Topics Started by Caine
by Caine inhow do we know that bethel and other congregations monitor this site?
is this confirmed.
and if so i am assuming all those monotoring must be doubtful as well.
MICHIGAN PEOPLE!!!...Multi-millionaire witness Pat Patterson.....
by integ inanyone heard of this guy?.
he built up an insurance agency in michigan, and sold it for over 10 million dollars.. apparently, at his big office in novi, michigan, he only hires witnesses and they are all making big bucks.. i know an agent who was going to work for him in another state (they do business in 10 states i think), but declined to sign up when he found out the organization was owned and operated by witnesses.. he said: "that explains the ridiculously low commissions they pay their agents".
they sell alot of life insurance.. why would this witness owned agency push life insurance if the end is so near???.
society articles in favor of U.N.
by Caine ini keep hearing about watchtower and awake articles placing the u.n. in favorable light.
does anyone out there know about any of them.
Why can't he let himself be happy?
by emilyblue ini'm in love with a man who is a witness.
i am a pretty inactive protestant, meaning my parents were only able to drag me to church twice a year on christmas eve and easter morning.
he told me early into our relationship that he wanted to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me, and that he has never felt the love for anyone else like he does for me.
Do you believe you have a particular purpose in life?
by journey-on ini ask this because as a jw, you are programmed to think your only purpose is to preach the good news of the kingdom....period.
but more and more, i've noticed in my own life a strong pull toward something i won't elaborate on, but it has me thinking that maybe we really do each have a particular purpose and it's up to us to discover what it is.
i know i'm kind of new to the forum, but please let me know if any of you have experienced this same kind of unusually strong pull toward something you can't fully explain.
Is the Society more Orwellian than it used to be?
by under_believer ini was born in the 70's, grew up during the 80's, was a young adult during the 90's.
i was born into the witnesses and attended meetings that whole time.
i am still attending meetings, in fact, for my wife's sake.
I just got back from my circuit assembly !
by 5go inok i have listed all the intresting and thought provoking things.
hear they are from a to z.
<----------- yep nothing.. .
Is this where I went wrong in my marriage?!
by deeskis injust got this email of a magazine article from 1955. .
If tomorrow never comes, any regrets??
by avidbiblereader inif tomorrow never comes, do you have any unsettled regrets, anything you wish you would have done, any places to see or things to do, anybody you wanted to say something to and didn't?.