I think I'd rather stab myself in the eyes than go to a meeting.
JoinedPosts by Hortensia
Thinking of visiting a Kingdom Hall after 20 years in disguise
by not bitter ini have been to my old kh for 2 funerals since i left 20 yrs ago but i don't think they count.
so i am thinking of visiting a different hall on a sunday for the public talk and wt study.
i want to go just to remind myself how simple minded it is and to hopefully help me appreciate how wonderful and free my life now is.
And so I felt inadequate again... for a moment
by ohnightdivine indespite knowing ttatt recently and trying my very best not to absorb the fds-supplied "knowledge" any further, i could not help but feel inadequate again during today's meeting.
strange, right?
yet, normal.
Hang in there -- it takes a while to create a new life after the wtbts.
When did Theology Last add something to Human Knowledge?
by cofty into illustrate my question.... i am watching an episode of the australian tv program "q & a" on youtube.
the panel includes the brilliant laurence krauss, gay bishop gene robinson, the woefully ignorant and bigoted rev fred nile and a few others.. the early questions put gene robinson under the spotlight and to be fair he comes across as a loving, compassionate, intelligent and - in his own words - "fabulous" person.
by contrast the reverend nile is a caricature of everything that is dispicable and hateful about theism.. a self-righteous young man in the audience asks gene how he deals with the bible's condemnation of homosexuality.
I can't think of anything new and useful coming out of religion.
I hate it that I have to lie so much to fade...
by ILoveTTATT ini am feeling down... i feel trapped, and don't know what to do... just need to vent here i guess.... so my mom calls me today, and asks how i am doing.
"how are you doing spiritually?
" i respond... yeah, you know, the usuals... service, meeting, etc.... she tells me that she's doing a lot of service with my dad... i say, "great!"...
You're the one on the scene -- you know better than we do what the best plan is. If your dad thinks she isn't ready for it, well, lie low and let him handle her. As you said, he's the one with a lot to lose.
I hate it that I have to lie so much to fade...
by ILoveTTATT ini am feeling down... i feel trapped, and don't know what to do... just need to vent here i guess.... so my mom calls me today, and asks how i am doing.
"how are you doing spiritually?
" i respond... yeah, you know, the usuals... service, meeting, etc.... she tells me that she's doing a lot of service with my dad... i say, "great!"...
It's one of those areas where you have to count the cost. How mad will she be when she finds out you've been lying to her? What would be the fallout if you tell her the truth now?
I vote for telling the truth and letting the chips fall where they may -- but then I have nothing to lose.
What does your dad say about it?
The Car that runs on Air- Tata's Airpod
by designs inthis may have potential- http://gadgets.feedbox.info/the-car-that-runs-on-air-the-airpod/.
I want one. Perfect for driving around this little town.
Have your prescription meds skyrocketed in price?
by compound complex inmine have, and they're generic.. greetings, friends.. a couple days ago i went to pick up my meds at k-mart (california, usa).
i had $5.00, the discounted price, in hand.
the assistant rang me up for $27 and change.
I order meds online from walgreens. They have a prescription program that costs $25/year. Most of my prescriptions are very inexpensive, generic. I still pay about $50/month on the average for meds, but I order three months at a time which saves a little on the cost, and the shipping is free.
I was always amazed at the JWs who worked for cash and paid no taxes. Didn't Jesus answer that question and tell them to pay their taxes? I am glad now I always reported all my income and paid into SS. I'd have nothing if I hadn't done that.
That's what people don't think about -- the future -- when they're skimming money and spending it like they'll always have it. If you don't report income and pay taxes you won't get SS, you don't qualify for unemployment insurance, you can't finance a house or car, and you won't have worker's compensation if you get injured.
I've met many JWs who have a tremendous sense of entitlement.
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
JW families are often messy, selfish and contradictory. You've got a partner and a real life. Focus on those.
I thought NPG meant non-practicing gay also.
I'm sorry you feel so badly about your sister's rejection of you at such an important event in her life. They don't really "get" the concept of family.
Fun dinner tonight with ex-JWs
by Hortensia ini got to meet some real live jwn posters tonight, they stopped here and we met for dinner.
i was nervous about it, but they are a lovely couple, very intelligent and fun.
i am sure i talked too much, it was all so interesting -- swapping stories about our jw histories and how we got out and what we're all doing now.
Next time I could introduce you to the guy who wears a pyramid on his head, and the woman who wears an aluminum foil hat. Or the old guy who wears leopard tights and carries a gun.