Wow...seriously? In 13 minutes you read four different sources (ok, 3, because I will stipulate that wikipedia is not a true source), thoughtfully evaluated and analyzed them, and blew them off? Really, you should go to college, if you haven't already, because you are more brilliant than anyone I've ever met. I mean, really, considering that just one of the articles was written by a Christian professor at Princeton and quoted in one of the more well-known and respected collections of religious literature out there...well, I can see that where that wouldn't possibly be considered credible.
As far as the chip on my shoulder, yep. When you attacked someone you don't know and implied deception and lying was involved, I call that offensive. I didn't come into this discussion being offended. I was actually really excited about something I had learned last night and wanted to post it.
Again, there is a difference between THE HISTORY OF A MOVEMENT CALLED FUNDAMENATALISM and how THE WORD IS USED IN POP CULTURE TODAY. I don't know how to make that any clearer.
Now. I am walking away because I believe in my heart that you truly do not have any idea how offensive you can be and I choose to believe you have good intentions. That's ok - we are all in different stages of growth. I wish you much success in your endeavors to find an explanation for which you are comfortable. Good day.