Topics Started by jeanV
"How Could I Have Believed the Garbage for so Long?"
by scout575 in"i went through the same thing when i started my deconversion process.
when i began to think rationally about life i was in shock.
i would ask myself, "how could i have believed the garbage for so long?
Floyd Kite's "Enduring the Tests Within God's Organization" (1980)
by Leolaia inthats a big test.
can you think of the test that that would put on gods people?
its a big test, its a big test.
Has anyone seen this research on 607 and the Watchtower?
by lurker ini was recently searching the web for information on 607 to discuss with my wife and i came up with this. these people say that they are proving the watchtowers 607 date correct.
i am convinced that the watchtower is wrong because of all the other things that i have researched but i would welcome any feedback.
blood brochure - misquotes
by jeanV ini found some websites that present the cited texts in their entirety (including the part that was left out by the wtbts), however not the scans from the original books/articles.
does anyone know of a website where they are available?
same goes for the trinity brochure.. thank you in advance..
The evolution of my mind
by kwintestal inwhen i look back at the last 10 years of my life it's amazing the different changes that has taken place mentally.
10 years ago i was very much a jw, but struggling as a late teen, trying to balance my youthful desire to have a good time with my desire to please god.
it was a tough battle, sometimes god won, other times he didn't, but when it was all said and done i thought god and i were cool with each other.. then i became a husband and a father, trying to keep up with the extra responsibilities that were upon me.
Any more info on Nicholas Kip? (Witness apologist)
by slimboyfat inremember he was the witness who wrote a life story for the awake!
magazine where it explains that he taught greek and he was impressed by the new world translation and that is why he became a witness.
("how knowing greek led me to know god") well, like lots of apostates i have always found his story interesting because of course there are many problems with the translation of the greek that you might expect someone knowledgeable in the language to spot.
Get A Load Of This Anti Watchtower Site!
by minimus ina preview of what's coming in january is on this link, it sounds scary to me!!!!
Judicial Committee on tape ... one of my favorites
by ithinkisee inthis is a judicial meeting recording from the mid-80's, where rick and laverne townsend were brought up on charges of apostasy.
listen to the calm manner in which they refute the elders (especially 607 and 1914) and how the elders get evasive and dodge questions and pretty much bring up nothing biblical.
Comprehensive list of misquotes
by JG indoes anyone have or know of a "full and complete list of misquotations of the watchtower" if not would anyone like to help compile this list.
i'm sure that we could find someone who would host an article or paper on this subject.
i was thinking of a list or paper without any inflamatory wording or language that we could just hand to a jw and they would read without dismissing it as "full of hate" or appostate etc.
Why I Stopped Apologising For The WTS
by NewWay inwhy i stopped apologising for the watchtower society - part 1. .
in response to requests for information on why i stopped being an apologist for the organisation, i have decided to write the following article.
what is written is not meant to attack the beliefs of jws, but rather to show why i personally came to the conclusion that i could no longer support the organisation.