The encyclopedia was an eye opener for me.
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
your personal favourite books that freed you from the JW's
by ninja in1/captives of a concept.....fantastic....thanks freed my mind completely .
2/visions of glory...barbara harrison....fantastic insights......(god can't kill arnold) .
3/jehovah lives in brooklyn.....ricky francis.....he sums all jw's up this book .
Mid-life crisis experiences please.............
by oompa indo share please...oompa needs to know if he is mental, or just experiencing really difficult adjustment feelings about being lied to his entire freaking life, and having some difficulties with being so alone after having a freaking worldwide bruddahood of friends........................thanks...................oompa.
i really, really, really wanna get away..........far far away............and think it may help for a total fresh start.......older kids though, and a jw wife...this is going nowhere isn't it.
I'll let you know in 15 years.
For Those of You Trying to Quit Drinking - Even Temporarily...
by cognac infigured i'd do a topic for it.
i'm trying to quit for at least a month - just found i was drinking a bit to much with all the stress.... anyways, its been 10 days since i last had a drink.. how long has it been for you?
how long are you trying to go without drinking?.
I, too, have an alcohol problem. I was seeing a guy in early 2007 who bought a 6 pack of beer and put it in my fridge. Things didn't work out between us and at the end of that same year, I was seeing another guy who found and drank a few of them. I just checked, there is still one bottle left. I've had that 6 pack in my life longer than either of those guys.
**Quitting Smoking 102** May 19, 2008
by BFD ini've decided to set my quit date.
i might get bitchy.. bfd.
Here ya go! Take your pick.
And my personal fave:
**Quitting Smoking 102** May 19, 2008
by BFD ini've decided to set my quit date.
i might get bitchy.. bfd.
Good luck!
JW Cyclone report - Myanmar (Burma)
by Bonnie_Clyde inthis is from a ham operator:.
the tragic situation in myanmar (burma) is impacting on us all.
this morning we heard that 100,000 have died and possibly many more!
This morning we heard that 100,000 have died and possibly many more!
FWIW, this statement is inaccurate. 100,000 is the number of total deaths being predicted; most of those being from disease, hunger, and thirst that have been left in the wake.
Also, who is to say that the "tree clearing" situation even happened? Just more propaganda for JWs to feel that they are better than everyone else. I'd like to know how these Bethelites are planning on entering this country to help their brothers. The UN can't even get in to distribute hundreds of thousands of pounds of food, drinking water, and medical supplies. Maybe they are hiding under the seats and in the engine block of a Jeep?
what movies do you recomend
by heathen ini'm always interested in seeing a good movie , anything out there that really rocked your world , please share.....
Mr. Brooks - It's the most suspenseful and captivating movie I have seen in years. I'd compare it to a few episodes of of "Dexter" mixed w/ some "Law and Order: SVU" topped off w/ a splash of "Rear Window".
Can anyone tell me why Dubs dont do Mother's Day
by Princess Daisy Boo init is mother's day on sunday and i cant for the life of me remember why the dubs dont do this one?
Cause it's fun and shows that you care about someone. We all know that JWs will find a way to suck the fun out of anything!
Seriously, I don't have a WT article or anything to quote, but I just remember being told that it was compared to idolatry, like birthdays. Just run of the mill BS to keep JWs separate from the world.
An Odd scenario
by Junction-Guy ini am on many different discussion boards, not all are jw related.. .
on one particular board i have been shunned and outright mocked for my religious and political beliefs.
this board practices heavy censorship, almost like the watchtower.
I can do a search and post examples if you'd like.
LOL...JD, I was just thinking that same thing! Please, you do the honors. South Park is on and I'd rather watch that.
Suing the tower
by Tired of the Hypocrisy in
in the above thread, otwo made a comment about how someone might sue the wt based on their shunning policy.
i have not seen the topic discussed here and have been unsuccessful in getting the search function of the site to gather information about it, but i wonder if we as a group could sue the washtowel society.
My gosh. Stop being victims.