Hi Frank, I just got word of your posting. Well congratulations and THANK YOU for your courage and kindness in telling us your story. Writing it out may be cathartic for you and most assuring for the rest of us. I had never known anything outside the WTBS but at about 50yrs of age I had had enough and finally Got the Heck OUT! Things such as 1975, family divisons over DFing and the lack of love from HQ just did not add up to The Only True Religion.
I became aquinted with you and your father during the late 1960's as a convention orchestra member wanna be. You and your fellow musicans were our rock stars for those summer conventions. There really was an aura of creativity and love that came from that group. After all, they were not paid a dime, you gave us beautiful music purely out of the love of the craft. Even though the songs may have been altered for the song book, the arrangements we heard live were Amazing. You are so correct, those summer assemblies were Events we looked forward to all year. As a creative more than an intellectual person I could relate to the music more than the 'talks' I get chills now thinking of those big drums and all the horns. At the time I was told it was all about Jah's spirit. Now I realise it was The Sound. The big sound of a full orchestra is a moving event. These days our local Symphony moves me.
I hope to see you and Barbara when I visit SoCal soon. For now Thank You Again and Keep Playing. Nobody can take away the music.