Happy Family Day--go find someone to hug, if you can't find your family. We are going to play a game, no homeschool, eat junk food, all that good stuff. In this matter, we don't mind being "part of the world", because God made families way back in Genesis...so I know it isn't a pagan thing.
JoinedPosts by truthsearcher
Happy Family Day to Canadians!
by fjtoth inthis is a new holiday in canada, and i wonder what "pagan origin" the watchtower society will attach to it in order to get jws to avoid it and to instead spend the day selling books and magazines.
if jws do spend the day in so-called "field service," it will surely draw criticism from their canadian neighbours who appreciate the anti-workaholic purpose and spirit of the day.. .
Does having hot flashes qualify me for this thread?
Happy V Day--I've always loved lil puppy dawgs.
Visit with my uncle
by Bumble Bee inwell, yesterday was probably the last time i'll see my uncle alive.
i was aprehensive about the visit, but all in all it went ok. (you can find the back info here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/152688/1.ashx and here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/152696/1.ashx).
we got to the hospital and my three cousins were there with their children (who i haven't seen in many many years).
(((((Bumble Bee))))): It sounds like you handled the situation with real warmth and forgiveness.May you continue to have strength in the sad days ahead.
Home Schooling
by WTWizard init seems that there are a lot of witlesses that opt to home school their children.
i had a family in my former congregation that did that, because the kids did not want to be around worldly people (sounds familiar?).
it also seems that they are speeding things up, so the children can get out there and pioneer that much sooner.
We are another hsing family. It has been a wonderful experience and our kids have turned out with great social skills, high academics, time to develop many other skills, and close family bonds. We make it a point to get them out in the community and not to isolate them from their peers. So we do lots of different sports, art, music lessons, etc.
There are literally thousands of curriculums available, just do a google search. There are also many different hs philosophies of education, again do a search. Different approaches work for different families. We have mixed in an unstructured approach, a unit study approach, a textbook based approach with a classical approach (we are learning logic, Latin, Greek, reading the great classics). We used the library frequently and have shelves and shelves of books in almost every room.
I do go out of the way to make it interesting, made sure they learn how to study, how to think critically (logic/foreign languages), lots of field trips to museums, science centres, all sorts of interesting places, have the philosophy that "life is school", therefore we are learning and discussing all the time, not just between certain hours, have set a model for them by continuing to learn and study myself.
Kid #1--went back for Grade 12 to public school: At graduation received 4 awards--academic and leadership/social. Had time to do a trade apprenticeship that now brings her extra cash on the side. Working in a great office job, loved by her bosses.
Kid #2-In college last year, 4.0 GPA, organized a study group for friends to help them do better, busy social life. This year is working, tutoring, teaching students HOW to study, very active social life. Did a college entrance exam this year, scored the highest they had ever seen at that school.
Kid #3-excelling in many areas of interest, involved in many extra-curricular activities, a heart of service, exploring many different career options before she has graduated high school, so that hopefully she'll figure out what she is passionate about before going to college (and then having to switch programs).
We have decided as a family to make the sacrifices necessary to be a one income family so I could be at home to raise our children, and also be able to homeschool. As far as social misfits go, our children have all been social leaders that their peers respect. Since moving to a smaller community, we have met some homeschooled kids that were a little shy, but the mother was also. It must depend on the parents. I am fairly outgoing so my kids have had that model, and also me making sure they were well "socialized". We lived behind 2 different schools, and I saw the type of "socialization" that went on. NO THANKS!
The JW style of hsing seems an inadequate way to do it. The cult represses critical thinking skills, and drags the kids door to door when they should be learning, so this perhaps is a reason for JWs not to homeschool. Once you are out though, it could be a strong alternative for those so driven. If anyone is interested in more information or links, PM me. I have done this for 18 years and have alot of research and links to share.
Don't throw out this excellent form of education just because of JW failures. The Witness homeschool approach is the exception not the norm, as in so many other things in life.
Best Field Service "Presentation": Direct Approach. (I'm serious!)
by Open mind inif you're a less-than-zealous jw still in for family, what do you do if/when you actually get roped into knocking on a door?.
now what many probably do, and i've done quite a bit, is the good old: "hi we're here with the latest wt, would you like to read it?
i have abandoned this presentation for a couple of reasons.. 1. every now & then someone will actually feel sorry for us and accept the mag.
Open Mind: I'd love to hear what you have to say. Would you like to come in? I promise to bake cookies or something tasty
All spending countless hours with concerned Christians ever did for me was prove that the "Big 3": Trinity, Hellfire & Immortal Soul can be argued both ways using the Bible.
I actually think that is an important point for Witnesses to realize. You can support those supposedly pagan doctrines with the Bible, it just takes a different interpretation approach (literal, as opposed to symbolizing anything you don't like the sound of )
Let me know what time to put on the coffee... Honest, you'll be able to count some good time! -
For Christians...Is It Just Me or Am I Losing My Mind
by XJW4EVR ini just ended a three week sabbatical from attending my usual christian fellowship.
going back last night, i was struck by just how superficial and shallow the worship service was.
it was almost as if the worship leader was trying to manufacture joy in the believers.
DDawg: I don't think I expressed myself adequately before. What I meant is that there is a place for singing songs that tell others what God has done in our lives: that is "To God be the glory, great things HE has done..." as opposed to "To You, be the glory, great things YOU have done". I believe there should be a mixture of both perspectives. Do you disagree?
HMike: You make some very interesting points. But remember not all contemporary worship music is shallow and "fluffy". There are some wonderful new hymns and songs being written that convey doctrine (one of the original purposes that Luther had in giving music back to the congregation following the Reformation--a way to teach Scripture through song. Previously, the Catholic church had professional musicians singing all the music, and the congregation wasn't involved in the same way). Having said that, there is also musical and spiritual drivel out there, and there seems to be a lack of discretion in many churches about what they are singing. For example, there is alot of Dominion and Charismatic theology contained the much of the "new music" coming from the Vineyard movement. Cessationist churches should check the lyrics and see if they actually believe what they are singing! We have had to "throw out" some songs because they failed in this area.
As far as having a leader up front, I hear what you are saying. Unfortunately, we have found at our church, that the congregation seems to lack confidence in singing out if someone is not there to help them out. No one wants to be the one to jump in by themselves in the wrong spot--talk about embarrasing (and I have done it myself)! That is why it is helpful to have a strong vocal leader. However, they don't necessarily have to be at the front facing the congregation. I have led from the piano before. We have experimented with having the worship team on the floor at the side facing away from the congregation. But they were blocking the words on the screen for some behind them, so we put them on the stage again but off to the side with the words front and centre. Our musicians are on the floor and to the side. (By the way, we still use our organ too, so don't despair of finding a church that has a mixture of styles).
You made an excellent comment about needing to remember that the worship is not all about ME but about the LORD. Also, we have sacrificed in the past to be a church where the music was quite uninspiring but the Bible teaching was excellent. In a perfect world, there would be both, but that is not always the case. Also, worship is the sacrifice of our lives, not just what we sing at church. John MacArthur has a good book on this topic.
I could go on and on. However, I want to give others a chance to resond
Best Field Service "Presentation": Direct Approach. (I'm serious!)
by Open mind inif you're a less-than-zealous jw still in for family, what do you do if/when you actually get roped into knocking on a door?.
now what many probably do, and i've done quite a bit, is the good old: "hi we're here with the latest wt, would you like to read it?
i have abandoned this presentation for a couple of reasons.. 1. every now & then someone will actually feel sorry for us and accept the mag.
Most who say "Yes" are usually Born Again Christians trying to convert the JW,
Really? I didn't know that. Does it ever work?
For Christians...Is It Just Me or Am I Losing My Mind
by XJW4EVR ini just ended a three week sabbatical from attending my usual christian fellowship.
going back last night, i was struck by just how superficial and shallow the worship service was.
it was almost as if the worship leader was trying to manufacture joy in the believers.
Well guys, since I am a worship leader at my church, I guess I should say something here.
Our job in leading worship is to lead the congregation in praise. Usually this starts with a celebration of our redemption or a celebration of our fellowship with one another ( Come Christians join to sing, Allelulia Amen!) Usually we have a theme in mind that we are trying to emphasize, usually tied to the pastor's sermon. I believe strongly in a mix of the traditional hymns of the Christian faith (full of theology, musically lush, part of our heritage) with modern songs, choruses and hymns (easy to learn, often a more intimate expression of our personal faith, fresh and appealing music that appeals to the younger members, a "new song" to the Lord). I do not believe in artificially whipping people into a state of excitement or joy. But honestly, sometimes it is a challenge to get people to even sing out, because their minds are burdened down with the cares of the week. And sometimes they just need some encouragement, and since the leader is at the front, they can visibly encourage the congregation to put aside their burdens and remember to praise the Lord.
It is important to have a blend in tempo and mood. Not every song should be up-up-up, and visa versa. Some songs should be focussed on God, others directed to each other in the congregation ("speaking to one another in psalms and hymns"). There is definitely a place for introspective songs that focus on the suffering of Christ on the cross, and our wretched condition apart from the wonderful grace of our Lord. ("How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure...")
I definitely know that there are churches that use techniques to create an artificial atmosphere of worship--there are books that explain how to do it, although they don't use quite that term :) God is more concerned about our hearts not our outer actions. So I am sure that if this worship is not from the heart, it falls short of his desire for "mercy not sacrifice". However, having said all that, in the times I don't feel like praising God, but once I start, then my heart follows. This does not mean that I need to jump around, repeat the same mindless refrain over and over--those are techniques more conducive to a form of hypnotism than worship. I find it better to actually meditate on the words that I am singing--"Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love"--now that song has brought me to tears as my heart cried out its unfaithfulness. Or as I sing "To God be the glory, great things He hath done!" my heart wells up in thankfulness for His leading and mercy to me.
As many have said, there are different styles of worship depending on the church you attend. If you feel that your congregation has become unbalanced, perhaps you should talk to the pastor or worship leader about this. I can recommend some books or resources on worship if anyone needs that type of info. If that is an unfruitful endeavour, then perhaps there are other congregations whose style you would benefit from more? Worship has been undergoing a tremendous change in churches over the last years, and has been the #1 cause of division...so you are sure to find a variety of styles.
Making a joyful noise here in Ontario,
resident mormons: "Big Love"?
by inkling ini recently starting watching the hbo drama "big love" and was wondering.
if anyone here who is a mormon or used to be one or is connected to mormons.
somehow has seen the show, and what you think of it.. .
That little show tries to make them come off as the “one and only true religion” with wholesome family values because their people dress nicely, have great big pearly white tooth smiles and wear pretty new dresses and easy-on easy-off snap on ties. The more white teeth smiles and snap on ties they can show in their cult brochures and TV Christmas specials, the more chance they have in catching hungry and clueless converts with those superficial and metaphysical fish hooks.
Seven, they almost got me on this one as a young teen...but one look at a book about their doctrines showed me what they really were!
Mormon Prophet / President dies at 97 years old.
by Witness 007 inthe mormons are without a prophet today since gordon hinkley 97 who served for 13 years passed away due to old age complications.. his was a quiet term for a president since his predecessor had to deal with the 60's sexual and racial revolution.
{in the late 1960's the prophet told mormons that god now allowed blacks into the priesthood...after years of much contraversey.
Since all the Mormons are here, I was wondering what you gusy thought of Martha Beck's book "Leaving the Saints"? I couldn't put it down and read it all in one day. But I am a fast reader and sometimes can be obsessive that way...