Welcome (((Jodie)))
Posts by mia_b
OutKasted ;-P
by SpaWn of MeDusa inhello in there ;-p. wow wow wow.... i never knew such a place existed.... unfortunatly i don't have a lot of time to type right now & believe me i'd need days, perhaps even weeks & i'd probably still feel like i wasn't done.... in short... my name is jodie, i'm from australia, i'm about to turn 32 & i am a jehovah's witness outkast... i wasn't kicked out, i left of my own accord when my parents divorced & i was about 14... my father, my younger brother & me - the 3 black sheep !!
my father was disfellowshipped, he was an elder who also happened to have bi polar... the day ( or technically night ) my father was disfellowshipped was the saddest time of my life - it was more like a death or a funeral, something tragic... when my parents divorced i went to live with dad, i was always closer to my father plus when he left he had nothing... he lived on the river bank in the middle of winter for 6 weeks in a tent ( while his good christian jehovah's witness father & sister slept warm in their beds in the same town... ) dad bought a little caravan & he & i lived in it, eventually he bought some land & built a house & my younger brother joined us.... anyway to cut it all short... i've suffered badly from depression - so badly it's almost killed me & my brother also... the crux of our depression is our mother, our sister's, our grandfather, our aunt's & all of our relatives are jehovah's witnesses - most of them live in the same town as us altho they may as well live on the other side of the world.... you know, sitting here thinking about it all - it all makes perfect sense... how can families be torn apart like this, how do they not realise it is wrong & sad & wicked ??.
i've spent more than half my life trying to have any sort of relationship with the rest of my family.... anyway i have to get going.... hasta la vista .
What Have YOU Learned Since Leaving???
by minimus inanything you'd like to share with us??
i learned that i truly was in a cult.
i originally hated that thought.
i learned to love me and from there i learned i could love someone else.
Fun at the book study
by Zico ini know what you're thinking.
how can you possibly have fun at the book study?
well, it's easy to have fun with the revelation book, it's so full of forced interpretations and massive holes, you can just rip it apart (subtly, of course) it's also much easier to question things in a smaller group.
I applied to a university yesterday.
by kwintestal inafter a few years of humming and hawing, i decided i would.
it was more of what i would take that held me back then if i should go.. i'm only 28, so i'm not too far behind.
we'll see how working full time and going to school will go.
Well I studied day/block release while working full time like others and got my degree equibient at 25. So it wasn't so bad.
What are you studying then? I think i'd like a degree in mathematics but its unlikely that i'll be doing that anytime soon!
I'm taking Spanish evening lcases at the moment and those are fun.
LOTS of New Ones Continue to Join Us!!!! Let's WELCOME them!!!!!
by Lady Liberty indear new ones,.
sometimes you post your first post in the middle of a thread, and you slip by without being properly "welcomed"!
so we want to welcome you and thank you all for stepping forward, for sharing your comments and your stories.
welcome fellow newbies :D
The Moment You Have All Been Waiting for Has Arrived:
by Crumpet inplease congratulate me on my posting prowess - have reached my 4000 post mark!.
cakes all round!
If You've Faded, Do You Still Consider Yourself a Dub?
by brunnhilde ini've been thinking about this a lot, because i've chosen to fade and i would never refer to myself as a jdub, but i've read postings from others who do.
i would have written a letter a year ago but i've got older parents who are upset enough about me just not attending.
on another thread someone is also leaving and they were advised to tell the jc to do whatever, to not acknowledge that they have any authority.
Not now - i think there is residual "dub"ness sometimes which is scary but its getting less often. it was very ingrained, it took 2.5 years of not being in the borg before i was able to surf the net with the idea of finding anti jw stuff. I find this site and go on and read it and not feel guilty at all. which is great. i antiwitness now but i think thats cos im quite bitter. i want to get past the bitterness.
For anyone struggling to free themselves or loved ones from the Watchtower.
by nicolaou ini just wanted to share an encouraging thought with anyone who is struggling to fade away from the watchtower.
six years ago, when i first started posting here, i was a ministerial servant with doubts.
my wife was an active sister and my 11 and 12 year old sons were enrolled in the theocratic ministry school and going out in field service every week along with their 7 year old sister.. there has been a lot of stress and tears along the way, my wife and i often wondered what our future would bring, but i can honestly say that we have made it.
well done nic - wish i'd been a bad little dub and found this website BEFORE i left so i could have gone about a fade properly and with support rather than being shunned. This site is invaluable to me now cos its helping me get rid of my ingrained teacings.
i can even admit i was in a cult!
Interesting family supper on the weekend
by Paralipomenon inwell last night our family was invited over to my brother's place for supper and my parents were invited as well.
my brother is an amazing cook and wasting that talent with a menial job, but that is another story, we get to benefit from his cooking.
so the conversation eventually comes around to the blood issue and the sextuplets, it has been so long since i have had a conversation with active dubs that this was very interesting to watch.
He was appointed and deleted several times and it never phased him one way or the other. He did get in trouble for creating a social group of all the old timer elders that had been deleted. They all brewed their own wine and would hang out and socialize. They adopted special titles reflecting their "fall from grace" and jokingly greeted each other at the hall by the new title.
I think the younger elders complained to the CO and my dad was asked to refrain from using such titles anymore. It was really, really funny, but I can't name the title here as no doubt it could be used to easily identify him.Can you tell us any of the other titles? He sound really fun. Wish i was clever! hubby has semi photographic memory aswell - really annoying, no wonder i dont enter debates - i dont bother to argue! thankfully we agree on most things otherwise id be in right trouble! he thinks my "logic" is most amusing.
glad you had a good supper and that your family associate with you, it means alot to have family around.
What reading material would I find in your loo?
by Gregor inmine- popular mechanics, this old house and maybe a sunset.
batman comic novels - knightshade and so on (my hubby reads em, me i sit on the loo and leave after ive wiped my bum so no need to read)