I to do not believe in any religion but have my faith in God and call myself a Christain ....My son however is still a JW and brings up the scripture....GATHER YOURSELVES TOGETHER...How can I argue that? anyone? I can not find a group to gather to.
Posts by Ri
My growing opinion about religion
by AK - Jeff inwhen i walked away from jw's i thought that i would find other religions more comforting, less controlling.
what i found was more of the same.
religion acting like a 'prophet'.
What global warming??
Article: Will Jehovahs Witnesses Abandon Brooklyn Heights?
by dutchstef inread an article in the "brookling daily eagle, here's the link:.
As the old GB die off////new thinkers will come in and actually destroy the JWs as we know them
"Is It Latter Than You Think" Article in Awake
by Leprechaun inmary christmas - article in the awake i think it was 1969 or1968 there is a picture of two passenger jets flying into the world trade center buildings, now, what do you think of that.
now, that was some thirty years in advance, and a little more than coincidence.
what the hells up with that folks?
The WTO didn't have a clue it would be Islam religeous extremist who started Amegeddon
Bethel and Prisons using slave labor for profit!
by Witness 007 inbehtel has workers who are paid basically nothing!
a small "re-inbursment" for expenses.
prison is the same...making license plates for $2 dollars an hour....mc donalds resturants are not far behind.
There are times when a person can become a slave without knowing...they are brainwashed into thinking they are working for a higher cause such as the slaves of ACORN
Total Strangers...would you believe and do whatever they tell you?
by oompa inthat is what i did the first 45 years of my life.
because i was born in...fourth generation...i really did not have much of a choice since i tried to be a good son....my doubts started at 19, but i had been bad enough in high school that i became a pioneer for a year and a half as a form of penance to my parents....soon thereafter, wife and kids and job became a big distraction....and life just happened as it does to must born in dubs........ now that i am out i realize that all of what i was and did and spewed at doors....was actually accepted by me from total strangers!!
!.......that i had never even met!!!
Somehow these people from the Watchtower grab your mind and take hold of it...WHY?
Because they tell you what you want to hear...even if they don't believe their own reterect they convince you to believe they are chosen by Jehovah. It is very hard to shake lose once you believe the lies.
I agree with Jehovah's Witnesses!
by UnDisfellowshipped ini agree with jehovah's witnesses!.
(i bet reniaa will be shocked to see this thread!).
to jehovah's witnesses: i commend your zeal for god, your desire for accurate knowledge and truth of the bible, your goals of drawing close to jehovah, and following and obeying christ's teachings, and your time spent studying the bible.
The end of all governments will come to an end sooner or later....that is what I read in the Holy scriptrues.
I don't think any religion has the truth.
Older posters check in...just post your name...we need to hear from you!
by restrangled ini am not the oldest but have 3 years here!
restrangled.. how about you?.
It would be a good thing if some of you had a life ....I agree with RR.
Some of you lazy no good people actually post all day from your work station...collecting a check that you do not deserve.
Another person willing to work should be working in your place.
What is the worst experience of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE in JW's you have had?
by BonaFide inlast year, i listened to a talk on cd from a member of the governing body, brother losch.
he says the dead bodies will be all over the place and we will have to bury them.
it has been mentioned on this forum many times.. so i knew that my family had not heard the talk, or else they would definitely have talked about it.
I thought the birds of heaven was going to clean up the dead bodies!
The standard answer is always, "If Jehovah wants that way then he will make right"
Do you ever shed the Jw experience?
by AK - Jeff ini have been out for 5 years.
my wife and i left together.
she saw the sham long before i did - though neither of us could 'put our finger on' what was wrong until we read coc, found the internet, etc.. i believe my wife leans toward atheism more than i do - i consider myself agnostic of the whole matter at this point.
The only time I think about my experience in the WTS is when I think of the book of revelation and the anti-christ. The speech Obama made to the Muslims got me thinking and picking up the red book on revelation to read again. How the anti-christ would subdue the nations of the world. etc etc etc