Man, for just giving birth, your wife looks amazing. She is beautiful. I don't look that good after 12 hours of sleep and primping for 2 hours.
i have been married for 10 years and have two wonderful step kids, 15 and 21. being a jw i did not want a child as life seemed so pointless.
things changed for the better since leaving and i am now the proud father of a big baby boy zac - 9pounds (4.1kg), 52cm long and huge lungs.
my wife is filipino so the baby looks very asian at the moment.
Man, for just giving birth, your wife looks amazing. She is beautiful. I don't look that good after 12 hours of sleep and primping for 2 hours.
olah.... .
this is my story if you care to read...thank you.....all make my long story short.
ive always been a beer drinking pot smoking fool...w/occasional trip or 10.. .
JWfacts, how long ago was your aunt's 1st baptism annuled?
olah.... .
this is my story if you care to read...thank you.....all make my long story short.
ive always been a beer drinking pot smoking fool...w/occasional trip or 10.. .
When I was baptized in 1995 I remember being asked before I stepped in the pool whether or not I have been baptized before. From things I had heard, way before I was born some people had gotten baptized twice, but I believe that practice changed well over 30 years ago. I'm curious as to what part of the country you are in where this elder said your baptizm didn't count and you can just study again and get rebaptized.
think about whether they would sleep with a friend or not - i know you guys have said that before "that a guy is thinking whether or not he would sleep with a girl friend" well now i know for sure it's true.. my mate - my buddy - the guy i hang out with admitted that he would sleep with me - i was a little stunned and taken off guard - i laughed so hard.
then he proceeded to say he thinks i have romantic feelings for him..... i mean we flirt, but on such a non serious/fun way that it means (to me at least) nothing.
he was so serious - that made me laugh even more.. anyway i had a good laugh..
I mean we flirt, but on such a non serious/fun way that it means (to me at least) nothing.
I mean no offense by this, but if that statement is true, then why are you on this board constantly talking about him?
Thanks for posting this.
For those who would like to see the entire page at once, here is the link:
i have noticed, and posted a little bit about all the buzz surrounding this year.
there is a little bit of a whisper campaign going around that armageddon is coming this year.
from other posts i notice im not the only one who is seeing this, there is alot of "reminders" that we need to be obedient and trusting of the fds ( which i am of course), along with reminders to stock up and prepare for disasters etc they are really pointing to something.
Adam was 30 when Eve was created? I know that's a speculation, but come on...what 30 year old man is aching for companionship? Definately none that I have come across.
i have noticed, and posted a little bit about all the buzz surrounding this year.
there is a little bit of a whisper campaign going around that armageddon is coming this year.
from other posts i notice im not the only one who is seeing this, there is alot of "reminders" that we need to be obedient and trusting of the fds ( which i am of course), along with reminders to stock up and prepare for disasters etc they are really pointing to something.
Well hey, if it is coming w/in the next 10 1/2 months, then I don't have to worry about losing my house when my 5/1 mortgage expires in 2010 and my payment doubles. Damn, I may just quit my job right now and travel around the world on my credit card for the rest of my life.
This is ridiculous and if I were God, whenever someone would speculate about the end, I would change the date just cause no one but me is supposed to know.
go ye unto the triple dubya, find the most entertaining, well written, and rebellion-of-all-things-establishment inspiring rant (and/or diatribe) that sparks your interest, and post 'em up here.
if you wrote it yourself moresthebetter, but remember, this is for my entertainment not your pathetic ego, so make it good stuff please.
i'll start.
I found this post in "The Best of Craigslist" about 2 years ago. It was so funny that I copied and saved it. Since this thread is in the "Friends" section, I have edited it. I hope you enjoy it as much as i did.
Today marks my two year anniversary at my current job - the longest I have
ever held continuous employment at one company. Earlier, I had one of those
"Remember when you did that thing with that bloke..." conversations with a
colleague and I came to one inescapable conclusion - My Bosses Are F#%(&ing
No way should I still be employed here after some of the sh*t I've pulled.
In two years, I have had 2 disciplinaries, one formal written warning, a
42% lateness rate, countless verbal warnings and 17 performance improvement
plans (Where they 'monitor' your performance for a set period and point out
everything that you did wrong), with my initial 3 months probation period
(which was then extended to 6) - this means that at no point have I been
employed here without having some suited tw*t looking over my shoulder with
a clipboard 'observing me in my work environment'
And STILL they haven't twigged that the best thing for them would be my
instant dismissal.
Which brings me to the point of post - Things I have done that my company
should have sacked me for a long time ago:-
1. Sent an e-mail to myself from my bosses PC implying that she was
sexually harassing me, and then used it as leverage against her to escape a
2. Twice felt the need to go spend a 20 minute 'toilet' break on a hot
summer's day after a morning spent ogling the female population of my
office dressed in their skimpy outfits
3. Edited a chain E-mail to imply that reader should end their own life
and then forwarded it on to a mailing list that included somebody that
recently had tried and (unfortunately) failed to commit suicide.
4. Almost got my friend sacked in a prank gone horribly wrong after I used to send an e-mail that appeared to be from
him to one of the office juniors. It read something along the lines of:
"Nice strappy shoes Gemma, I really like the way they show off your
painted nails..... It makes me want to run my hard penis in between your
toes and c*m on your shin."
(realistically, I should have anticipated the sh*t-storm, that followed).
5. Racked up about 6 hours internet time a day, despite the company policy
that anything over 1 hour is considered excessive.
6. Shot the Financial Director in the face with an elastic band gun, after
seeing my friend about to come through the door and failing to notice the
suited gentlemen walking one pace ahead of him.
7. Hid for an hour in the post room whilst said director tore the place to
pieces interrogating people in an effort to find "That C*nt who shot me"
8. Sat at my desk for an entire morning happily munching a box of hash
brownies, whiting out a few hours later and then being sent home by
boss-lady because she was worried that I looked 'really pale'
9. Used the opportunity of looking very ill in public to take a further
two weeks off work.
10. Not realised that an incoming call was actually from somebody in the
Houses Of Parliament (one of our A-list clients) and answered the phone
"What's up MotherF*$(%er?!"
11. Outright lied to the same MP when he asked to speak to the manger by
telling him that he had called a residential number - A fact he accepted
despite having spent 5 minutes on our hold system listening our company's
god awful theme music.
12. Put on a dodgy accent and pretended to be called 'Raoul' when said MP
called back and, against all laws of probability, ended up speaking to me
13. Told a colleague whilst very drunk at office party that "I wouldn't
f*%k you if you were on fire"
14. Spent the next few days trying to work out exactly what the above
sentence means
15. Ignored 30 minutes worth of phone calls to write this horse-sh*t
i'm just curious if you seriously take what people have to say about you on this forum.
do you care if they cause offense or call you namesl.
does it effect how you feel about yourself?.
I learned very early on that when guys brag about their size or their skills, more than likely, they are full of crap.
As far as being bothered by comments, usually when I have gotten a biting one it was made by someone who does not know me and who I couldn't care less what their opinion of me is/was. I just let them roll off of my back. However, a few months ago I started a very serious thread regarding the behaviour of my Physical Therapist. The next day a poster, who I thought was a kind person, started a thread mocking me and my situation. I now know that it was just his severe need for attention from this board, but at the time I was very hurt, as I thought he and I were friends. Obviously we weren't.
i am sorry to bother everyone, but i am trying to contact leolaia.
using the forum messages did not seem to work.
if anyone knows leolaia personally, please pass along this contact request: i can be reached at [email protected] there is a matter i would like to discuss privately.. thank you all !.
If he tried to contact her through PM, and she didn't respond, then maybe there is a reason.