Good for you. It's very important to call people on their BS. You stood up for your wife. How I love that! You've always been nice to them, they are the ones who put the wedge in place.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
i am the husband of an ex-jw.
she left when she was 18, because she was dating a non-jw.
they got married, and he began openly cheating on her.
Good for you. It's very important to call people on their BS. You stood up for your wife. How I love that! You've always been nice to them, they are the ones who put the wedge in place.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Be sure to go in for the physical.
I'm glad your doctor helped you. I remember when I first started feeling good after starting meds and starting to see a psychologist. I realized then that I had never in my entire life known how to feel happy. I was in my early 30s. Isn't that a pity? I'm so grateful I got out of the org., got some meds and started learning how to live authentically.
so, being that it is 2013, i recall that it was 50 years ago, that the "around the world assemblies" were held.
for those of us who lived in southern california, the first week of september was when we had the assembly, and it was held at the rose bowl in pasadena.
yep, the rose bowl, with no seats, per se, but just those hard benches as seats.
Yeah, I was there. Hot, hot, hot, not much shade. World's longest prayer at the end on Sunday. Massive traffic jam too. One day I passed out in the lunch line - from heat or exhaustion or who knows what. Thirteen years old.
i found diana nyad's epic swim from cuba to florida to be really inspiring at this point in my journey from jw land to freedom.
her mantra was "you don't like this.
find a way.".
Thanks, DR. I like your post.
not many details at present... .
Well, I can't say I'm sorry.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Glad you made the appointment. Let us know how it goes, OK?
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Dear one,
go to a doctor right away and tell the doctor how you feel. You need some rest, some good counseling, and maybe some meds. You have a loving family, don't deprive them of someone they love. What I found out years ago when I was seriously depressed is that you can get so low that you can't recover on your own. You have to have help from a doctor. It sounds as though you might be at that point. Go to the doctor, get a physical exam, tell the doctor how you feel, get some meds to help you through this time and get some counseling so you won't ever get this low again.
in his book, "the moral landscape" sam harris argues that you can in fact get "an ought from an is".. the split between facts and values is an illusion.. he challenges the assumption that science has nothing to say about objective morality, which he defines as our thinking about the well-being of conscious creatures.. personally i found his book to be compelling; all the arguments against it that i have read so far are based on misunderstandings of his thesis.
i hve quoted harris a couple of times when he said to his critics that he didn't want to be wrong any longer than necessary.
in that spirit he has offered $10,000 to anybody who can refute the central argument of his book in 1000 words or less.
Thanks for sharing. Amazing discussion, and very lucid.
hello, i've finally been approved here so it's time for my first post.
i got disfellowshipped a few months ago as i was unrepentant in my judicial.
i'd lived with a situtation for a long time.
deleted my comment
"she's anionted and she knows it!!!!!
" like the song.
so all mortals are sex maniacs.
Fernando and Blondie -- words can't express how I feel. Such an evil way to treat children.