You are lucky that your dad is so loving. I've been out for 20 years, and my mom never has contacted me, even in the case of a death in the family. Good luck in keeping the contact going!
JoinedPosts by jamiebowers
My Dad's "Annual" Letter to his Wayward son...
by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up inso it appears my dad is keeping track of when i left.
he has mailed me a letter - the first contact in over 6 months - because it has been a year since i left the borg.. for the sake of explanation, dad is a third gen witness and has been an elder all of my life - po in most of the congs i was in.. yesterday i received a letter from him, it began with "hi boy, this is your annual newsletter of births,deaths, marriages etc so thata you know what is going on with the family" and then went on to recount the family news for the year.
it was actually very touching and made me cry.
Well, I did it again!! ANTI CULT WITNESSING
by nomoreguilt ini love it!!
so, here i was an hour or so ago, reading jwd when the phone was a young girl, sounded college age.
she was doing a political pole, stem cell, republican, democrat, blah blah blah.
LOL. I wonder what she'll think the next time the jws come to her door.
parenting a transgendered teen
by chickpea indeep breath here....... my baby... nearly 15!...
has disclosed in the last several months .
that, altho born to us a girl, he needs to be a boy... we have had.
I watched the movie called, "A Girl Like Me". If you haven't watched it already, you may want to find it on video. It's only a small part, but it explains how this happens before birth.
Child Abuse cases (research for assignment)
by Hipraptor ini used to be a jw years ago and i am at the moment just doing a short course on 'child protection', as part of this course i have to do a 1,000 word assignment which has to be a report on a real child abuse case, so i have decided to write one on the subject of jw's and child abuse, so what i am looking for is a really well publisized case that had had a successful outcome in the courts, however i also need the case example to be one of those that took time to come to light either because of failure of the authorties, school teachers etc to spot it.. obviously i will be trawling the net, but i have made my call here first as i know many of you here have much experience of such cases and might be able to point me to a case that has enough information to suit my needs.. ideally oen with lots of online court transcripts etc.. .
by the way sinc elaving the jw's i have overcome many mental health issues and even though in my late 40's i have seized the day and i am have over the last two years qualfied as a teacher and am still involved in learning for myself also by continuing going to college, something jw's used to frown on when i was a youngster among them.. .
thank you in advance for your help.. .
For a very recent case, Google Gilbert Simental. He was just sentenced to 45 years to life for child molestation within the congregation, where not the parents or the elders called police, but a teacher of one of the abused girls.
Also see for a long history of pedophilia cases within the organizaton.
I'm new....
by Musicjunkie ini'm jake.. i'm 21. and, i'm new to this site.
so, i just thought i'd introduce myself.
i personally, don't have any angst against the jw org., i'm just not involved in it anymore like i was.
At least my mom doesn't have to be ashamed about that right?
At least your mom can talk to you. Getting baptized is the worst thing a kid can do, because it puts the whole family at risk somewhere down the line when the realization hits that it's a cult and not a religion. Welcome to JWD. I'm sure you'll get an earful.
After years I visited my Disfellowshiped Sister and "worldly" husband! CRY!
by Witness 007 ini've been away to visit my sister and her "worldly" husband after many years of not seeing her...i don't even have her phone number as she lives overseas.
we just had a first family get together.
when she met me at the door i was ready for anything!
Since I use my real name, I can't mention who the person is, but a close relative of mine is out-not da'd or df'd yet but out nonetheless. He never apologized for shunning me all these years, and I don't care. We picked up right where we left off years ago. If my mom or any of my other jw relatives stopped shunning me, I wouldn't care about an apology from them either. Just knowing that they are no longer brain washed would be enough for me.
IMHO, you should apologize, but don't let your guilt hinder your re-established relationship. As people are streaming out of the cult, we're going to be hearing more and more of these reunion stories.
by imissmaine init is has been quite disturbing reading all the stories on jwd.
it is truly sickening.. i am curious if anyone has pursued getting negative tv exposure about the jehovah's witnesses and their practices?.
for example, submitting an idea to oprah:
I don't remember when or where, but it has been posted on JWD that Oprah has a high powered jw staffer--uncertain if that is true or not. As the child molestation court cases come to fruition, there will be plenty of bad press for the WTB&TS. Other problems they cause with df'ing, mind control and the like is all over YouTube and the Internet in general.
"real" volunteer work
by Mysterious inhas anyone done any real volunteer work since leaving the dubs or while a dub (scandalous?
) and no you can't count delivering the rags.
Yes, I was a reading tutor in a low income school district during college. Right after college I joined a VISTA-like organization to create and present educational programs about MRDD. Currently I am a member of a non-profit that is active in community events and fund raising for charities.
OMG, this whole thread just makes me see even clearer how manipulative and twisted by ex jw husband was. He made me promise not to remarry if he died before I did, so he wouldn't have to see me with another husband while he would be forced to remain single in the new system. He became very upset when I told him I thought that was stupid.
Are cats for true christians? ..... A CO's response
by digderidoo inthe following is taken from a co's homepage.
are cats for true christians?.
I read this a long time ago and also thought it was satire. Just for the record, demonized or not, I LOVE MY CATS!