How sad that they have to actually give an example to explain what "showing true christian love" means.
JoinedPosts by Georgiegirl
Other Points From the Annual Meeting
by jabberwock ini realize that the latest clarification of the generation teaching has been discussed quite a bit on this thread.. but i think that there are at least two other important points from the annual meeting that have been, for the most part, overlooked:.
1. the weeds of matthew 13 are not the churches of christendom, but apostates.. 2. showing love to our neighbors involves more than just the preaching work.
(thanks for mentioning this rubadub).
Am i correct?
by angel eyes inthis is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?.
i feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world.
i say that because they have family who are witnesses too.
pj - off topic. Start a new post if you must.
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
Why Bohm! You know - Rolf Furuli, the unbiased, secular, non-JW so no axe to grind, no prophecy to make fit and no pre-conceived ideas!!!
Oh. Wait.......;)
Adobe cs4 indesign
by Georgiegirl ini would imagine cs3 would be similar.
i'm laying out a book for a client and have a question.
just thought on the off-chance....
Really? That's interesting. I have laid out software manuals (300pages+) in Word but bought into the hype that the styles in InDesign would be easier. Plus...since I use the other adobe products, maybe I'm being an Adobe "snob". ;) At any rate, it has to be finished this weekend, so...(sigh) Thanks for your help!
Adobe cs4 indesign
by Georgiegirl ini would imagine cs3 would be similar.
i'm laying out a book for a client and have a question.
just thought on the off-chance....
Yes, I do have word and could do it that way EXCEPT this is going to be a series of books so I'd rather set it up once, correctly. Then I can just re-use the styles AND be sure of consistency throughout the series. Each one is about 200 pages.
Adobe cs4 indesign
by Georgiegirl ini would imagine cs3 would be similar.
i'm laying out a book for a client and have a question.
just thought on the off-chance....
YOU ROCK. Thank you!!!
Yeah...I don't know why I didn't get indesign with this bundle. Maybe b/c it's a student edition?
Comments from an elder judt returning from Elders' School
by Room 215 ina good friend and long-time elder just back from patterson, asked me what i thought is he most prevalent problem elders are facing today....told him i had no idea.... he said "pornography" by far the most vexing problem for them... hard to believe, no?.
Donny ...
REALLY??? OMG. I am crying I am laughing so hard!!!!
Wow. He was a real Don Juan, wasn't he?
Ahem...No, honey, your breasts aren't like towers...they're more! HONEY BISCUITS!
*peals of laughter*
Am i correct?
by angel eyes inthis is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?.
i feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world.
i say that because they have family who are witnesses too.
(hand over heart) Oh darling, you know it's no bother whatsoever. I'm so happy to have the privilege of being your wife so I can cook and clean and do laundry and sit at home by myself while you are out laying down the law (I mean lovingly shepherding) the unspiritual ones. I will always lovingly set a good example for the other sisters who choose to work out in that nasty old world about how a wife should be! (bats eyes adoringly). Oh, and thank you so much for that correction about praying! Thank goodness I have you to direct this little female brain of mine!!!
(runs off to secretly pop more Paxil)
Adobe cs4 indesign
by Georgiegirl ini would imagine cs3 would be similar.
i'm laying out a book for a client and have a question.
just thought on the off-chance....
Do you know how to set up headers and footers? I have several documents that I have set up as chapters. I need the headers to change for each chapter...It all bundles up to a book to generate the TOC.
I have CS4 but not indesign - I downloaded the 30-day trial to do this and am only 2 days into it. :)
Am i correct?
by angel eyes inthis is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?.
i feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world.
i say that because they have family who are witnesses too.
Outlaw - not trying to make excuses for anyone (and thanks ATJ - you are right, I will call bullshit when I see it) BUT I think that was a typo - I honestly think she was saying:
" feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better OFF than us who came in from the.."
OFF not OF. Changes the meaning. OF doesn't make sense, OFF does...ergo, we are discussing if born-ins are better off - not just better.
(Although CLEARLY ATJ and I ARE better than the rest of you) ;) C'mon honey, it's time for our personal study that we always do together regularly and without fail so we can mention it to the cargroup so you all know how much more spiritual we are! (skips off with ATF, carefully NOT holding hands lest someone be stumbled!)