JoinedTopics Started by SacrificialLoon
For those baffled by internet jerks
by SacrificialLoon ini give you the greater internet f***wad theory
The future of everything?
by SacrificialLoon ini don't think they have the evolution of the sun quite right, but it's still cool.
i like the music, it's dramatic!.
the future of our world
Powerthirst!! Now comes in gun flavor! (ad parodies)
by SacrificialLoon inpowerthirst the first.
rocket edition!!.
Rock. Paper. Scissors. Turnip? Satan?
by SacrificialLoon insomeone has come up with a chart for a rps game with 101 different items.. .
Northwest passage ice free for the first time since.. boats.
by SacrificialLoon inrecord melting of the arctic icecap has opened up the long sought after northwest passage.. .
the arctic, now with 20% less ice!
Ask a Loon
by SacrificialLoon inin the spirit of the "ask a muslim", the "ask a fred" threads, and to pad my post count i have started the "ask a loon" thread.
feel free to ask whatever strikes your fancy!
i'm stuck at work for the next 8 hours on a sunday evening so your questions should be answered promptly, unless i'm actually doing work, or at lunch.
The fastest scripture looker upper
by SacrificialLoon ina comment by rubadub in the thread about learning new things at the meetings made me remember something, and gave me a chuckle.. i would always see how fast i could look up the scriptures during the talks, and race to beat most everyone else.
of course everyone else didn't realize i was racing them, but i'd always feel a smug (and perhaps a bit self-righteous) satisfaction at having the scripture looked up and ready to follow along while from the sights and sounds around me most everyone else was still looking it up.
being able to look up jehovah's word with such speed would surely earn me spiritual brownie points.
I found some books! What did you do with yours?
by SacrificialLoon ini knew i had some so i was looking in some boxes and found a few including the super deluxe nwt bible with the cross references.
on one hand i'm tempted to throw em all out, but on the other i feel like keeping them, maybe as some kind of demented memento.
on the other other hand it'd mean one fewer box cluttering up a closet.. what did you all do with your old err.. literature?
I suppose I should stop lurking,
by SacrificialLoon inand introduce myself.
i was raised in "the truth", and for the longest time it was all i knew.
i spent my childhood going through all the things that other witness children went through; not celebrating holidays, not standing up and reciting the pledge of allegiance, not going to school events, or associating with "worldly" children much.