In spite of the special relationship the JW anointed claim with Jesus they don't all have the rarer relationship that the FDS at Bethel enjoy: It is in the literature that non-GB members of the anointed must follow the directives of the GB anointed. This is a real problem because Rev. 14:4 says that "They (the anointed) follow the Lamb where ever he goes."
This is a scripture that I read to the local elders when I was on the way out. I told them that I had to be true to my conscience but when I read them Rev. 14:4 I pointed to the wrong done when one's identity is tied to that integrity of following and you are prevented by the GB from doing so---
Silence from the brothers. I told them that if such was the case for the "anointed" then they weren't able to follow Jesus. So were they able to be truly the anointed?