Now, I'm not talking about victims of child molesters, I'm talking about the seemingly common thought process among JWs and X-JWs that causes them to beleive that any turn of events that deviates from their idea of how things should happen is caused by something outside themselves.
Is it just me, or do many JWs and X-JWs tend to put blame on other things/people other than where the blame should fall...themselves or at the very least, circumstances? (i.e. blaming satan for hardships, blaming worldly people for the trouble in the world, blaming the WTS for various choices that people are "forced" to make)
It just seems to me that this is a common thought process for JWs as well as X-JWs...What do you think? Am I being too critical? Are both JWs and X-JWs actually victims?