Well, someone's got to be at the Kingdom Hall to pass the bread and wine around, and I suppose it's the thought that counts. :0)
Posts by gumb
Why does the great crowd go to memorial?
by *jeremiah* in"do this in remembrance of me"...... ...those words jesus utters,..according to the wt,...is specifically for "the annointed",...right?.
if jesus at the last supper is speaking directly to "the annointed class",...that they should parttake and "do this in remembrance",...then why do the r & f even go to the memorial?.
looking at it through jw eyes,...jesus didn't invite members of "great crowd" to the last supper,...right?
If you had to, what religion would you choose to be?
by Crumpet inyou can answer this as seriously (lt) or as inanely (buttlight) as you like!
i was reflecting having read someone's thread about blowing off non jw family that actually it would have been so much better if i had a larger family, preferably not completely jw saturated and this random train of thought led me to thinking that if i could choose i would be catholic, because then i would have a huge family, go to really nice gothic churches with lots of candles and tortured saints and be able to go to confession (instead of lt's mobile).
also the colours of the whore of babylon always were a lot more enticing to me than the mild blues and undistracting beiges of the khs.. i think we all have religions which would suit our personalities so much better.
Crumpet, I didn't know that female converts to Judaism had to be circumcised!
....So do you believe ANY of the Bible is true?
by themonster123 ini saw the movie "300" last night-i just got to thinking- because in that movie, xerxes, the king of persia is part of the story.
and from my bible reading in the past, i know xerxes was mentioned.....and other historical people who were actual people....stuff like noah's ark is easily discredited, but do you think everything in the bible never happened or some did?
is it possible some stuff happened and some stuff didn't?.
Well, as you mentioned the ark, I think that story its highly improbable. Just think of all that animal and human waste. Can you imagine the stench! :0(
If you had to, what religion would you choose to be?
by Crumpet inyou can answer this as seriously (lt) or as inanely (buttlight) as you like!
i was reflecting having read someone's thread about blowing off non jw family that actually it would have been so much better if i had a larger family, preferably not completely jw saturated and this random train of thought led me to thinking that if i could choose i would be catholic, because then i would have a huge family, go to really nice gothic churches with lots of candles and tortured saints and be able to go to confession (instead of lt's mobile).
also the colours of the whore of babylon always were a lot more enticing to me than the mild blues and undistracting beiges of the khs.. i think we all have religions which would suit our personalities so much better.
JH, Jesus was a Jew, knew his OT scriptures, went to synagogues, and celebrated the Passover. So maybe his religion was Judaism? :0)
If you had to, what religion would you choose to be?
by Crumpet inyou can answer this as seriously (lt) or as inanely (buttlight) as you like!
i was reflecting having read someone's thread about blowing off non jw family that actually it would have been so much better if i had a larger family, preferably not completely jw saturated and this random train of thought led me to thinking that if i could choose i would be catholic, because then i would have a huge family, go to really nice gothic churches with lots of candles and tortured saints and be able to go to confession (instead of lt's mobile).
also the colours of the whore of babylon always were a lot more enticing to me than the mild blues and undistracting beiges of the khs.. i think we all have religions which would suit our personalities so much better.
Probably some form of Judaism. I like the idea of family and celebrations, and love their humour. Failing that, maybe Hinduism as it seems fairly relaxed and not so hung up about doctrine.
JW told us: Actually only 800 Annointed left!!
by Lady Liberty injust recieved a e-mail from a active jw friend.
my mom was talking to a friend from bethal and they were talking about the number of the 144,000 that are left(..... and i talked briefly about this)and how they feel that there are actually less then 800and remember .....i said there had been a talk or something on it?
well i guess it was a wt article that we studied(well i knew i had heard it somewhere!
For a moment there I thought 'THE END' really was nigh! I'm sure the GB will think of some way to continue to keep us all in suspense. I can remember in my childhood being told that Armageddon was 'just round the corner'. So elusive that Armageddon. Still, 136,000 gone, 8,000 to go!
The CATHOLIC doctrine of the Faithful and Discreet Slave??? Yes!!
by Terry inmajesterium (sacred tradition) is a technical theological term used in some christian traditions, primarily in the roman catholic and eastern orthodox traditions, to refer to the fundamental basis of church dogma.
the term refers to the "deposit of faith" that these churches hold was communicated by jesus christ to his first followers, and which they hold has been passed down (latin tradere, to hand over or hand down) through succeeding generations.
the church as a community, therefore, was the initial receiver, and has remained the guardian and codifier, of sacred tradition.
In "Tertullian Against Marcion", book 4, chapter 29, the church father Tertullian addresses the matter of the "faithful and discreet slave" (Luke 12:41-46) thus:
"When, therefore, Peter asked whether He had spoken the parable 'unto them, or even to all,' He sets forth for them, and for all who should bear rule in the churches, the similitude of stewards. That steward who should treat his fellow-servants well in his lord's absence, would on his return be set as ruler over all his property; but he who should act otherwise should be severed and have his portion with the unbelievers, when his lord should return on the day when he looked not for him, at the hour when he was not aware - even that Son of man, the Creator's Christ, not a thief, but a Judge."
1 Corinthians 12:28 tells us that "God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers;" The idea of one man being appointed as overall leader of all Christians is foreign to the New Testament. Although Peter had a special role in being given "the keys to the kingdom", he did not set himself up as chief apostle, as can be seen from what is said in Acts 8:14 where the "apostles at Jerusalem" sent Peter and John on an assignment. Also, when a dispute arose concerning the question of circumcision, "the apostles and the elders met to consider this matter" (Acts 15:6). Once they had decided on the matter "then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders with the entire church" to send chosen men from among themselves to Antioch with a letter containing their collective decision (Acts 15:22-29). It was certainly a more democratic system than having one or a tiny number in charge. The attitude too of the apostles, in consulting with the elders, was in line with Jesus' instructions that they should not be like "the rulers of the gentiles who lord it over them and the great ones who exercise authority over them" (Matthew 20:25-27).
In my opinion neither the Pope nor the WTS's Governing Body is representative of the early Christian community. Claims to represent God are just that, claims and nothing else. Having destroyed countless documents, as well as hounding and persecuting any dissenting voices, the Catholic Church is in no way deserving of trust when it comes to accepting their claims to authoritative links with the original Christians. Likewise, the Governing Body, by its attempts to cover up its past has lost any credibility. In fact the WTS is just another deceptive voice that declares Christ has returned and "is in the desert" (Matthew 24:26 - read unseen/invisible 'presence') which lures people into a false hope. Based on their respective track records, I don't see how either the Catholic Church or the WTS has been "faithful", "wise", or even a "slave" humbly and kindly serving the needs of the faithful for that matter.
AikiChristian, I'd just like to add my personal view on the scriptures you cited.
Luke 10:16: "The one listening to you listens to me, and the one rejecting you rejects me" is very interesting in that it is speaking about "seventy others" (not apostles, but 'ordinary' disciples) - see verse 1.
Romans 13:1-2: This is talking about the Roman government to whom the people would be paying taxes (see verse 6). It is not talking about Christian 'authority'. The writer is dealing specifically with agents of the state.
Matthew 28:18-20: Here Jesus says that "all authority" was given to him. His disciples were merely to teach others all the things he had commanded them, rather than wielding authority over them.
Ephesians 2:19-20: The "cornerstone" is Jesus and the foundation is the "apostles and prophets". The apostles were those who were directly appointed by Jesus, the only exception being Judas' replacement. The foundational teaching that they laid down should therefore have remained unchanged. There is no scriptural proof that I am aware of that more apostles were appointed at later dates, thus carrying on some special authority that would ultimately result in a single 'supreme' representative of Jesus on earth.
Deuteronomy 17:8-12: This scripture relates specifically, of course, to the nation of Israel with a special system of worship and way of life. If one wishes to use this as a principle for Christian 'authority' then one is free to do so, but such is simply a personal interpretation and cannot be tagged on as an addition to New Testament teaching.
"Hey buddy, can you spare a dime?"
by gumb in"hey buddy, can you spare a dime?".
we can all help make the world a better place to live in without even involving our purse/wallet, and requiring only a tiny amount of time.
these 'dime time' acts of kindness to our fellow human beings can help reduce stress in others and therefore contribute to a happier world.
Thanks to everyone who made a contribution to this thread.
SadEmo and AATW made good points about the true 'needs' of beggars. As a rule I don't give to beggars, as I believe that in the UK we have government funded social and security nets to make the need for begging unnecessary. However, some years ago I did give some money to someone who said they needed to catch a bus home, but had lost the money; I decided to give the person the benefit of the doubt in that case.
Eurovision Song Contest
by Crumpet ini am sure i am the only one who will be posting on this thread given america doesn't have the contest and no one else is likely to own up to watching such a shameful debacle!!!.
i am only slightly ashamed to say i have only ever missed one contest in 31 years and that was because i was in canada.
i love it - terry wogan is brilliantly funny - and so are most of the acts.. tonight the voting for the british entry begins on bbc1 - given the new enthusiasm for reality/talent shows its getting prime time treatement for the first time in years.
Well IMO, there's no way the UK will win the Eurovision Song Contest. There's nothing in this package that appeals to me, the song is poor and looking at dollies pulling trollies does nothing for me. Still, British Airways might be interested in signing the group!
BTW Crumpet, I just noticed you've lost the sunglasses and the frumpy dress. Did you come into some money? You've had your hair done, and moved to Finland. ;0)
Eurovision Song Contest
by Crumpet ini am sure i am the only one who will be posting on this thread given america doesn't have the contest and no one else is likely to own up to watching such a shameful debacle!!!.
i am only slightly ashamed to say i have only ever missed one contest in 31 years and that was because i was in canada.
i love it - terry wogan is brilliantly funny - and so are most of the acts.. tonight the voting for the british entry begins on bbc1 - given the new enthusiasm for reality/talent shows its getting prime time treatement for the first time in years.
Can the UK win? Think of Israel with the transexual singer! I've nothing against transexuals, but someone should let Israel know they're in the Middle East not Europe! I'd love for the "bloke from Darkness" to win, especially if he gives us a blast with his electric guitar. Failing that the girl from Atomic Kitten, at least us guys will have something pretty to look at, even if the song is rubbish. ;0)