisions. write things down, and talk about everything on your mind. this board is an AWESOME place to start. also, make a "wordly" friend. confide in them, tell them the watchtower things that have caused you to leave. their shock will comfort you, and reassure you that you are a NORMAL HEALTHY MINDED person to reject such lies. the witnesses are going to make you feel crazy. tell you that satan is overtaking you. even life long friends will start loosing love for you.
it's going to be hard, but if you don't do it, that would be even harder. to keep living the lie. you would be in a mental prison.
i look forward to hearing more from you. i'm sorry today is so hard.
when i stopped going to meetings, i faded away slowly.
we always tend to think that we are the ones who faded away and that the jw's in general wanted us to stay.. but if you think about it, the elders, ms, and every good jw who still attend meetings, are also the ones fading.
the only difference is that they are fading the people who left.
i like the letters i've received (by like, i mean gag me). i've gotten three now, about how satan is going to swallow me whole, and that "with Jehovah's help, we can overcome anything". the only reason JW's think you "fade" is b/c life must be really stressful right now, satan has you in his snares! besides the death warning letters, i've received about six phone calls from the same two people, who happen to be very zelous crazy sisters, one phone call from an elders wife in my old cong. i told her that i was not going to the KH anymore, and we talked briefly about her, then i ended the conversation w/an excuse. her elder husband never called me. my life must not be that important, i guess. definately, no one was in a rush to "save me from the wolves".
on a side note, i "love" quotation marks.
this allowed by the borg for jw's to use in place of transfusion of regular human blood notice the concerns even by outside people, over the fact this cows blood raising safety issues.. http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/12-06/12-15-06/01health.htm.
the navy's latest proposal to test a blood substitute made by a massachusetts company on 1,100 trauma victims appears more likely to earn a go-ahead from regulators who had blocked the experiment over safety concerns.
the navy wants to test the product, derived from cow blood, on civilian trauma victims in emergency situations.
crazy thought ~ if animal blood is used for a "blood alternative", how will this alter the makeup of blood over the years? could this feed the theory of evolution? if human blood changes ENOUGH, then it's only logical to think that humans will change, physiologically. any science buffs out there that could say "yay" or "nay" to this theory?
i ran into a now baptized, old bible student of mine yesterday.
she got my phone number and will be calling me.
how do i tell her that i no longer want to be affiliated with the religion i taught her for two years?
i'm fading, but i'm also opening celebrating xmas this year ~ so i have a feeling i'll be getting the boot soon. honestly, i'm starting to feel like it will be relief. no more preaching at me or giving me sympathy looks like i have a terminal illness. no more telling me how they just signed up to pioneer and how great it's going (gag me!).
so to answer your questions, i'm a fader, but being DA'ed is starting to not look so bad.
i have bought and sold and refinanced homes for over 25 years and never had any problem at all using " worldly people" and their businesses.. the only time i tried to use a brother ( an elder ) it was a big fiasco.. everything went wrong and i threatned to turn him in to the authority because of his cheating and lying and unethical way of doing business.. luckily i caught it before the closing and did not go thru with it but at least 5 other families got screwed out of 1000's , money that was needed badly.. .
he is still serving as an elder .
did you have similar experience and get to a point that you did not want to use the brothers anymore?.
i rented an apt from a JW, and they refused to fix the major stuff. they would fix doors and washers, but not huge leaks, etc... my whole apt smelled like mold. another "brother" does business with my co-workers, and everytime he comes in the building, my co-workers go, "uhh, that guy is so crooked and just plain creepy". i love that he is an MS... :) ANOTHER time, some witnesses were traveling together, and they booked through a witness travel agency, and they were all double charged on their credit cards and never got their money back! and don't forget the mechanic who did the half ass job on my car then over charged me...or the handyman that submitted bills to my sister's boss for work that was never done or requested. is this why the watchtower says to think twice before getting involved in business matters with a "brother"? :)
i ran into a now baptized, old bible student of mine yesterday.
she got my phone number and will be calling me.
how do i tell her that i no longer want to be affiliated with the religion i taught her for two years?
i ran into a now baptized, old bible student of mine yesterday. she got my phone number and will be calling me. how do i tell her that i no longer want to be affiliated with the religion i taught her for two years? she's young, and i can tell still looks up to me, so i know i have to be honest, but how?