Topics Started by gumb
Words Jehovers Witnesses Pronounce wrong...
by vomit injehover being the most obvious.
why was there a group in every hall that pronounced some words like a bad english accent.
also why is it pretty universal, i.e.
The 1917 WTB&TS Board Of Directors Incident And The Right Of Reply
by gumb inthe 1917 wtb&ts board of directors incident and the right of reply.
i've been doing quite a bit of research on the internet this past week, and along the way i found a site called
having read a number of the articles on the pages, i thought one in particular might be of interest to some members here:.
What would you say to God?
by gumb inwhat would you say to god?.
god: is there anything you'd like to say to me?
god: is there anything you'd like to say to me?
The Tower of Babel... What's up with that?
by LtCmd.Lore inseriously,,, what was gods problem?
the story of babel bothered me for quite a while.
after all, satan made a few challenges right?
by youcanhaveago inhaven't been on here for months and months .. .
completely lost and screwed up.. please don't be offended but some stuff on here does my head in .... .
....So do you believe ANY of the Bible is true?
by themonster123 ini saw the movie "300" last night-i just got to thinking- because in that movie, xerxes, the king of persia is part of the story.
and from my bible reading in the past, i know xerxes was mentioned.....and other historical people who were actual people....stuff like noah's ark is easily discredited, but do you think everything in the bible never happened or some did?
is it possible some stuff happened and some stuff didn't?.
If you had to, what religion would you choose to be?
by Crumpet inyou can answer this as seriously (lt) or as inanely (buttlight) as you like!
i was reflecting having read someone's thread about blowing off non jw family that actually it would have been so much better if i had a larger family, preferably not completely jw saturated and this random train of thought led me to thinking that if i could choose i would be catholic, because then i would have a huge family, go to really nice gothic churches with lots of candles and tortured saints and be able to go to confession (instead of lt's mobile).
also the colours of the whore of babylon always were a lot more enticing to me than the mild blues and undistracting beiges of the khs.. i think we all have religions which would suit our personalities so much better.
The CATHOLIC doctrine of the Faithful and Discreet Slave??? Yes!!
by Terry inmajesterium (sacred tradition) is a technical theological term used in some christian traditions, primarily in the roman catholic and eastern orthodox traditions, to refer to the fundamental basis of church dogma.
the term refers to the "deposit of faith" that these churches hold was communicated by jesus christ to his first followers, and which they hold has been passed down (latin tradere, to hand over or hand down) through succeeding generations.
the church as a community, therefore, was the initial receiver, and has remained the guardian and codifier, of sacred tradition.
Why does the great crowd go to memorial?
by *jeremiah* in"do this in remembrance of me"...... ...those words jesus utters,..according to the wt, specifically for "the annointed",...right?.
if jesus at the last supper is speaking directly to "the annointed class",...that they should parttake and "do this in remembrance",...then why do the r & f even go to the memorial?.
looking at it through jw eyes,...jesus didn't invite members of "great crowd" to the last supper,...right?