Uh, is it really wise to post someone's personal phone number on the internet?!?
JoinedPosts by Paralipomenon
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo ininterview with a prosecutor .
background: on july 26, 2011, the entire worldwide religious and corporate hierarchy of jehovahs witnesses was charged in the magistrates court of victoria, australia, with 35 serious criminal breaches of the states mandatory child protection laws (working with children act 2005).
among the legal entities charged were the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania and the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo ininterview with a prosecutor .
background: on july 26, 2011, the entire worldwide religious and corporate hierarchy of jehovahs witnesses was charged in the magistrates court of victoria, australia, with 35 serious criminal breaches of the states mandatory child protection laws (working with children act 2005).
among the legal entities charged were the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania and the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Thank you Barbara.
I am very interested in listening to an interview with Steven but can in no way support the SixScreens Network. I hope there is a second interview via a different venue.
WTF? Steven Untank's money accounts suddenly closed!!
by mind blown inthis is weird?!
i just came accross this on mr unthank's personal site: http://stevenunthank.wordpress.com/monies/i recently read something where the wts is, let's just say connected, to various institutions/companies to wield/get their way.....is this one or just coincidence?
moniespersonal message from steven unthank.
Does anyone else remember a thread from last year about the Watchtower signing up to Ebay in an official capacity? We were all speculating as to why they would do this after so long. This thread might be the reason for it.
How do you CHALLENGE yourself? Self-Improvement topic
by Terry inthis is an important topic for me.. ever since i was a kid i was interested in self-improvement.. it was the result of my grandfather, surely.. .
here is what my grandad (i called him, paw paw) would do to challenge me.. .
he knew kids always need money to buy "stuff" and go places and do things.
Ever try to go a day doing everything with your non-dominant hand?
It can be fun unless you have some forms that need signing. :)
SMART phones: I got my first iPhone
by Terry infor my birthday, my daughter (who works for apple) got me an iphone.. yes, i was using an old motorola flip-phone until now...like a geriatric captain kirk.. and i wondered why people had been giving me those strange looks before.... .
anyway, imagine my reaction to the mammoth technology contained in an iphone.. talk about a miracle, this qualifies.. i'm particularly impressed by the onboard gps.
i can type in a destination and the phone already knows exactly where i am and will plot a destination map onscreen.
The iPhone is pretty slick. I mainly use my smartphone for email so for years I've been partial to BlackBerry.
A few months ago our contract came up and my wife and I upgraded. I went for the newest and best Blackberry and absolutely hated it. I tried to like it, but the interface was clunky and counter-intuitive. Some of the hardware buttons changed what they did from previous releases and while it had a touch screen, it couldn't decide on how it wanted you to input.
Sometimes you needed to click on something on screen, other times you'd be typing using the keyboard and then need to press a hardware button to continue.
Eventually I just returned it and got a new iPhone. I'm pretty pleased with it. I don't like how they try to "protect" you from using the free space as storage like a memory stick, but meh, not a major concern.
The Governing Body is so old jokes
by JimmyPage inwho's game?.
the governing body is so old their idea of cybersex is tapping out "who's your daddy?
" in morse code..
The Governing Body is so old, their first new light was the invention of fire.
Class Action Slander/Libel Suit Against the WTS
by Igot2bme ini am exploring a class action lawsuit against the wts at the moment.
i have been in touch with other attorneys on this matter and at the moment i haven't found anyone to take the case just yet.
i want to pursue a class action lawsuit against the wts.
While not familiar with US law, I know in Canada religious entities are exempt from our hate speech laws.
I would hazard a similar provision exists in the states otherwise churches would be prone to lawsuits for printing things like "God kills fags" which in my own opinion is far worse than calling ex-members "mentally diseased"
Not to try to rain on your parade, but you could look up lobby groups that would be affected by things that the WT prints and submit articles to them. Putting public pressure on the WT is much easier through existing channels than trying to get a class action started.
The Two Forces
by N.drew inthe ark pictures the response to one kind.. it means the customs of the people can cause catastrophe.. and most people did not stop the destructive behavior , but some used it to be redeemed.. .
sodom pictures the other kind.. it means the people respond badly to the intuitive recognition that doom is ahead.. .
in one case what the people are doing causes something bad.
May the force be with you.
I have allegedly been charged with apostasy
by Igot2bme ini recieved a letter today and it reads:.
sister jennifer b****,.
we request your presence for a judical hearing.
Why are JC's always in the evenings?
I'd mess with them. Tell them that due to scheduling you would only be able to meet in the afternoon during the week. Make them take time off work to sit in a little room and wait for you.
Also I'd request that they inform you who is bringing this charge against you and insure that two witnesses to your apostasy will be present. Show up with a tape recorder and refuse to turn it off. Claim that you need to write Bethel for guidance about this "no recording" rule as you are not familiar with it from any magazines and feel they are making it up. If they pull out the sheparding the flock book claim it is a fake as you have never seen it and insist on writing Bethel for confirmation.
So much fun to be had!
Does anyone here believe in ET's? That we are not alone on this vast Universe?
by IamPresence2012 inbeing brought up a jw until age 25. i never made an attempte to search anywhere else for information until i moved out (thank god).
thanks to the internet,, my curiosity led me to different websites, books, documentaries and video presentations.
one of the topic at large was ufo's i remember there was an awake (inthe 80 or 90's) but was too young to comprehend or figure out what it was.
If live evolved on earth, it's almost a mathematical certainty that it would evolve elsewhere as well.
Also, given the size of the universe, it would be amost mathematically impossible for two sentient species to meet unless faster than light travel is possible.