when I left as an elder Dec 2006...the announcement of reinstatement was made at the Service Meeting "So and So is once again one of Jehovah's Witnesses". Though the restrictions are not announced, they are made known to the elders (and MS on need to know basis). The only thing that a person who is reinstated gets back at first is field ministry (as they are now known as a JW again) and field service reports are once again accepted. Of course, the Service Overseer would be overseeing their reintroduction to the ministry, especially if a length of time has passes since a person was active.
Elders would of course know what restrictions were in place (and such restrictions, and dates they are lifted, would be written on the outside of the JC envelope in the file...this allows all elders to keep aware of all DF/DA/restrictions, etc. without knowing the details of the case itself.)
MS in the congo may need to know about restrictions. ie., a brother reinstated might be asked to offer prayer at a meeting for service or read or comment. If an elder is conducting, they automatically would know if the reinstated brother had these "privleges" back. If a MS were conducting, then he too would need to know. So generally any elder, and any MS acting in capacities of teaching or leading the flock would need to know.
Depending on the congo, this would be hard to keep up with. Honesty on the reinstated persons part would keep them from accepting any such thing while under restriction. Wind of breaking restriction gets back to the JC.... it would slow the lifting of restrictions.
As for Bible studies with a reinstated person. If it has been only a year or two, then likely the study would be a targeted "as needed" study to make sure the reinstated person is on board with the GB. If it has been longer, or a new publication has been studied in the field, or the person seems to not know the basics, then probably the 6-12 month study would be held.
I just thought of something though...I really dont care any more, but the fact that I still remember this crap from 3.5 years go is scary...LOL...any more recent info?
Snakes (Rich )