Mature -- but when it was prononced "mattore"
-- the state of spiritual development which was set so stratospherically high that it would take years to achieve it and to do so you would have to ignore everything else in your life.
Mature -- but when it was prononced "mattore"
-- the state of spiritual development which was set so stratospherically high that it would take years to achieve it and to do so you would have to ignore everything else in your life.
"in the truth"
"out of the truth"
"left the truth"
"share the truth"
"present truth"
"old truth"
"The Truth" -- like they had if frikken trademarked
The "Friends" -- oh yeah--the Friends-- they never were true friends
Type and antitype -- I never did get that shit straight--thank GOD!!!
The Nethenim class
The Jonadab class
The other sheep class--how about just the gullible sheep class
I loved "happifying"
the Lazarus class
All those damn classes--I mean did Freddy Franz just sit around on his ass all day and dream up the most fanciful shit he could think of?
Duh...okay what was I thinking
I'll think of more and be back later.
during the several years my father spent dying of a stroke, i was still a jehovah's witness but i was starting to think.
a few months before he died (he eventually refused nourishment and basiclly took his own life) i finally da'd myself.
later, i made the connection between a friend's death that i witnessed in junior high school and my initial attraction to christianity.
I agree with you. Religion is all about denial of the reality of death.
I had been a nearly life-long Dub, and when my non-Dub Dad (with whom I had a fantastic relationship) died, I snapped. The doubts had been accumulating for a long time, but when he died I knew that all of the fishing trips, all of the jokes over too many glasses of Vodka, all of the fun, love, and laughter were done forever.
I walked away from the BORG and have never looked back. It's all a lie.
The only good I can glean from religion is along the Buddhist line of thinking.
i got this verified today.
seven congregations that were in my old circuits now are only three.. north and south gardner, ma were merged.. north and south claremont, nh were merged.. north adams, ma and bennington, vt were merged.. the wilmington, vt congregation was dissolved.. there has been discussion to merge the keene and swanzey, nh congregations, but there are some strong personalities among the two bodies of elders opposing that, so it is not likely to happen, though i hear that keene has got some big problems in its boe and very poor service, etc.. that's 9 congregations within about a 70 mile radius that are all seeing some serious trouble.. anyone hearing anything similar happening where they are?.
How do you stomach hanging out with those guys???
If they found you out, they would cut your heart out and hand it to you before you could pass out.
memorial is supposed to be held on aviv(nissan ) 14 .
the following shows how it is determined .. the biblical year begins with the first new moon after the barely in isreal reaches the stage in its ripeness called abib (aviv) the period between one year and the next is either 12 or 13 lunar months .
because of this , it is important to check the state of the barley crops at the end of the 12th month .
Don't you guys know that if the BORG declares the date of the Memorial it must be right.
Never mind that the rest of the world doesn't see it that way. Sheesh....when are ya' gonna' learn?
i saw it when i was at bethel in new york after i graduated from mts.
it says that pictures should be in good taste, taking into consideration other cultures.
bethelites should be used for photos, or a local family with their children may be used if they are approved by the congregation service committee.
Well, whack me upside the head....
They actually had an instruction manual for that? Unbelievable, can you say CONTROL!!!
some are saying it will be a pivotel equivalent to each other..
Why not 2008? It is just as good as any other date they pull out of the ass of the Composite Man of Predictions.
They can do some hocus pocus numerology and figure out how some events at some ancient date way back were the antitype and that....therefore "it suggests that 2008 is the typical date and the significance deserves our attention...blah, blah, blah...."
with decisions by bankers etc bringing down financial systems, other situations decisions have had wie ranging consequences makes one wonder if a single decision could bring things down.
The BORG leadership is stale. There is no single strong, charasmatic leader to rally the troops and inspire the R&F. Leadership by committee never works out very well. Also, unlike the days of Knorr and Franz when the 1975 frenzy was in the air there is nothing that is even close to fire up the troops.
Plus, back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s when the anointed class was a stronger "brand" because it was "closed" there was an aura of the anointed being old timers and not going to be here forever. The anointed "brand" has been diluted by opening it back up to whoever decides they might be of that class.
I think they will continue to putter along, instilling fear in the R&F of losing family and friends if they question or leave. They will continue to have huge turnover rates among non-born-ins and the born-ins will just go through the motions.