jschwehm, I think that is a good idea. If it is successful in the United States, maybe it could then be carried out in other countries around the world. Just think what could be achieved with that sort of coverage.
perhaps this forum can serve as a place for some serious discussion regarding the direction that ajwrb will take in the coming months.
this document lays out proposed strategy and goals for ajwrb.
we would like you to evaluate the contents and offer your views.
jschwehm, I think that is a good idea. If it is successful in the United States, maybe it could then be carried out in other countries around the world. Just think what could be achieved with that sort of coverage.
every source i've looked at is very vague and my witness friends just keep encouraging me to stop asking questions and come to meetings.
my sense is, since i disagree so much with jw doctrine and the way it is presented in awake and especially watchtower that i'd never make it as a jw.
still i am curious what the process is and what "tests" if any one must pass.. any info will be much appreciated.. thanks,.
Hi Downdog01, you asked about becoming a JW, and you also say, "I disagree so much with JW doctrine and the way it is presented in Awake and especially Watchtower". This is not allowed. Disagreeing with doctrine as it is presented in the Watchtower is NOT AN OPTION. In fact, you can be disfellowshipped for disagreeing with the Watchtower Society.
these are some observations about genuine hatred and imaginary hatred as it exists in the ever-goofy mindset of the watchtower organization.
many thanks to jwd for getting me to think about this matter in yet another way.. firstly, the evidence that jws actually do hate not only the deeds, but the people who commit deeds they deem wrong is abundant.
there are many, many web pages dedicated to this subject, and dozens of wts quotes to draw from.
Francoise, you say "I used to think the WTB&TS was just ignorant. Now I think they are evil, sinful, and iniquitous. On purpose." While I tend to agree with you, it is possible that one reason for inculcating hatred for 'outsiders' is the basic desire to keep the JWs united. If they are not united, the control of the Watchtower Society might be weakened, and that would never do. Of course, this goal is also, IMHO, extremely evil, but since the average JW has been taught to believe that unity is of primary importance, they probably do not see it in that light.
Farkel, one proven way of uniting people is by supplying a mutual enemy. Let's face it, during a war, people who are bitter enemies normally will suddenly become allies and pull together when facing a common foe. So stirring up hatred against non-witnesses is a logical step for the WTBTS.
report from the chicago sun-times.. note the arrogant assumption that non jw's have no clue why they are of a particular religion.. also the optimism about baptisms ("scores" = at least 40).. plus, there's that word qualified again!.
tina, get down there with your placards and megaphone!.
What is this lie? "Jehovah's Witnesses don't have a separation of clergy and laity." When did the R&F become equal to the elders, CO, DO etc? And when did the GB start sharing their position with anyone? And when did 'sisters' start having the same authority as 'brothers' at the meetings? I must have missed some announcements or something.
i've always been taught that each disciple of christ has a scriptural obligation to preach, and to do so in imitation of jesus and his disciples.
they did this by house to house, in synagogues, and in the marketplaces.
this is one thing that has always kept me close to jehovah's witnesses.
As Amazing says "the Watch Tower Society insistence that ALL go door-to-door to carry out their preaching mission is in error." We also have the scripture in Matthew 10:14, which says "Wherever anyone does not take YOU in or listen to YOUR words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off YOUR feet." I have not seen anywhere in the bible where it says that you are to keep returning to people who are not interested. So how can it be scriptural to annoy people by frequently going back to them when they have said that they are not interested? There are several television programs with bible talks, which is also a successful method of preaching. Then there is the scripture in Acts 20:35 "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." If this is read in context, it shows that we should be giving help physically, not just preaching to people. There is a lot more to be said on this subject, but I feel this is enough for now.
well, here it is, the final lesson in our language course to prepare us for this weekend's sydney bbq.. how ya been goin'?.
there'll be time at the end of this lesson to review the full course.. today we're going to consider what to say to those experiencing emotional distress, or how to recognise it in someone you meet.. 1. the old man's shot through = my husband's left town.
2. can i bot a fag?
How about 'bring a plate', meaning to bring a plate of goodies, not an empty plate, of course?
regardless of scriptural implications, creating special categories of service such as colporteur, pioneer, special pioneer, etc.
was a brilliant move.. the prestige, status and few little perks associated with those committing to being full-time workers is miniscule compensation for their sacrifice of time, lifestyle, income and educational opportunities.. yes, the hour requirements have dropped on several occasions.
how many on the board know that the regular pioneer requirement was once 150 hours a month, then 1200 hours a year, than 1000, now 90-vacation/assembly time?.
I pioneered for a few years, during which time I had to have an operation. This was the time I started to find out how uncaring the elders are. At first, I thought it was just the congregation where I was attending, and that it 'would be put right in due time'. How naive! I did not realise it then, but it was the beginning of my long-drawn-out exit from the WTS.
here's a snippet from www.watchtower.org:.
jehovah's witnesses provide personal and group instruction in the bible at no charge.
if you would like to have a qualified bible teacher visit you in your home or at some other convenient place, this will gladly be arranged by jehovah's witnesses.. .
Expat you say "Exactly what qualifications are they referring to? In order to be qualified, a person has to have graduated or completed a recognised course." Well, they have passed a course. Admittedly, this is not really as a Bible teacher, but they are certainly qualified as a WT bs teacher.
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
Oops, I forgot to put in my last letter how annoyed I always was with all the extra public talks, especially at the end of the program. I am, of course, talking about the closing prayers. The ones where they gave a rundown on the program. Utterly boring!!!!! They used to annoy me even more than the day text. Always made me think of that scripture in Mark 13:40 about those who make long prayers as a pretext.
when an organization makes myriad rules regulating every aspect of living, fertile minds devise side-steps, technically non-violations.
as with the complicated u.s. tax code, "loopholes" are found.. two cases in point most can identify with:.
1. no need to sit, if already standing, for a national .
outnfree, got to admit that not being able to communicate about spiritual things is a really good thing, especially for the df'd one. Just think, this prohibition is really doing a favour for the poor df'd and da'd ones. I should think that the society would really be upset if they realised that.