Topics Started by RAF
where is Candylinuts
by RAF inshe even disapeared from myspace space !!!
the last info she sent from myspace was telling she was ok but now i wonder ...
did i miss something?.
What is it all about ?
by RAF in.
i've' always thought that americans where more romantic somehow than frenchs (they talk easier about feelings - true or false - it's not the point), and i'm always amazed when i read adds where most are quiet practical / materialistic in there definition of needs and responses regarding something related to love ... it's weird, it's like they don't believe in love anymore .... what is it all about ?.
and if you feel like you have an idea about what kind of add would please a woman - give it a try.
Strong nor Valuable
by RAF instrong nor lets say : strong-valuable relationship.
to really get into this subject i have to put superficial relationships aside because if superficiality has its place in life (when we are bored), i guess it is still superficial (to call a cat a cat).
whish doesnt mean that a superficial relationship cant become a strong nor valuable one but it takes time nor specific natural ways or opportunity (good or bad for one or the other if not both) to get there, in being based on something effective (= a real connection) or something quiet embarrassing (= a need) because it is not really effective in friendship in fact.
Wanted ...
by RAF in
i don't know if this have been posted before ... but it made me laught and i thought to share it here!.
any funny vid you'd like to share yourself?.
MySpace no space ... LOL
by RAF inyesterday i had fun laying out my mspace .... got a pm ... nice ... answered ... answered ...answered ... till we came to the question where are you living?
... well he is living just 200 metres from where i leave ... interesting no?.
did that hapened to you?.
by RAF inwho likes (so called) perfect people?
anyway i don't think i've met any unless on a short time enough for those to fake it.. ok we have or had got a mom, a dad, sisters and brothesr, friends, collegues even some people that we are not even really connected to ... but we dont care their defects?
not that we accepte them and do not react to them but we still love those people.. for instance : my favorite sister (if i can say something like that) is the one which is the most terrible !!!
by RAF insame message but for different king of belief.
example to begin about the purpose of this thread:.
for believers.
by RAF inwhen it comes to believe its all about what is believable to you.
so this is not a question for believers in god, i mean if you are a believers (you think that there is a god) or an agnostic (you think that there might be something very unexplainable yet) the one i want to get into it by giving there reasons are atheists.. it feels comfortable to just follow what scientists are saying (it is supportive because they are able to explain some science) but by now about evolution its only about concept related to science to explain a possibility, but there is no scientific proof in facts.. why is it more believable to you that we are the result of a big bang which would actually comes out of something very tiny full of development codes?
i guess from that, that it would still mean that there is something bigger than just that (like believers or agnostic do think).. so why are you atheist?
WHAT do they say about that ?
by RAF ini've asked my sisters, my mother but none could give me an answer (guess why ?).
matthew 27:51-54. new world translation : 51and, look!
the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in two, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.52and the memorial tombs were opened and many bodies of the holy ones that had fallen asleep were raised up,53(and persons, coming out from among the memorial tombs after his being raised up, entered into the holy city,) and they became visible to many people.54but the army officer and those with him watching over jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things happening, grew very much afraid, saying: certainly this was gods son.. .