FireNBandits: sorry for your troubles...too bad I missed out on that fun....all is obviously right now a week later...
SnakesInTheTower (of the Devious Prankster Sheep Class)
my grandnephew is visitng and i left the computer on, and also on this web-site.
i apologize for the pornographic photo that was briefly up as my icon, thanks to said grandnephew.
he thought it was a real scream.
FireNBandits: sorry for your troubles...too bad I missed out on that fun....all is obviously right now a week later...
SnakesInTheTower (of the Devious Prankster Sheep Class)
i've been doing a major cleaning today, anything that hasn't been used or looked at for a while is getting tossed.
one of the biggest things that needs to go is all our jw books and bound volumes.
i've gotten rid of all the loose wt and awakes quite a while ago.. today when hubby came home from work, and saw the bags to go to the dump he was impressed!
But, er, um, you didn't consider selling them on Ebay 1st?? Couple of sales of those bound volumes of Watchtower's and Awakes! might get you a case of beer!!!
..I am tossing a lot of things out today as well. I hate throwing anything into the landfill. Goes against my conserving nature.
I believe in the 3 Rs...Reduce Recycle, Reuse.
As much as we may not want to read them, someone might, maybe a fellow apostate who collects old Borg Light to refute this crap......
If you cant get anything for them on Ebay or similar site then try people give stuff away on there all the time.
Worst case, make sure you rip the covers off the books and tear the pages to shreds (good for letting go Borg Anger and Resentment) and put them in the neighborhood school paper recycling bin....they make a little money for their school and you get rid of what you cant use...
....better than the landfill where some archeologist 100 years from now finds it still intact and readable and decides to start a new religion based on "new light".
just my opinion of course...
SnakesInTheTower (of the Recycling Sheep Class)
this just out of curiosity but i just wanted to know if there are any or if you know of any who might post here on jwd that use to serve in those ways.
FF (len):
I don't get your golf buddies connection
The thread was about former traveling overseers, and I had commented about CO's being stuck even if they did not still believe what they were espousing in behalf of the Borg.....
My "golf buddies" comment was a side note (as apposed to an outright hijack) of the thread. ..but to clarify (and now moving precariously close if not into hijack territory):
In the 'ol worldly Corporations, if you dont run in the right circles by playing golf with the bosses, you miss out on the opportunities to "kiss a**" with the executives, and you are out of the loop for raises and promotions. (a big gripe of many women hitting the glass ceiling in the old days...maybe still?)
Just substitute a few things here: In the 'ol world Corporations Borg, in my case, since I dont play golf (and no longer have time to even watch it), I missed out on the opportunity be part of the golf foursome (including the PO's dad) to "kiss a**" with the executives CO and I was out of the loop for raises and promotions I mean assembly parts and getting to bend the CO's ear in my favor. Previous posts of mine give a bit of background on my dealings with that BOE leading to my deletion last year. (One day, the story will come out)
Sankes or Snakes (by the way, which is it?
I remain....
SNAKESInTheTower (of the "not playing nicely with the BOE" Sheep Class) what the hell is a Sankes other than a typo? (can this be fixed?)
hello, i've been lurking for a few months now.
like many others here i've been through quite a bit lately, and what i've learned (thanks to jwd) is very eye opening to say the least.
will write my story when i have time.
Welcome jibberish. (great handle!)
glad to be the first to welcome you. I am glad you got out of a bad marriage and did not let that sour you on finding someone that really loves you.
especially so when you have kids I am sure it is difficult to find someone to be a good step dad for them.
Your father sounds like the typical JW BorgElder. Controlling... what a load of crap they are trying to use your child to force you back into the fold.
look forward to reading more of your story.
SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)
that's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
Pin - you must not have family still in the religion, otherwise you would not tell people to piss or get off the pot. People here are trying to figure out a way to continue to have a relationship w/ family members that are still JWs and that means having to walk a fine line between being able to be yourself and being quiet about your feelings for the religion. To minimize what people go thru is generally based on a very narrow view on a subject, which always reminds me of the black and white mentality that the WTBTS teaches.
well said lg. thank you for that. I have a mom still in....and I am still in "technically" but not in my heart....
as for have your right to your opinion, but did you have to say it in 18pt ? ...sheesh...
SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)
acts 10:34 speaks of god as not being partial.
in the majority of pictures, the married couples are only of the same race and none of them are mixed.
i noticed that in other pictures of the so-called paradise, its segerated amongst races too.
What is the hidden meaning to this?
I dont know if there is hidden meaning or not....
Up until Sam Herd joined the GB, it was an "all [white] boys club".
If you go on a tour of Bethel printing facilities, you will see various versions of the same CrapTower cover displayed for different lands....the reasoning behind it is to make the mags more palatable to the general public.... hell with that...its to make it more palatable to the general Borg population. (I know, how do you make that crap palatable at all?, but I digress.)
Did you ever notice that there are no mixed race CO couples (at least not that I have seen here in the US)? Wonder why? Its because there are only so many places where such a couple would be accepted in this country....the US is still backward in this aspect, IMO. Not just in the "world", but within the Borg congos. (I believe it is lessacceptable in the congos, and more accepted in the world)
I am currently in a congo that is 95% or more black....first time in my life where I am the minority in a congo.... I've been in a congos that were 95% white, or even close to even....and I will say this bunch seems to be less judgemental than my past congos....if I miss meetings (which is almost all the time now), when I come back, the elders esp, just say "good to see you". I think it is because so many of them are either poor or come from poor backgrounds and know many are just doing there best to be at the Kingdumb Hell.
Does this add up to racism or just human nature? I dont know.
SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)
ok, so there`s a tv ad doing the rounds in the uk about yoghurt and its strapline is "do you lick the lid of life?
" so it gets me thinking.
to my knowledge, and i could be wrong here, but as far as i know, yoghurt in cartons is the only food in which our instant reaction is to lick the lid...i can`t think of any more ...can you?.
yes, I do lick the lid as soon as I peel it off the yogurt container..... I did not even think about it until you said it.... I did it yesterday and will do it today and everyday.
Although I went to the Müller web site, I did not see the TV advert yet. I did see their marketing reasoning behind the campaign. I like it.
To me, "licking the lid" means getting the most out of life, getting all of it.. unlike what the Borg does..limiting life.
Here's to "licking the lid"! (And here's to the Borg licking kissing my a**)
SnakesInTheTower (of the "licking the lid" Sheep Class)
first of all i wanted to say that many of you have given some very good suggestions.
there is about 5 different things i'm making a point to do now that i wasn't thinking of before.
thanks a bunch!
I know you will respect my concerns in this regard since I have always known you to be kind and humble servants of the flock under your care and that you would do nothing that would make one of God's sheep stumble.
....puuuuhhhhllllleeeesssseee That's a good one Zach.... ROFL
SnakesInTheTower (of the laughing Sheep Class)
as of june 1st 2007..many canadians will not be purchasing gas from petro-canada.....why? start a price war.....this will drop the price of gas in this country.....a question for my fellow canadians..will you be participating?
wtwizard had some very good ideas about conserving gas.
personally, I start my work from home but use my car 75-125 miles a day (not including trips to the office to pick up/drop off work), so I drive a lot. My car is 5 years old and already had over 140,000 miles on it (I put all but 38 miles on it) I spend over $300 per month on gas. I am at the gas station several times a week.
Since I make between 50-75 5 minute stops a day, I have started leaving my car running all day and just lock the car with a spare key. You would think I would get horrid mileage doing that, but no... I still get between 25-30 miles per gallon in the city doing this (running a Honda product, not hybrid). My mechanic said this will save wear and tear on my starter. I just had to have the transmission rebuilt because of my start/stop driving so I am trying to keep that trans in good shape.
I recently went out of town to work about 8 hours away, set the cruise control at 66 mph (averaged about 66.7 mph the whole trip)....I ended up getting 40 mpg on the way there and 42.7 mpg on the way home, which is much higher than it was rated new in 02.
here is a nice link with recommendations for better mileage:
SnakesInTheTower (of the drives too much Sheep Class)
what do you think?
any thoughts?
What do JWs, Darth Vadar and Lord Voldemort have in common?
ummmm...they are all part of a fantasy world?
SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)