Went to a neighborhood haunted house. It was amazing, the folks in the nieghborhood had gotten together to organize it. Loads of screams and spooky sounds, chain saws, woman in the kitchen hacking away at fingers and chicken feet, someone in the basement chewing on a skeleton, people's hands coming out and trying to touch us in a dark dark hallway, real cows' heads, a ferret under the steps chewing on someone's arm, a graveyard, ghouls, zombies -- we laughed and laughed as we went through it, so much fun and so much effort put into it by the neighbors.
JoinedPosts by Hortensia
RELAX! Its Halloween!
by Unlearn inhappy halloween!.
i hope you enjoyed yourself tonite and just had a great time.
eat candy, dress up, hang with your kids...and try to forget that you were once so occupied with the origins of every tradition, activity, or experience you've tasted.
Breast cancer gene test
by KariOtt ini have been notified that my last mamogram came back suspicious.
i meet with a surgen monday morrning so he can look at what ever is growing on my left breast.
i am scheduled for a compression test and ultra sound.
I'm sorry to hear this -- you must be stressed out! Yes, if it meant my life, I'd do what Angelina Jolie did. Better fake boobs than breast cancer if you can avoid it. I hope all goes well for you.
The murmuring phase is the beginning of an ex-JWs progression towards fading.
by Stand for Pure Worship ini suppose part of the fascination i have with this board is, the exotic nature of those making up the member population.
i say exotic because, as you yourselves will agree with, folks such as yourselves don't hang around the christian congregation for long upon making the decision that truth is not for you.
(rom 1:25) this "fading" thing spoken of here likely plays a role into why christians such as me find the average ex-jw to be a bit fascinating.
"Likely he was reflecting upon what happened after Korah and his follower's disposal following their attempt to use syrup God's chosen mediators, Moses and Aaron."
Haha! Are you for real? Jesus, get a dictionary buddy.
My way of getting rid of pioneers
by KariOtt inhubby just sent me a text letting me know he was going to take his sister home after going out in service.
last time he did this a couple weeks ago (see my post "elder and pioneer wife just showed up") he knew they were on their way but didn't tell me.
if they show up again i plan to answer the door naked holding a vibrater and informing them that my hubby isn't home and i was just about to put in some porn and masterbate.
Funny stuff. I can never think of things like that, and anyway no JW ever knocks on my door. Darnit! Some good ideas here.
About vaccination
by juanvazquez88 inthe other day, we (my df wife and i) take our baby to his firsts vaccinations.
since he born, my parents-in-law ( former witnesses) .
violated the prohibition of talking with us and there are more close to us than before.
I wouldn't go that far. If you are against vaccines, you ought to do some more research. It's a public health issue. If no one takes vaccines, then people get sick and die from diseases that are preventable. If everyone takes vaccines, some people get sick from the vaccines, but far fewer than the number who get sick and die without vaccines. If most people take vaccines, then the unprotected are taking a risk. Which is numerically more likely: getting sick from the disease if unprotected or getting sick from the vaccine? Just check out the history of some of those diseases we no longer get. In my childhood they started innoculating all of us against polio. Result? Within a few years very few children were getting polio. When's the last time you heard of someone coming down with polio in a country that innoculates its children? But just a few years before we all started taking the vaccine for polio, it was a common occurance to hear of or know someone with polio.
If you don't vaccinate your children, you are betting with their lives.
However, I do have a concern about them getting a lot of vaccines at once. I think they ought to be spread out a little.
Sadly, fading is bad for my marriage
by stillin inwhile headship has always been a problem in my marriage, partly because i'm more of a team player and my wife has man issues, now that i'm clearly fading my wife feels that i have nothing of worth to say.. i resist the idea of divorce but this is not much of a marriage.
since she doesn't/ can't hold down a job alimony would be ridiculously expensive.
cheaper to keep her, as they say.. i get zero cooperation or even discussion for any adjustments i feel might be in order for us as we grow older: obabmacare?
Just a tiny little objection here. If she's your bookkeeper and does your taxes, then she does have a job. Do you pay her an hourly wage for her work? No, you keep her like a princess and then blame her for taking advantage of it. If you divorce, she'll get a piece of your business too, because she put in sweat equity for it.
Take control of the finances, cut the credit cards, insist on a budget, yes. Save money, make plans for the future, get health care, yes. But be just a little more honest about your wife, OK?
You're heading for financial disaster and it isn't because she's a JW. It's because neither one of you will face financial facts and do something about it. She keeps spending and you keep bitching.
Why does it matter?
by tenyearsafter ini have been on this forum for a number of years now, and one thing that seems to be a persisting theme is the "battle" between atheists and believers.. what i have not understood is the extent to which the supporters of either side engage in showing their position to be the correct one...and in turn debunking and demeaning the opposing position, or in many cases, insulting the intelligence of the holder of opposing belief.
i guess the simple question is, why?
does it really matter, or cause harm to be a supporter of either side of the coin?
There is a serious lack of critical thinking in the world today. People just believe what they hear, or what someone charismatic says, or what their parents believed. It has a devastating affect on everyone, when, for instance, some idiot is elected to city/state/national office. Also, the more extreme of the believers try very hard and are often successful at passing laws to regulate the rest of us according to their beliefs.
I don't care what people believe, but I do object to them trying to run my life. I would like to see people become more skillful at critical thinking, at challenging ideas and beliefs, asking questions, demanding proof.
Yeti Identified?
by Hortensia indna sample is %100 identical to ancient polar bear:.
DNA sample is %100 identical to ancient polar bear:
"What exactly is his world view? from Cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope"
by cofty invillagegirl's question on another thread was probably supposed to be rhetorical but i want to respond to it.. many times people of faith express similar misapprehensions about those who don't share their views on eternity.. i want this to be a positive thread.
an opportunity for atheists to share what moves and inspires them.
what do you live for, what gives your life meaning and purpose?
Well, I revel in freedom, especially freedom to think and learn. I find that knowing life is finite makes me appreciate life more, not the highs/peaks of excitement but the everyday beauty of life. I also think much more about community, and I know that other people have the same desire to live free and to enjoy life, so I'm more inclined now to see myself as being part of a group, no more or less important than anyone else. I'm glad I live in a time when there is less suffering in the world than ever before and I hope it gets better and better in the future. Who knows?
I'm sad I won't be able to see what happens on earth a hundred or a thousand years from now. But that's the way it is.
I never had children, never wanted any, but I was able to help hundreds of people, I think about 2000 altogether, through my vocational school. Mostly women with children, I feel really good that I was able to teach them skills so they could earn a good living and support their children.
I really love living where I do, in a beautiful natural area. I love the sight of green trees against blue sky, it gives me an amazing feeling to look up at the sky through the leaves of a tree. I'm generally positive and cheerful, most people who know me like me.
just when you think you've made friends with a "normal" person
by Hortensia inrode over to the farmer's market with a couple of neighbors, nice women, seem sensible.
the driver stopped in the middle of a block and stared at the coca-cola truck that was parked there.
she said, "do you see the round tower?
Hi Kurtbethel -- you're in my hometown!
Yes, loads of weird little groups. I don't mind if it's sort of a hobby with them, but it gets a little weird when they take it so seriously, and dangerous when they get to the point the Heaven's Gate people reached.
Thanks for all the stories, folks. Nice to know Mt. Shasta isn't the only home to loony beliefs.