I was reading through Simon's latest addition to our forum when I found this site about building a KH. > http://news.newspress.com/westmont/0705hall.htm
This comment
Mrs. Agarano said that while Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Independence Day, most volunteers had the day off from work. Yet they showed no hesitance toward sacrificing the holiday, said volunteer Lisa Knust, a member of the Central Congregation.
was rather revealing.
Actually, building a new KH was better than witnessing or attending meetings, assemblies etc.
In addition to being more efficient, the practice allows Jehovah's Witnesses to sacrifice as little time as possible from their religious duties
Notice the use of 'sacrifice time' again.
I remember being taught that witnessing was our 'sacrifice' or has that idea been changed?
Where is the money coming from?
Funds for the project came from local contributors and a low interest loan from world headquarters
No mention of the fact that the world headquarters gets their money from either donations or interest-free loans from the people who build and use the halls.