Our CO says that we should look at our "fashion magazines" the Awake and Watchtower for guidance
Yes, but is it the French or Italian magazines? LOL
i certainly hope all the independent thinking jezebels pay good attention to this one: http://www.witnessesonline.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/witnessesonline/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=18&t=000030.
suggestion to simon: before allowing the women to login on the new site, they should submit a pictures showing that their skirts are of approved length, i.e.
9 inches above the knee.. expatbrit
Our CO says that we should look at our "fashion magazines" the Awake and Watchtower for guidance
Yes, but is it the French or Italian magazines? LOL
before i startm let mejust apologizein advance ifmy spacekey doesnt work properly!
!damn keyboard!
anyways, i have been lookingthru theposts here for several weeks, i findmany of theopinions well thought out.
Glode, welcome to the board. You say
as for the shunning of Dfed ppl, I agree this is regrettable, however, the ones Dfed usually ARE guilty of something, and those that areinnocent would hopefully understand that no one, not even the elders are perfect
The bible says that nothing should be added or taken away from the scriptures.
According to Romans 1:24,25 worship belongs only to our Creator, not the creation. 2 John:9-11 says
Everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God.It does not say "remain in the teaching of an organisation". So how can people who disagree with the society's view of the bible be wicked?
The bible also shows that disfellowshipping should only be done when someone commits a serious sin. 1Cor5:1-5. Also, please note that according to 1 Cor5:11, it talks about not mixing in company with anyone called a brother.
That means that if someone has declared that they no longer consider themselves one of Jehovah's Witnesses, they should not be disfellowshipped. Nowhere does it say that people who are not brothers should be shunned
my flyers merely said: if as a jehovahs witness, a member of your family has been molested information is available for further information see: www.silentlambs.org or call 1-877-wtabuse.. nothing overtly inflammatory, actually more like a public service announcement.. i guess thats what most of the local organizers and friends thought in my neck of the, woods for the first two days of the district convention!
but once the 'friends' realized that the website i was promoting with my flyers and moving car billboard was not an approved wt site, the powers that be got ... well ... pissed is the word!.
nobody bothered me on friday as i went smiling about my posting flyers on the light and utility poles on the routes to/from the convention site.
Out, I remember the attendants removing flyers that had been placed under windscreen wipers during one DC. I asked one of them why they bothered to do that, because I thought that we could all remove them for ourselves. They said it was because some of the newer ones might be stumbled. I didn't give it any more thought, because, although I would have read the flyer, I did not expect it to be either revealing or truthful. Now I know why the society is so insistent on the removal. It is because any JWs reading it might find out the real truth.
i apologize in advance if this has already been discussed here.. at my daughter's pioneer meeting they were told that leaving literature in phone booths and laundromats is "littering".. since when?
anybody else heard this?.
Farkel, you said
Yes, this is true. This is true because leaving WT literature ANYWHERE is littering. Even house-broken cats have the common sense not to use it.
The magazines do have uses. I have seen roll-your-own cigarettes made using the pages of the WT
i am floundering!.
today my jw son told me that he had seen an email in our family account written to me from an exjw.
it contained very little, but enough to let him know that i was in contact with outsiders about my doubts and feelings.
LMR, the first thing I would do is close that particular email account down and delete the messages, so no evidence is available. Then I would go to the elders yourself, as suggested, with a minor doubt. Maybe you could say that you have been depressed and that led you to have doubts, and you could say, truthfully, that the doubts are resolving themselves. Remember, strategic lying to the enemy, you don't have to say which way your doubts are resolving themselves. Do not admit to any wrong-doing. You have not done anything wrong, because you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah, not the organisation. The organisation has told us many times that we only have to tell the truth to people who have the right to know. It may be hard to do, but try watchtower doublespeak. Remember, we are here for you.
i have put in my final day at this year's test of posterior endurance---saturday at the district convention, 2001. i took quite a few notes today, because some had specifically asked about saturday's program.
i hope all will be suitably edified by them.
do not just listen to bits and pieces of the program, but to the whole thing.
LMR, you have done a marvellous job. At least we have your terrific comments to liven up the talks. I am so thankful that I won't be going to any more conventions. I feel for those who have to go. It is bad enough when you think it is the truth, but it is worse when you know it is all a lie.
Now we do not know the names of those 2 sisters, but we do know the name of the lawyer---J. F. Rutherford!
I just wonder how those sisters would have felt if they had known that the literature they placed would enable a misogynist to become the next president of the org.
woe to those who stumble the least of these .
"let he who is without sin cast the first stone" .
[note: this is a sickening story, and goes to the heart of why many youth among jws end up leaving their religion.
I did not know that masturbating was a disfellowshipping offence. It shouldn't be. But even if he had done something worse, a 14 year old is not old enough to sign a legal contract, so according to worldly authorities, cannot be held to one. The WTS as ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to disfellowship a 14-year-old. The child was just doing what came naturally, anyway. It is not as if he deliberately flouted the WTS's inane laws. To put a child in the intolerable position of not being allowed to have any friends at all is wicked. No, it is downright evil. [>:(]
edited the emoticon twice
the district convention is 2/3 done.
would have been better to have stayed home and pulled out my fingernails.
they spouted the usual crap, using the inter-organizational social pressures to push the r&f to do more, do more, do more.. they warned about pornography.
Wow, Stephanus
They told all the wives that the “brothers” who are doing the peek-a-boob, are on “late at night or early in the morning”. Now the wives will be doing the watching for the big “O” and keeping the “brothers” pure as the driven snow.
You mean the wives aren't in subjection to their husbands anymore, but maybe the other way round?
when i first started to look into the teachings of jesus, i went out and bought a couple of books to help me.
i bought a bible dictionary, and a bible commentary.
when i looked up " pharisees" in my bible dictionary, it said "see jewish parties".
Somebody, I don't have a Bible dictionary, but my Oxford dictionary says: "Pharisee n one of ancient Jewish sect (cf Sadducee, Essene) distinguished by strict observance of traditional and written law, held to have pretensions to superior sanctity; self-righteous person, formalist, hypocrite;" I think that is a pretty accurate description, also familiar.
BugEye, bring the wine, we'll crash it together
edited to add the last bit
amazings justice points brings me to this point.
elders truly believe that they are appointed by gods spirit.
so when they appoint someone who is:.
Ripley, welcome to the board, glad you made it. Did your dad think he was chosen by holy spirit?
Ozzie, thanks for your confirmation. It is possible that the CO said 'all five elders' and that I just assumed it was the whole body. I am not sure, because it was just part of a whole heap of information. It stuck in my mind, though, because it seemed so unbelievable. As I said, the CO was pointing out the wisdom of 'waiting on Jehovah' for things to be cleared up. That 'waiting on Jehovah to clear things up' rubbish is probably one of the reasons it takes so long for people to leave the WTS